About wfc.ui

About wfc.ui

The wfc.ui package provides the graphical user interface components of the Windows Foundation Classes. This includes both controls and graphics features.


Class AcceleratorTable
Topic under construction.
Class Animation
Provides the animation common control.
Class AutoSizeEvent
Topic under construction.
Class AxControl
Hosts an ActiveX control.
Class Bitmap
Implements a Windows bitmap as a WFC object.
Class Border3DSide
This class defines the constants that you pass to the Graphics.drawBorder3D method to define a three-dimensional border's appearance.
Class Border3DStyle
Defines the constants that you pass to the Graphics.drawBorder3D method to define a 3D border's appearance.
Class BorderStyle
Enumeration class for window border styles.
Class Brush
This class encapsulates a Windows brush.
Class Button
Encapsulates a Windows button control.
Class ButtonState
Enumerator to be used with the drawButton* functions.
Class CaptionButton
Defines that constants that you can pass to the Graphics.drawCaptionButton method.
Class CharacterCasing
Enumeration class used to specify character casing (uppercased, lowercased, or unchanged).
Class Checkbox
Encapsulates a standard Windows check box control.
Class CheckedListBox
Provides an extension of the regular ListBox class that adds events and methods for checked list box functionality.
Class CheckState
Represents an enumeration used for various controls that can have checked or selected states (for example, a CheckBox or a CheckedListBox).
Class Color
Describes a color in an object.
Class ColumnHeader
Encapsulates the settings on a column in a ListView control.
Class ComboBox
Encapsulates a standard Windows combo box.
Class ComboBoxStyle
Defines the constants that you apply to a ComboBox control to determine its appearance.
Class Control
Defines the base functionality of a Win32 control.
Class ControlDock
Control Dock values.
Class CreateEvent
Topic under construction.
Class Cursor
Implements a Windows cursor as a WFC object.
Class DateTimeChangeEvent
The DateTimeChangeEvent is fired when the time changes in the DateTimePicker.
Class DateTimeFormatEvent
The DateTimeFormatEvent is fired when the DateTimePicker is formatting time to display to the user.
Class DateTimeFormatQueryEvent
The DateTimeFormatQueryEvent is fired when the DateTimePicker needs to determine the maximum size of text to be displayed.
Class DateTimePicker
Implements a date and time picker control.
Class DateTimeUserStringEvent
The DateTimeUserStringEvent is fired when the DateTimePicker needs to parse a user-entered string.
Class DateTimeWmKeyDownEvent
The DateTimeWmKeyDownEvent is fired when the user presses a key in a custom field.
Class DialogResult
Topic under construction.
Class DragEvent
The DragEvent is fired in response to drag-and-drop events in a control.
Class DrawItemEvent
Topic under construction.
Class DrawMode
Enumeration class used to specify the draw modes of a list box
Class Edit
Creates a standard Windows edit control.
Class FileDialog
Represents the abstract base class for the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog classes.
Class Font
Encapsulates a Win32 font.
Class Form
Represents the basic top-level window.
Class FormBorderStyle
Enumeration class that represents the border styles of a form.
Class FormPaletteMode
Topic under construction.
Class FormStartPosition
Specifies form start position values.
Class FormWindowState
Topic under construction.
Class GiveFeedbackEvent
Topic under construction.
Class Graphics
Encapsulates a Win 32 device context (DC) and the drawing operations that are typically performed on a DC.
Class GroupBox
A GroupBox is a simple container that holds other controls and wraps a a frame around them.
Class HorizontalAlignment
Enumeration class that represents horizontal alignment values.
Class HScrollBar
Topic under construction.
Class Icon
Implements a Windows icon as a WFC object.
Class IconArrange
Topic under construction.
Class Image
Represents the base class for image classes such as Bitmap, Cursor, Metafile, and Icon.
Class ImageButton
Topic under construction.
Class ImageList
ImageList common control.
Class ImageListDrawMode
ImageList drawing modes.
Class InputLangChangeEvent
The InputLangChangeEvent is fired after the input language has changed.
Class InputLangChangeRequestEvent
The InputLangChangeRequestEvent is fired before the input language changes.
Class ItemCheckEvent
An event sent to a CheckedListBox when the state of one of the check boxes is about to change.
Class Key
Contains constants to use for processing keyboard input.
Class KeyEvent
Topic under construction.
Class Label
Implements a simple static label control.
Class ListBox
Encapsulates the Windows list box control.
Class ListItem
Manages items in a listview.
Class ListStyle
Topic under construction.
Class ListView
Topic under construction.
Class MainMenu
Topic under construction.
Class MDIClient
Topic under construction.
Class MDILayout
Topic under construction.
Class MeasureItemEvent
This event is sent by controls, such as the ListBox and ComboBox, that need users to tell them how large a given item is to be.
Class Menu
Topic under construction.
Class MenuGlyph
Enum to be used with the drawMenuGlyph function.
Class MenuItem
Topic under construction.
Class MenuMerge
Topic under construction.
Class MessageBox
Allows you to display a message box with various buttons and icons.
Class Metafile
Implements a Windows metafile as a WFC object.
Class MouseEvent
Topic under construction.
Class OpenFileDialog
Displays a Windows common dialog box that lets you select a file for opening.
Class Orientation
Topic under construction.
Class PaintEvent
Topic under construction.
Class Panel
Topic under construction.
Class Pen
This is a graphics pen.
Class PictureBox
Topic under construction.
Class Point
Represents a single (x,y) coordinate and various operations on such a coordinate.
Class ProgressBar
A progress bar control is a window that an application can use to indicate the progress of a lengthy operation.
Class QueryContinueDragEvent
The QueryContinueDragEvent is fired to determine if the drag operation should continue.
Class RadioButton
Encapsulates a radio button control.
Class RasterOp
The RasterOp class encapsulates a Win32 raster operation.
Class Rebar
Encapsulates a Rebar control.
Class RebarBand
This class encapsulates a RebarBand, a child control in a Rebar object.
Class Rectangle
The Rectangle class is similar to a Win32 RECT structure.
Class Region
Topic under construction.
Class ReSizeRestriction
Topic under construction.
Class RichEdit
The RichEdit class encapsulates a Win32 RichEdit control.
Class SaveFileDialog
Displays a Windows common dialog box that lets you save a file.
Class ScrollBar
Topic under construction.
Class ScrollBars
Topic under construction.
Class ScrollButton
Enum to be used with the drawScrollButton function.
Class ScrollEvent
Topic under construction.
Class SelectionStyle
Topic under construction.
Class SizeMode
An enumeration class used for tabs.
Class SortingEnum
Topic under construction.
Class Splitter
Topic under construction.
Class StaticImage
Topic under construction.
Class StatusBar
This class wraps the comctl32 status bar control.
Class StatusBarMode
The status bar style.
Class StatusBarPanel
Stores the panel information.
Class StatusBarPanelAutoSize
The autosize style of a panel on a status bar.
Class StatusBarPanelBorderStyle
The border style of a panel on a status bar.
Class StatusBarPanelClickEvent
Topic under construction.
Class StatusBarPanelStyle
The style of a panel on a status bar.
Class TabControl
This control inherits the functionality of a TabStrip but manages a list of tabs for pages to be stored.
Class TabDrawStyle
Enumeration class for tab drawing styles.
Class TabStrip
A control for creating tabbed dialogs or tabbed toolbar/taskbar type windows.
Class TabStyle
Enumeration class for tab styles.
Class TextFormat
Provides different ways for text to be formatted.
Class TickStyle
Enumeration class for tick styles.
Class ToolBar
This class wraps the comctl32 toolbar control.
Class ToolBarAppearance
The button appearance on a toolbar.
Class ToolBarBorderStyle
The border of a toolbar.
Class ToolBarButton
Represents a button on a toolbar.
Class ToolBarButtonClickEvent
Topic under construction.
Class ToolBarButtonStyle
The button style within a toolbar.
Class ToolBarStandardImages
The toolbar standard images.
Class ToolTip
Provides tooltips for other controls.
Class ToolTipRegion
A ToolTipRegion defines an area either by a rectangle or control that displays a tooltip when the mouse hovers over it.
Class TrackBar
Topic under construction.
Class TreeNode
Encapsulates a node in a TreeView control.
Class TreeView
Windows TreeView common control.
Class UpDown
Implements an UpDown common control.
Class ViewEnum
Topic under construction.
Class VScrollBar
Topic under construction.