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Manage contact persons
Find, sort and search
Send faxes and dial the
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Generate reports
Manage your databases
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Guide to using CyberContact in
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Screens and Windows
The Activity List Window
The Activity List Window enables you to view and browse
the activities in your database in a convenient list view.
This window contains the following buttons and controls:
Properties: use it to view and edit the properties
of a selected activity.
Go To Contact: use it to go to the contact that
the selected activity is filed with.
Delete: use it to delete a selected activity.
Find: opens the Find Dialog Box. Use it to locate
an activity.
Search: opens the Search Dialog Window. Use it
to search for an activity.
Print Activity Report: use it to print an activity
report of the activities included in the grid.
Close: use it to close the window.
Activity Drop Down list: use it to filter the
activity list by activity type.
Date Drop Down list: use it to filter the activity
list by date.
Status Drop Down list: use it to filter the activity
list by status (all/done/not done) .
To access Cut, Copy and Paste commands, right-click your
mouse anywhere inside the grid area.
Double click inside the Notes field in the grid to open a
larger view and edit window.
Double click the record indictor (the yellow arrow on the
left side of the active row), to go to the contact that the selected activity
is filed with.
Click inside a field to edit it.
Click the column headers to change the sort order of the
Click a check boxed field to Check/Uncheck that box.
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© 1997, Meir Liraz. All Rights
Liraz Technologies Co.