About wfc.ui
About wfc.ui
The wfc.ui package provides the graphical user interface components of the Windows Foundation Classes. This includes both controls and graphics features.
- Class AcceleratorTable
- Topic under construction.
- Class Animation
- Provides the animation common control.
- Class AutoSizeEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class AxControl
- Hosts an ActiveX control.
- Class Bitmap
- Implements a Windows bitmap as a WFC object.
- Class Border3DSide
- This class defines the constants that you pass to the Graphics.drawBorder3D method to define a three-dimensional border's appearance.
- Class Border3DStyle
- Defines the constants that you pass to the Graphics.drawBorder3D method to define a 3D border's appearance.
- Class BorderStyle
- Enumeration class for window border styles.
- Class Brush
- This class encapsulates a Windows brush.
- Class Button
- Encapsulates a Windows button control.
- Class ButtonState
- Enumerator to be used with the drawButton* functions.
- Class CaptionButton
- Defines that constants that you can pass to the Graphics.drawCaptionButton method.
- Class CharacterCasing
- Enumeration class used to specify character casing (uppercased, lowercased, or unchanged).
- Class Checkbox
- Encapsulates a standard Windows check box control.
- Class CheckedListBox
- Provides an extension of the regular ListBox class that adds events and methods for checked list box functionality.
- Class CheckState
- Represents an enumeration used for various controls that can have checked or selected states (for example, a CheckBox or a CheckedListBox).
- Class Color
- Describes a color in an object.
- Class ColumnHeader
- Encapsulates the settings on a column in a ListView control.
- Class ComboBox
- Encapsulates a standard Windows combo box.
- Class ComboBoxStyle
- Defines the constants that you apply to a ComboBox control to determine its appearance.
- Class Control
- Defines the base functionality of a Win32 control.
- Class ControlDock
- Control Dock values.
- Class CreateEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class Cursor
- Implements a Windows cursor as a WFC object.
- Class DateTimeChangeEvent
- The DateTimeChangeEvent is fired when the time changes in the DateTimePicker.
- Class DateTimeFormatEvent
- The DateTimeFormatEvent is fired when the DateTimePicker is formatting time to display to the user.
- Class DateTimeFormatQueryEvent
- The DateTimeFormatQueryEvent is fired when the DateTimePicker needs to determine the maximum size of text to be displayed.
- Class DateTimePicker
- Implements a date and time picker control.
- Class DateTimeUserStringEvent
- The DateTimeUserStringEvent is fired when the DateTimePicker needs to parse a user-entered string.
- Class DateTimeWmKeyDownEvent
- The DateTimeWmKeyDownEvent is fired when the user presses a key in a custom field.
- Class DialogResult
- Topic under construction.
- Class DragEvent
- The DragEvent is fired in response to drag-and-drop events in a control.
- Class DrawItemEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class DrawMode
- Enumeration class used to specify the draw modes of a list box
- Class Edit
- Creates a standard Windows edit control.
- Class FileDialog
- Represents the abstract base class for the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog classes.
- Class Font
- Encapsulates a Win32 font.
- Class Form
- Represents the basic top-level window.
- Class FormBorderStyle
- Enumeration class that represents the border styles of a form.
- Class FormPaletteMode
- Topic under construction.
- Class FormStartPosition
- Specifies form start position values.
- Class FormWindowState
- Topic under construction.
- Class GiveFeedbackEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class Graphics
- Encapsulates a Win 32 device context (DC) and the drawing operations that are typically performed on a DC.
- Class GroupBox
- A GroupBox is a simple container that holds other controls and wraps a a frame around them.
- Class HorizontalAlignment
- Enumeration class that represents horizontal alignment values.
- Class HScrollBar
- Topic under construction.
- Class Icon
- Implements a Windows icon as a WFC object.
- Class IconArrange
- Topic under construction.
- Class Image
- Represents the base class for image classes such as Bitmap, Cursor, Metafile, and Icon.
- Class ImageButton
- Topic under construction.
- Class ImageList
- ImageList common control.
- Class ImageListDrawMode
- ImageList drawing modes.
- Class InputLangChangeEvent
- The InputLangChangeEvent is fired after the input language has changed.
- Class InputLangChangeRequestEvent
- The InputLangChangeRequestEvent is fired before the input language changes.
- Class ItemCheckEvent
- An event sent to a CheckedListBox when the state of one of the check boxes is about to change.
- Class Key
- Contains constants to use for processing keyboard input.
- Class KeyEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class Label
- Implements a simple static label control.
- Class ListBox
- Encapsulates the Windows list box control.
- Class ListItem
- Manages items in a listview.
- Class ListStyle
- Topic under construction.
- Class ListView
- Topic under construction.
- Class MainMenu
- Topic under construction.
- Class MDIClient
- Topic under construction.
- Class MDILayout
- Topic under construction.
- Class MeasureItemEvent
- This event is sent by controls, such as the ListBox and ComboBox, that need users to tell them how large a given item is to be.
- Class Menu
- Topic under construction.
- Class MenuGlyph
- Enum to be used with the drawMenuGlyph function.
- Class MenuItem
- Topic under construction.
- Class MenuMerge
- Topic under construction.
- Class MessageBox
- Allows you to display a message box with various buttons and icons.
- Class Metafile
- Implements a Windows metafile as a WFC object.
- Class MouseEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class OpenFileDialog
- Displays a Windows common dialog box that lets you select a file for opening.
- Class Orientation
- Topic under construction.
- Class PaintEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class Panel
- Topic under construction.
- Class Pen
- This is a graphics pen.
- Class PictureBox
- Topic under construction.
- Class Point
- Represents a single (x,y) coordinate and various operations on such a coordinate.
- Class ProgressBar
- A progress bar control is a window that an application can use to indicate the progress of a lengthy operation.
- Class QueryContinueDragEvent
- The QueryContinueDragEvent is fired to determine if the drag operation should continue.
- Class RadioButton
- Encapsulates a radio button control.
- Class RasterOp
- The RasterOp class encapsulates a Win32 raster operation.
- Class Rebar
- Encapsulates a Rebar control.
- Class RebarBand
- This class encapsulates a RebarBand, a child control in a Rebar object.
- Class Rectangle
- The Rectangle class is similar to a Win32 RECT structure.
- Class Region
- Topic under construction.
- Class ReSizeRestriction
- Topic under construction.
- Class RichEdit
- The RichEdit class encapsulates a Win32 RichEdit control.
- Class SaveFileDialog
- Displays a Windows common dialog box that lets you save a file.
- Class ScrollBar
- Topic under construction.
- Class ScrollBars
- Topic under construction.
- Class ScrollButton
- Enum to be used with the drawScrollButton function.
- Class ScrollEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class SelectionStyle
- Topic under construction.
- Class SizeMode
- An enumeration class used for tabs.
- Class SortingEnum
- Topic under construction.
- Class Splitter
- Topic under construction.
- Class StaticImage
- Topic under construction.
- Class StatusBar
- This class wraps the comctl32 status bar control.
- Class StatusBarMode
- The status bar style.
- Class StatusBarPanel
- Stores the panel information.
- Class StatusBarPanelAutoSize
- The autosize style of a panel on a status bar.
- Class StatusBarPanelBorderStyle
- The border style of a panel on a status bar.
- Class StatusBarPanelClickEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class StatusBarPanelStyle
- The style of a panel on a status bar.
- Class TabControl
- This control inherits the functionality of a TabStrip but manages a list of tabs for pages to be stored.
- Class TabDrawStyle
- Enumeration class for tab drawing styles.
- Class TabStrip
- A control for creating tabbed dialogs or tabbed toolbar/taskbar type windows.
- Class TabStyle
- Enumeration class for tab styles.
- Class TextFormat
- Provides different ways for text to be formatted.
- Class TickStyle
- Enumeration class for tick styles.
- Class ToolBar
- This class wraps the comctl32 toolbar control.
- Class ToolBarAppearance
- The button appearance on a toolbar.
- Class ToolBarBorderStyle
- The border of a toolbar.
- Class ToolBarButton
- Represents a button on a toolbar.
- Class ToolBarButtonClickEvent
- Topic under construction.
- Class ToolBarButtonStyle
- The button style within a toolbar.
- Class ToolBarStandardImages
- The toolbar standard images.
- Class ToolTip
- Provides tooltips for other controls.
- Class ToolTipRegion
- A ToolTipRegion defines an area either by a rectangle or control that displays a tooltip when the mouse hovers over it.
- Class TrackBar
- Topic under construction.
- Class TreeNode
- Encapsulates a node in a TreeView control.
- Class TreeView
- Windows TreeView common control.
- Class UpDown
- Implements an UpDown common control.
- Class ViewEnum
- Topic under construction.
- Class VScrollBar
- Topic under construction.