Component | +--Controlpublic class Control
Defines the base functionality of a Win32 control. All WFC controls are extended from this class.
Name | Description |
dbgControls | Topic under construction. |
DROPEFFECT_ALL | Topic under construction. |
DROPEFFECT_COPY | Topic under construction. |
DROPEFFECT_LINK | Topic under construction. |
DROPEFFECT_MOVE | Topic under construction. |
DROPEFFECT_NONE | Topic under construction. |
DROPEFFECT_SCROLL | Topic under construction. |
MB_LEFT | Indicates that the left mouse button has been pressed |
MB_MIDDLE | Indicates that the middle mouse button has been pressed |
MB_RIGHT | Indicates that the right mouse button has been pressed |
PROP_BACKCOLOR | Indicates that the BackColor property has changed. |
PROP_CURSOR | Indicates that the Cursor property has changed. |
PROP_ENABLED | Indicates that the Enabled property has changed. |
PROP_FONT | Indicates that the Font property has changed. |
PROP_FORECOLOR | Indicates that the ForeColor property has changed. |
PROP_LOCATION | Indicates that the Location property has changed. |
PROP_PARENTBACKCOLOR | Indicates that the parent's BackColor property has changed. |
PROP_PARENTFONT | Indicates that the parent window's Font property has changed. |
PROP_PARENTFORECOLOR | Indicates that the parent window's ForeColor property has changed. |
PROP_SIZE | Indicates that the Size property has changed. |
PROP_TABSTOP | Indicates that the TabStop property has changed. |
PROP_TEXT | Indicates that the Text property has changed. |
PROP_VISIBLE | Indicates that the Visible property has changed. |
STYLE_ACCEPTSCHILDREN | Indicates whether the control will accept children. |
STYLE_FIXED_HEIGHT | Indicates whether the control has a fixed height. |
STYLE_FIXED_WIDTH | Indicates whether the control has a fixed width. |
STYLE_FORM | Indicates whether the control is a container for other controls. |
STYLE_OPAQUE | Indicates whether the control's background should be erased upon invalidation. |
STYLE_OPTIMIZE_SIZEPAINT | Indicates whether the control should erase the background when painting during resize. |
STYLE_RESIZE_REDRAW | Indicates whether the control should redraw on resize. |
STYLE_STDCLICK | Indicates that the control will receive standard click events. |
STYLE_USERPAINT | Indicates whether the control does its own painting. |
Name | Description |
Control() | Creates a new control. |
createControl() | Topic under construction. |
getTopLevelControl() | Topic under construction. |
selectNextControl(Control ctl, boolean forward, boolean tabStopOnly, boolean nested, boolean wrap) | Topic under construction. |
Name | Description |
add(Control control) | Adds a child control to this control. |
addOnChange(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnChange event notification. |
addOnClick(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnClick event notification. |
addOnCreate(CreateEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnCreate event notification. |
addOnDoubleClick(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnDoubleClick event notification. |
addOnDragEnter(DragEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnDragEnter event notification. |
addOnDragLeave(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnDragLeave event notification. |
addOnDragOver(DragEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnDragOver event notification. |
addOnDrop(DragEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnDrop event notification. |
addOnEnter(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnEnter event notification. |
addOnGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnGiveFeedback event notification. |
addOnGotFocus(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnGotFocus event notification. |
addOnHelp(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnHelp event notification. |
addOnKeyDown(KeyEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnKeyDown event notification. |
addOnKeyPress(KeyEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnKeyPress event notification. |
addOnKeyUp(KeyEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnKeyUp event notification. |
addOnLeave(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnLeave event notification. |
addOnLostFocus(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnLostFocus event notification. |
addOnMouseDown(MouseEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnMouseDown event notification. |
addOnMouseEnter(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnMouseEnter event notification. |
addOnMouseLeave(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnMouseLeave event notification. |
addOnMouseMove(MouseEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnMouseMove event notification. |
addOnMouseUp(MouseEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnMouseUp event notification. |
addOnMouseWheel(MouseEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnMouseWheel event notification. |
addOnMove(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnMove event notification. |
addOnPaint(PaintEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnPaint event notification. |
addOnQueryContinueDrag( QueryContinueDragEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnQueryContinueDrag event notification. |
addOnResize(EventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for the OnResize event notification. |
assignParent(Control value) | Assigns a new parent control. |
bringToFront() | Brings this control to the front of the z-order. |
canFocus() | Checks if this control can receive focus. |
canSelect() | Checks if this control can be selected. |
contains(Control ctl) | Checks if a control is a child of this control. |
createGraphics() | Creates a Graphics for this control. |
createGraphics(int dc) | Creates a Graphics for this control. |
dispose() | Topic under construction. |
doDragDrop(Object data, int allowedEffects) | Topic under construction. |
focus() | Topic under construction. |
fromChildHandle(int handle) | Topic under construction. |
fromHandle(int handle) | Topic under construction. |
getAcceleratorTable() | Topic under construction. |
getAllowDrop() | Topic under construction. |
getAnchor() | Topic under construction. |
getAxContainer() | Topic under construction. |
getBackColor() | Topic under construction. |
getBottom() | Topic under construction. |
getBounds() | Topic under construction. |
getBrush() | Topic under construction. |
getCapture() | Topic under construction. |
getChildAtPoint(Point pt) | Topic under construction. |
getClientRect() | Topic under construction. |
getClientSize() | Topic under construction. |
getContextMenu() | Topic under construction. |
getControl(int index) | Topic under construction. |
getControlCount() | Topic under construction. |
getControlIndex() | Topic under construction. |
getControls() | Topic under construction. |
getCreated() | Topic under construction. |
getCursor() | Topic under construction. |
getDesktop() | Topic under construction. |
getDisplayRect() | Returns the client rectangle of the display area of the control. |
getDock() | Topic under construction. |
getEnabled() | Topic under construction. |
getFocused() | Topic under construction. |
getFont() | Topic under construction. |
getForeColor() | Topic under construction. |
getForm() | Topic under construction. |
getHandle() | Topic under construction. |
getHandleCreated() | Topic under construction. |
getHeight() | Topic under construction. |
getIconic() | Topic under construction. |
getLeft() | Topic under construction. |
getLocation() | Topic under construction. |
getMnemonic(char charCode, String text) | Topic under construction. |
getModifierKeys() | Topic under construction. |
getMouseButtons() | Topic under construction. |
getNextControl(Control ctl, boolean forward) | Topic under construction. |
getPalette() | Topic under construction. |
getParent() | Topic under construction. |
getParentHandle() | Topic under construction. |
getRecreatingHandle() | Topic under construction. |
getRight() | Topic under construction. |
getSize() | Topic under construction. |
getStyle(int flag) | Topic under construction. |
getTabIndex() | Topic under construction. |
getTabList() | Topic under construction. |
getTabStop() | Topic under construction. |
getText() | Topic under construction. |
getTop() | Topic under construction. |
getTopLevel() | Topic under construction. |
getVisible() | Topic under construction. |
getWidth() | Topic under construction. |
getZoomed() | Topic under construction. |
hasDefaultBackColor() | Topic under construction. |
hasDefaultFont() | Topic under construction. |
hasDefaultForeColor() | Topic under construction. |
hide() | Topic under construction. |
invalidate() | Topic under construction. |
invalidateRect(Rectangle rc) | Topic under construction. |
isAncestor(Control ancestor) | Topic under construction. |
isDescendant(Control descendant) | Topic under construction. |
layout() | Topic under construction. |
layout(Control dockLast) | Topic under construction. |
onCreate(CreateEvent e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onDoubleClick(Event e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onDragEnter(DragEvent event) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onDragLeave(Event event) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onDragOver(DragEvent event) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onDrop(DragEvent event) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onEnter(Event event) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEvent event) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onGotFocus(Event e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onHelp(Event e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onKeyDown(KeyEvent e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onKeyPress(KeyEvent e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onKeyUp(KeyEvent e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onLeave(Event e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onLostFocus(Event e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onMouseDown(MouseEvent e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onMouseEnter(Event e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onMouseLeave(Event e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onMouseMove(MouseEvent e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onMouseUp(MouseEvent e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onMouseWheel(MouseEvent e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onMove(Event e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onPaint(PaintEvent e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEvent event) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
onResize(Event e) | Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. |
pointToClient(Point p) | Topic under construction. |
pointToScreen(Point p) | Topic under construction. |
preProcessMessage(MSG msg) | This method is called by the application's message loop to preprocess input messages before they are dispatched. |
processCmdKey(MSG msg, int keyData) | Processes a command key. |
rectToClient(Rectangle r) | Topic under construction. |
rectToScreen(Rectangle r) | Topic under construction. |
remove(Control control) | Topic under construction. |
removeOnChange(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnChange event. |
removeOnClick(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnClick event. |
removeOnCreate(CreateEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnCreate event. |
removeOnDoubleClick(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnDoubleClick event. |
removeOnDragEnter(DragEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnDragEnter event. |
removeOnDragLeave(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnDragLeave event. |
removeOnDragOver(DragEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnDragOver event. |
removeOnDrop(DragEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnDragEvent event. |
removeOnEnter(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnEnter event. |
removeOnGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnGiveFeedback event. |
removeOnGotFocus(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnGotFocus event. |
removeOnHelp(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnHelp event. |
removeOnKeyDown(KeyEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnKeyDown event. |
removeOnKeyPress(KeyEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnKeyPress event. |
removeOnKeyUp(KeyEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnKeyUp event. |
removeOnLeave(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnLeave event. |
removeOnLostFocus(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnLostFocus event. |
removeOnMouseDown(MouseEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnMouseDown event. |
removeOnMouseEnter(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnMouseEnter event. |
removeOnMouseLeave(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnMouseLeave event. |
removeOnMouseMove(MouseEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnMouseMove event. |
removeOnMouseUp(MouseEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnMouseUp event. |
removeOnMouseWheel(MouseEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnMouseWheel event. |
removeOnMove(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnMove event. |
removeOnPaint(PaintEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnPaint event. |
removeOnQueryContinueDrag( QueryContinueDragEventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnQueryContinueDrag event. |
removeOnResize(EventHandler value) | Removes the given handler for the OnResize event. |
resumeLayout() | Topic under construction. |
scale(float ratio) | Topic under construction. |
scale(float dx, float dy) | Topic under construction. |
select() | Topic under construction. |
select(boolean directed, boolean forward) | Topic under construction. |
sendToBack() | sends this control to the back of the z-order |
setAcceleratorTable(AcceleratorTable accel) | Topic under construction. |
setAllowDrop(boolean allowDrop) | Topic under construction. |
setAnchor(int value) | Topic under construction. |
setBackColor(Color value) | Topic under construction. |
setBounds(Rectangle value) | Topic under construction. |
setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) | Topic under construction. |
setBoundsBatch(ControlRect[] items) | Topic under construction. |
setBrush(Brush br) | Topic under construction. |
setCapture(boolean value) | Topic under construction. |
setClientSize(Point size) | Topic under construction. |
setContextMenu(ContextMenu contextMenu) | Topic under construction. |
setControlIndex(int value) | Topic under construction. |
setControls(Control[] value) | Topic under construction. |
setCursor(Cursor value) | Topic under construction. |
setDock(int value) | Topic under construction. |
setEnabled(boolean enabled) | Topic under construction. |
setFont(Font value) | Topic under construction. |
setForeColor(Color value) | Topic under construction. |
setHeight(int value) | Topic under construction. |
setLocation(int x, int y) | Topic under construction. |
setLocation(Point value) | Topic under construction. |
setNewControls(Control[] value) | Topic under construction. |
setParent(Control value) | Topic under construction. |
setParentHandle(int value) | Topic under construction. |
setPositionInfo(PositionInfo info) |
Note Use setBounds(), setDock(), and setAnchor() instead |
setSite(ISite value) | Topic under construction. |
setSize(int width, int height) | Topic under construction. |
setSize(Point value) | Topic under construction. |
setStyle(int flag, boolean value) | Topic under construction. |
setTabIndex(int value) | Sets the index of this control. |
setTabStop(boolean value) | Topic under construction. |
setText(String value) | Topic under construction. |
setTopLevel(boolean value) | Topic under construction. |
setVisible(boolean value) | Topic under construction. |
setWidth(int value) | Topic under construction. |
show() | Topic under construction. |
suspendLayout() | Topic under construction. |
update() | Topic under construction. |
updateStyles() | Topic under construction. |
Creates a new control. This constructor is typically not called directly. Instead, it is called from a the constructor of a descendant class.
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Topic under construction.
Adds a child control to this control. The control becomes the last control in the child control list. If the control is already a child of another control, it is first removed from that control.
RuntimeException thrown if the specified control is a top-level control or if a circular control reference would result.
Adds an event handler for the OnChange event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnClick event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnCreate event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnDoubleClick event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnDragEnter event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnDragLeave event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnDragOver event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnDrop event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnEnter event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnGiveFeedback event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnGotFocus event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnHelp event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnKeyDown event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnKeyPress event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnKeyUp event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnLeave event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnLostFocus event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnMouseDown event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnMouseEnter event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnMouseLeave event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnMouseMove event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnMouseUp event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnMouseWheel event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnMove event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnPaint event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnQueryContinueDrag event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Adds an event handler for the OnResize event notification. Duplicates are not filtered out.
Assigns a new parent control. Sends out the appropriate property change notifications for properties that are affected by the change of parent.
Brings this control to the front of the z-order.
Returns whether this control can receive focus.
Checks if this control can receive focus. The result is true if the control has a handle and if it and all of its parent controls are both visible and enabled.
Returns whether this control can be selected.
Checks if this control can be selected. The result is true if the control is contained in a form and if all of its parent controls are both visible and enabled.
Returns whether ctl is a child of this control.
Checks if a control is a child of this control.
Returns the Graphics for this control.
Creates a Graphics for this control. The control's brush, font, foreground color, and background color become the default values for the Graphics. The returned Graphics must be disposed through a call to its dispose() method when it is no longer needed.
Returns the Graphics for this control.
Creates a Graphics for this control. This graphic uses the device context (DC) passed to it as its main window's DC. The control's brush, font, foreground color, and background color become the default values for the Graphics. The returned Graphics must be disposed through a call to its dispose() method when it is no longer needed.
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Returns the rectangle representing the client area display region.
Returns the client rectangle of the display area of the control. For the base control class, this is identical to getClientRect. However, extending controls can change this if their client area differs from their display area.
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Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
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Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onCreate to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onDoubleClick to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onDragEnter to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onDragLeave to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onDragOver to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onDrop to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onEnter to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onGiveFeedback to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onGotFocus to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onHelp to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onKeyDown to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onKeyPress to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onKeyUp to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onLeave to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onLostFocus to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onMouseDown to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onMouseEnter to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onMouseLeave to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onMouseMove to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onMouseUp to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onMouseWheel to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onMove to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onPaint to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onQueryContinueDrag to send this event to any registered event listeners.
Inheriting classes should override this method to handle this event. Call super.onResize to send this event to any registered event listeners.
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Topic under construction.
This method is called by the application's message loop to preprocess input messages before they are dispatched. Possible values for the msg.message field are WM_KEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, WM_CHAR, and WM_SYSCHAR. If this method processes the message, it must return true. In this case, the message loop will not dispatch the message. For WM_KEYDOWN and WM_SYSKEYDOWN messages, preProcessMessage() first calls processCmdKey() to check for command keys such as accelerators and menu shortcuts. If processCmdKey() doesn't process the message, then isInputKey() is called to check whether the key message represents an input key for the control. Finally, if isInputKey() indicates that the control isn't interested in the key message, processDialogKey() is called to check for dialog keys such as TAB, arrow keys, and mnemonics. For WM_CHAR messages, preProcessMessage() first calls isInputChar() to check whether the character message represents an input character for the control. If isInputChar() indicates that the control isn't interested in the character message, processDialogChar() is called to check for dialog characters such as mnemonics. For WM_SYSCHAR messages, preProcessMessage() calls processDialogChar() to check for dialog characters such as mnemonics. When overriding preProcessMessage(), a control should return true to indicate that it has processed the message. For messages that aren't processed by the control, the result of super.preProcessMessage() should be returned. Controls will typically override one of the more specialized methods (isInputChar(), isInputKey(), processCmdKey(), processDialogChar(), or processDialogKey()) instead of overriding preProcessMessage().
Processes a command key. Command keys are keys that take precedence over regular input keys. Examples of command keys are accelerators and menu shortcuts. The method must return true to indicate that it has processed the command key or return false to indicate that the key is not a command key. The processCmdKey() method first checks if the control has a context menu. If it does, it calls the menu's processCmdKey() to check for menu shortcuts. Next, the control's accelerator table (if present) is given a chance to process the key. Finally, if the control has a parent, the key is passed to the parent's processCmdKey() method. The net effect is that command keys are bubbled up the control hierarchy. When overriding processCmdKey(), a control should return true to indicate that it has processed the key. For keys that aren't processed by the control, the return of super.processCmdKey() should be returned.
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Topic under construction.
Removes the given handler for the OnChange event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnClick event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnCreate event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnDoubleClick event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnDragEnter event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnDragLeave event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnDragOver event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnDragEvent event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnEnter event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnGiveFeedback event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnGotFocus event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnHelp event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnKeyDown event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnKeyPress event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnKeyUp event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnLeave event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnLostFocus event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnMouseDown event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnMouseEnter event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnMouseLeave event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnMouseMove event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnMouseUp event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnMouseWheel event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnMove event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnPaint event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnQueryContinueDrag event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Removes the given handler for the OnResize event. If there are duplicate entries, all are removed.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
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Topic under construction.
sends this control to the back of the z-order
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Note Use setBounds(), setDock(), and setAnchor() instead
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Sets the index of this control. The index must be between 0 and parent.getControlCount() - 1. A tab index determines the tabbing order of child controls.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.