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How To ... 
Manage documents and files  
The Documents Tab 
Document List Window 
Attaching a new document 
Editing document information 
Opening a document 
Deleting an attached document 
Browsing the document list 
Searching for a document 
Grabing a page from the internet 

CyberContact allows you to attach documents and files to contact records. When attaching a document you create a link that allows you to access the document from the contact record. Attached files are listed in the Document Tab and can be browsed and searched in the Document List Window. 

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Attaching a new document 
To attach a new document: 

  1. Navigate to the contact record you want to attach a document to.
  2. Click the Document Tab. The Document Tab opens.
  3. Click the Attach New Document button on the local button bar. The Attach Document dialog box opens.
  4. Specify a name for the document in the Document Name field. Type your notes in the Notes field (you may double click inside the Notes Field to open a larger view and edit window).
  5. Click the Attach File button. A dialog box opens.
  6. Select the file you want to attach and click Open
  7. The file you selected appears in the File Name field.
  8. Click OK. The file appears in the Document Tab window.
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Editing document information 
To edit document information: 

  1. From the Document Tab select a document.
  2. Click the Properties button on the local button bar. The Attached Document dialog box opens.
  3. Edit document information in the Document Name, Notes and Date fields.
  4. Click OK.
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Opening a document 
To open a document: 

  1. From the Document Tab select a document.
  2. Click the Open Document button on the local button bar. The document opens in the program that created it.
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Deleting an attached document 
To delete an attached document: 

  1. Select a document from the Document Tab or from the Document List Window.
  2. Click the Delete Document button on the local button bar. The Delete dialog box opens.
  3. Check whether you want to delete only the link to the document or to delete the link and the file itself (in the later case the file will disappear from your disk).
  4. Click OK.
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Browsing the document list 
To browsing the document list: 

  1. Click the View Document List button on the main button bar. The Document List Window opens.
  2. Browse the document list.
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Searching for a document 
To Search for a document: 

  1. Click the View Document List button on the main button bar. The Document List Window opens.
  2. Click the Search button. The Search Dialog Window opens.
  3. In the Search By field specify the field you want to search on.
  4. In the Search Character field type the value you want to search for. The indicator points to an item that matches your value.
  5. click OK
 Grabing a page from the internet 
To grab a page from the internet: 
  1. Navigate to the contact record you want to attach the grabed page to.
  2. Click the Document Tab. The Document Tab opens.
  3. Click the Attach new Document button on the local button bar. The Attach Document dialog box opens.
  4. Click the Grab Page from Web button. The Grab Page from Web dialog box opens.
  5. Type the URL of the page you want to grab and click the Get button. The page is grabed and stored in the Docs sub directory. a link apears in the Document Tab window
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Liraz Technologies Co.