Component | +--Control | +--StatusBarpublic class StatusBar
This class wraps the comctl32 status bar control.
Name | Description |
StatusBar() | Creates a status bar. |
Name | Description |
addOnPanelClick( StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler value) | Adds an event listener for the PanelClick event. |
addPanel(StatusBarPanel statusBarPanel) | Adds a panel to the status bar. |
getMode() | Retrieves the state of the Mode property. |
getPanels() | Retrieve an array of StatusBarPanel objects that are in the status bar. |
getSimpleText() | Retrieves the SimpleText property. |
getSizingGrip() | Retrieves the SizingGrip property. |
getStatusBarPanel(int index) | Retrieves the specified panel in the status bar. |
getText() | Overrides Control.getText(). |
insertPanel(int index, StatusBarPanel panel) | Inserts a panel at the specified location. |
onMouseDown(MouseEvent e) |
Overrides Control.onMouseDown(MouseEvent)
Overrides: |
onPanelClick(StatusBarPanelClickEvent e) | Event for when a status bar panel is clicked. |
removeAllPanels() | Removes all the panels from the status bar. |
removeOnPanelClick( StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler value) | Removes an event listener for the PanelClick event. |
removePanel(int index) | Removes a panel from the status bar. |
setFont(Font value) | Overrides Control.setFont(Font). |
setMode(int mode) | Sets the state of the Mode property. |
setPanel(int index, StatusBarPanel panel) | Sets a panel at a particular index. |
setPanels(StatusBarPanel[] array) | Sets the panels within the status bar. |
setSimpleText(String string) | Sets the SimpleText property. |
setSizingGrip(boolean value) | Sets the SizingGrip property. |
setText(String text) | Overrides Control.setText(String). |
Creates a status bar.
Adds an event listener for the PanelClick event.
Returns the index of the added panel.
Adds a panel to the status bar.
Returns the mode of the status bar.
Retrieves the state of the Mode property. The Mode property determines whether the StatusBar is simple or not.
Returns the array.
Retrieve an array of StatusBarPanel objects that are in the status bar.
Returns the SimpleText;
Retrieves the SimpleText property. The SimpleText property is displayed when the status bar is in simple mode.
Returns true if the status bar has a sizing grip; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves the SizingGrip property.
Returns a StatusBarPanel object.
Retrieves the specified panel in the status bar.
Overrides Control.getText().
Returns the index of the added panel.
Inserts a panel at the specified location.
Overrides Control.onMouseDown(MouseEvent)
onMouseDown(MouseEvent) in Control.
Event for when a status bar panel is clicked.
Removes all the panels from the status bar.
Removes an event listener for the PanelClick event.
Removes a panel from the status bar.
ArrayIndexOutOfBounds thrown if the index is out of range.
Overrides Control.setFont(Font). This method is used to update the width of any panels that have the StatusBarPAnelAutoSize.CONTENTS property set.
setFont(Font) in Control.
Sets the state of the Mode property. The Mode property determines whether the status bar is simple or not. A simple status bar displays only one line of text.
Sets a panel at a particular index.
Sets the panels within the status bar. The previous panels will be removed.
Sets the SimpleText property. The SimpleText property is displayed when the status bar is in simple mode.
Sets the SizingGrip property.
Overrides Control.setText(String).