Component | +--ImageListpublic class ImageList
ImageList common control.
Name | Description |
ImageList() | Topic under construction. |
ImageList(Point size) | Topic under construction. |
ImageList(Bitmap image, Point size, Color maskColor) | Topic under construction. |
Name | Description |
addImage(Bitmap image) | Adds the given image to the ImageList. |
addImage(Bitmap image, Color maskColor) | Adds the given image to the ImageList using the given color to generate the mask. |
addImage(Bitmap image, Bitmap mask) | Adds the given image and mask to the ImageList. |
addImage(Icon icon) | Adds the given icon to the ImageList. |
destroyHandle() | Releases all resources held by the ImageList control. |
draw(Graphics g, Point pt, int index) | Draws the image at the specified index. |
draw(Graphics g, int x, int y, int index) | Draws the image indicated by the given index. |
finalize() throws Throwable | Topic under construction. |
getBackColor() | Retrieves the ImageList background color. |
getBlendColor() | Retrieves the color used for blended drawing modes. |
getDrawMode() | Retrieves the current drawing mode. |
getHandle() | Topic under construction. |
getHandleCreated() | Topic under construction. |
getIcon(int index) | Creates an icon based on the image and mask at the given index. |
getImage() | Retrieves the single wide bitmap that contains all images managed by the ImageList. |
getImage(int index) | Retrieves the image at the specified index. |
getImageCount() | Retrieves the count of images in the ImageList. |
getImages() | Retrieves all images managed by the ImageList. |
getMask() | Retrieves the single wide monocrome bitmap that contains all image masks managed by the ImageList. |
getMask(int index) | Topic under construction. |
getMaskColor() | Retrieves the color used to generate masks for images when added to the ImageList. |
getMasks() | Retrieves an array of all masks managed by the ImageList. |
getOverlayImage() | Retrieves the current overlay image. |
getSize() | Retrieves the size of the images in the ImageList. |
getUseMask() | Indicates whether the ImageList uses a mask. |
removeAll() | Removes all images and masks from the ImageList. |
removeImage(int index) | Removes the image at the specified index. |
replaceImage(int index, Bitmap image) | Replaces the image at the specified index. |
replaceImage(int index, Bitmap image, Bitmap mask) | Replaces the image and mask sat the pecified index. |
replaceImage(int index, Icon icon) | Replaces the image at the specified index with the given icon. |
setBackColor(Color value) | Sets the background color of the ImageList. |
setBlendColor(Color value) | Sets the color used for blended drawing modes. |
setDrawMode(int value) | Sets the drawing mode. |
setImage(Bitmap value) | Assigns a single wide bitmap of images to the ImageList. |
setMaskColor(Color value) | Topic under construction. |
setOverlayImage(Bitmap value) | Topic under construction. |
setSize(Point value) | Topic under construction. |
setUseMask(boolean value) | Topic under construction. |
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Returns the zero-based index of the first image added.
Adds the given image to the ImageList. The number of images to add is determined by the width of the image.
Returns the zero-based index of the first image added.
Adds the given image to the ImageList using the given color to generate the mask. The number of images to add is determined by the width of the image. If UseMask is false, the maskColor parameter will be ignored.
Returns the zero-based index of the first image added.
Adds the given image and mask to the ImageList. The number of images to add is determined by the width of the given image. If UseMask is false, the mask parameter is ignored.
Returns the zero-based index of the new image.
Adds the given icon to the ImageList.
Releases all resources held by the ImageList control.
Draws the image at the specified index.
Draws the image indicated by the given index.
Topic under construction.
Returns the background color.
Retrieves the ImageList background color.
Returns the color used for blended drawing modes.
Retrieves the color used for blended drawing modes.
Returns the drawing mode.
Retrieves the current drawing mode.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Returns the icon that was created.
Creates an icon based on the image and mask at the given index. The icon is created using the current drawing mode.
Returns the bitmap containing all images.
Retrieves the single wide bitmap that contains all images managed by the ImageList.
Returns the image at the specified index.
Retrieves the image at the specified index.
Returns the number of images.
Retrieves the count of images in the ImageList.
Returns an array of images.
Retrieves all images managed by the ImageList.
Returns the bitmap containing the image masks.
Retrieves the single wide monocrome bitmap that contains all image masks managed by the ImageList. Returns null if the ImageList has no mask.
Topic under construction.
Returns the mask color.
Retrieves the color used to generate masks for images when added to the ImageList.
Returns an array of masks.
Retrieves an array of all masks managed by the ImageList.
Returns the overlay image.
Retrieves the current overlay image.
Returns the image size.
Retrieves the size of the images in the ImageList.
Returns true if a mask is used; otherwise, returns false.
Indicates whether the ImageList uses a mask.
Removes all images and masks from the ImageList.
Removes the image at the specified index.
Replaces the image at the specified index.
Replaces the image and mask sat the pecified index.
Replaces the image at the specified index with the given icon.
Sets the background color of the ImageList.
Sets the color used for blended drawing modes.
Sets the drawing mode.
Assigns a single wide bitmap of images to the ImageList.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.