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How To ... 
Generate reports  

Generating a contact Report 
Generating an activity report 

CyberContact allows you to generate and print various reports, the two most important reports are the Contact Report and the Activity Report. 

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Generating a contact Report 
To generate a contact report: 

  1. From the View Menu, choose Reports, or click the Generate a Report button  on the Button Bar. The Reports dialog box opens.
  2. Check a radio button to select a report and click OK. the QuickReports Window opens.
  3. Click the Print Report button to print the report.
Note: if you want the report to include a filtered subset of the contact list, you need to Apply a Filter before you begin the above process. 

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Generating an activity report 
To generate an activity report: 

  1. From the View Menu, choose Activity List, or click the View Activity List button  on the Button Bar. The Activity List Window opens.
  2. Use the Activity, Date and Status fields to filter your list.
  3. Click the Print Activity Report button on the local button bar. The QuickReports Window opens.
  4. Click the Print Report button to print the report.
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Liraz Technologies Co.