Component | +--RebarBandpublic class RebarBand
This class encapsulates a RebarBand, a child control in a Rebar object.
Name | Description |
RebarBand() | Creates a RebarBand. |
Name | Description |
equals(Object obj) | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the specified object is equal to this one. |
getAllowVariableHeight() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this RebarBand can have variable height. |
getAllowVertical() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this RebarBand can be drawn vertically. |
getBackColor() | Retrieve the current BackColor for this RebarBand. |
getBackgroundImage() | Retrieves the background image associated with this RebarBand. |
getBandBreak() | Retrieves the BandBreak value. |
getBounds() | Retrieves a rectangle that defines the bounds of the RebarBand. |
getChildControl() | Retrieves the child window for this RebarBand. |
getChildEdge() | Retrieves the current state of the ChildEdge style for this RebarBand. |
getFixedBitmap() | Retrieves the current state of the FixedBitmap style for this RebarBand. |
getForeColor() | Retrieves the current ForeColor of this RebarBand. |
getGrowBy() | Retrieves the current value that a variable height RebarBand can grow or shrink by during resizing. |
getHeaderWidth() | Retrieves the current value for the width of the RebarBand's header. |
getIdealWidth() | Retrieves the RebarBand's ideal width setting. |
getImageIndex() | Retrieves the RebarBand's image index in the rebar's imagelist. |
getIndex() | Retrieves the RebarBand's current index within the rebar control. |
getInitialHeight() | Retrieves the RebarBand's initial display height. |
getMaxInitialHeight() | Retrieves the RebarBand's maximum initial display height. |
getMinChildHeight() | Retrieves the RebarBand's minimum height for its child window. |
getMinChildWidth() | Retrieves the minimum width of the RebarBand's child window. |
getText() | Retrieves the RebarBand's header text. |
getVisible() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the RebarBand is visible. |
getVisibleGripper() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the RebarBand's gripper is visible. |
getWidth() | Retrieves the RebarBand's current width. |
maximize() | Maximizes the current RebarBand within the Rebar control. |
minimize() | Minimizes the current RebarBand within the Rebar control. |
setAllowVariableHeight(boolean flag) | Sets the RebarBand's VariableHeight style. |
setAllowVertical(boolean flag) | Sets the RebarBand's Vertical property. |
setBackColor(Color backColor) | Sets the RebarBand's current backcolor. |
setBackgroundImage(Bitmap backgroundImage) | Sets the background image of the RebarBand. |
setBandBreak(boolean value) | Sets the BandBreak property. |
setChildControl(Control childControl) | Sets the child window for this RebarBand. |
setChildEdge(boolean flag) | Sets the RebarBand's ChildEdge property. |
setFixedBitmap(boolean flag) | Sets the RebarBand's FixedBitmap property. |
setForeColor(Color foreColor) | Sets the ForeColor for this RebarBand. |
setGrowBy(int growby) | Sets the number of pixels this RebarBand can grow by when being resized. |
setHeaderWidth(int headerWidth) | Sets the pixel width for the RebarBand's header. |
setIdealWidth(int idealWidth) | Sets the ideal width for a RebarBand in the Rebar control. |
setImageIndex(int imageIndex) | Sets the index of the image in the Rebar control's image list. |
setIndex(int index) | Sets the index for this RebarBand. |
setInitialHeight(int initHeight) | Sets the initial height of a variable-height RebarBand in the Rebar control. |
setMaxInitialHeight(int maxInitHeight) | Sets the maximum initial height of a non-variable height RebarBand in the Rebar control. |
setMinChildHeight(int minChildHeight) | Sets the minimum initial height of this RebarBand's child window. |
setMinChildWidth(int minChildWidth) | Sets the minimum initial width of this RebarBand's child window. |
setText(String text) | Sets the header text for this RebarBand. |
setVisible(boolean flag) | Sets the RebarBand's Visible property. |
setVisibleGripper(boolean flag) | Sets the RebarBand's VisibleGripper property. |
setWidth(int width) | Sets the pixel width of the RebarBand. |
toString() | Returns a string representation of this object. |
Creates a RebarBand.
Returns true, if the objects are equal; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the specified object is equal to this one.
Returns true if this RebarBand's height can vary; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this RebarBand can have variable height.
Returns true if the RebarBand can be displayed vertically; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether this RebarBand can be drawn vertically.
Returns the current BackColor setting.
Retrieve the current BackColor for this RebarBand.
Returns the current background image.
Retrieves the background image associated with this RebarBand.
Returns the BandBreak value.
Retrieves the BandBreak value.
Returns a Rectangle object that contains the bounds of the RebarBand.
Retrieves a rectangle that defines the bounds of the RebarBand.
Returns the current child control.
Retrieves the child window for this RebarBand.
Returns the current state for the ChildEdge style.
Retrieves the current state of the ChildEdge style for this RebarBand.
Returns the current state for the FixedBitmap style.
Retrieves the current state of the FixedBitmap style for this RebarBand.
Returns the current ForeColor color setting.
Retrieves the current ForeColor of this RebarBand.
Returns the current grow or shrink value for a variable height RebarBand.
Retrieves the current value that a variable height RebarBand can grow or shrink by during resizing.
Returns the current header width for this RebarBand.
Retrieves the current value for the width of the RebarBand's header.
Returns the current RebarBand's ideal width.
Retrieves the RebarBand's ideal width setting.
Returns the current RebarBand's ImageList image index.
Retrieves the RebarBand's image index in the rebar's imagelist.
Returns the current RebarBand's index in the parent rebar control.
Retrieves the RebarBand's current index within the rebar control.
Returns the current RebarBand's initial display height
Retrieves the RebarBand's initial display height. This value is used for variable height bands.
Returns the current RebarBand's maximum initial display height.
Retrieves the RebarBand's maximum initial display height. Used for non-variable height bands.
Returns the current RebarBand's minimum height for the child window.
Retrieves the RebarBand's minimum height for its child window.
Returns the minimum width of the RebarBand's child window.
Retrieves the minimum width of the RebarBand's child window.
Returns the RebarBand's header text.
Retrieves the RebarBand's header text.
Returns true if the RebarBand is visible; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the RebarBand is visible.
Returns true if the gripper is visible; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the RebarBand's gripper is visible.
Returns the current RebarBand's width.
Retrieves the RebarBand's current width.
Maximizes the current RebarBand within the Rebar control.
Minimizes the current RebarBand within the Rebar control.
Sets the RebarBand's VariableHeight style.
Sets the RebarBand's Vertical property.
Sets the RebarBand's current backcolor.
Sets the background image of the RebarBand.
Sets the BandBreak property. If BandBreak is set to true, this RebarBand will start on a new row.
Sets the child window for this RebarBand.
Sets the RebarBand's ChildEdge property.
Sets the RebarBand's FixedBitmap property.
Sets the ForeColor for this RebarBand.
Sets the number of pixels this RebarBand can grow by when being resized. If this RebarBand is not a variable-height band, calls to this method are ignored.
Sets the pixel width for the RebarBand's header.
Sets the ideal width for a RebarBand in the Rebar control.
Sets the index of the image in the Rebar control's image list.
Sets the index for this RebarBand.
Sets the initial height of a variable-height RebarBand in the Rebar control.
Sets the maximum initial height of a non-variable height RebarBand in the Rebar control.
Sets the minimum initial height of this RebarBand's child window.
Sets the minimum initial width of this RebarBand's child window.
Sets the header text for this RebarBand.
Sets the RebarBand's Visible property.
Sets the RebarBand's VisibleGripper property.
Sets the pixel width of the RebarBand.
Returns a String representation of this RebarBand object.
Returns a string representation of this object.