Component | +--Control | +--TreeViewpublic class TreeView
Windows TreeView common control.
Name | Description |
CUSTOM | Topic under construction. |
NONE | Topic under construction. |
TEXT | Topic under construction. |
Name | Description |
TreeView() | Constructs a new TreeView object. |
Name | Description |
addChild(TreeNode parent, Object obj) | Inserts an object into the TreeView as a child of the specified parent node. |
clear() | Deletes all nodes from the TreeView. |
elements() | Retrieves an IEnumerator interface for this TreeView object. |
getIndent() | Retrieves the offset, in pixels, of a TreeView item from its parent. |
getReadOnly() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the TreeView is read-only. |
getRoot() | Retrieves the root of the TreeView. |
getShowButtons() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the TreeView currently displays buttons next to parent nodes that have child items. |
getShowLines() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the TreeView currently displays lines linking child items to their corresponding parent items. |
getShowRootLines() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the TreeView has lines linking child items to the root of the heirarchy. |
getSorted() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the child items in the control are sorted. |
setChildren(TreeNode parent, Object[] objs) | Inserts an array of objects into the TreeView beneath the specified parent node. |
setIndent(int val) | Sets the indention level, in pixels, for child nodes. |
setReadOnly(boolean val) | Specifies whether the TreeView should be read-only. |
setShowButtons(boolean val) | Specifies whether the TreeView buttons should be displayed. |
setShowLines(boolean val) | Specifies whether the lines between nodes in the TreeView should be displayed. |
setShowRootLines(boolean val) | Specifies whether the lines linking child nodes to the TreeView's root node should be displayed. |
setSorted(boolean val) | Specifies whether the nodes in the TreeView should be sorted. |
Constructs a new TreeView object.
Returns a TreeNode for the newly inserted object.
Inserts an object into the TreeView as a child of the specified parent node.
Deletes all nodes from the TreeView.
Returns an IEnumerator interface, which you use to iterate through the nodes in the TreeView.
Retrieves an IEnumerator interface for this TreeView object.
Returns the amount of indentation, measured in pixels.
Retrieves the offset, in pixels, of a TreeView item from its parent. For example, a return value of five (5), indicates that child nodes are indented five pixels to the right of parent nodes.
Returns true if the labels are read-only; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the TreeView is read-only. When a TreeView is read-only, the text of nodes in the tree cannot be edited.
Returns the root node of the TreeView.
Retrieves the root of the TreeView.
Returns true if the TreeView is configured to display buttons for TreeView nodes that have children; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the TreeView currently displays buttons next to parent nodes that have child items.
Returns true, if the lines will be displayed; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the TreeView currently displays lines linking child items to their corresponding parent items.
Returns returns true, if the lines will be displayed; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the TreeView has lines linking child items to the root of the heirarchy.
Returns true if the items are sorted; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the child items in the control are sorted.
Inserts an array of objects into the TreeView beneath the specified parent node.
Sets the indention level, in pixels, for child nodes.
Specifies whether the TreeView should be read-only. When a TreeView is read-only, the text of nodes in the tree cannot be edited.
Specifies whether the TreeView buttons should be displayed.
Specifies whether the lines between nodes in the TreeView should be displayed.
Specifies whether the lines linking child nodes to the TreeView's root node should be displayed.
Specifies whether the nodes in the TreeView should be sorted.