public class TreeNode
Encapsulates a node in a TreeView control.
Name | Description |
addAfter(Object obj) | Inserts the specified object after the current node. |
addBefore(Object obj) | Inserts the specified object above the current node. |
addChild(Object obj) | Inserts the specified object as a child of the current node. |
collapse(boolean recursive) | Collapses the current node. |
expand(boolean recursive) | Expands the current node to display its child nodes. |
getChild(int ix) | Retrieves the child node that corresponds to the specified index. |
getChildCount() | Retrieves the number of the current node's children. |
getChildren() | Retrieves the children of the current node in an array of TreeNode objects. |
getExpanded() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current node is expanded. |
getFirstChild() | Retrieves the first child node of the current node. |
getHandle() | Retrieves the HTREEITEM for this TreeView node. |
getLastChild() | Retrieves the last child node of the current node. |
getLevel() | Retrieves the level of the current node in the TreeView heirarchy. |
getNext() | Retrieves the next node in the current node heirarchy. |
getObject() | Retrieves an object for the current node. |
getParent() | Retrieves the parent of the current node. |
getPrev() | Retrieves the previous node in the current node heirarchy. |
getSelected() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current node is selected. |
getSorted() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the children of the current node are sorted. |
getTreeView() | Retrieves the TreeView control to which this node belongs. |
getVisible() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current node is visible. |
remove() | Removes the current node. |
select() | Selects the current node. |
setObject(Object value) | Topic under construction. |
setParent(TreeNode value) | Sets the current node's parent. |
setSorted(boolean value) | Specifies whether the children of the current tree node should be sorted. |
setVisible() | Makes the current node visible. |
toString() | Topic under construction. |
Returns a TreeNode for the newly inserted node.
Inserts the specified object after the current node. If the current node is null, the object is inserted as the first child.
Returns a TreeNode object for the newly inserted node.
Inserts the specified object above the current node.
Returns a TreeNode object for the newly inserted node.
Inserts the specified object as a child of the current node.
Collapses the current node.
Expands the current node to display its child nodes.
Returns the TreeNode at the specified index.
Retrieves the child node that corresponds to the specified index.
Returns an integer that identifies the number of child nodes.
Retrieves the number of the current node's children.
Returns an array of TreeNode objects that contains the children of the current node.
Retrieves the children of the current node in an array of TreeNode objects.
Returns true if the current node is expanded; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current node is expanded.
Returns the TreeNode for the first child node.
Retrieves the first child node of the current node.
Returns an integer that represents the HTREEITEM.
Retrieves the HTREEITEM for this TreeView node.
Returns the TreeNode for the last child node.
Retrieves the last child node of the current node.
Returns an integer that identifies the current node's level.
Retrieves the level of the current node in the TreeView heirarchy.
Returns the next TreeNode in the heirarchy.
Retrieves the next node in the current node heirarchy.
Returns the object.
Retrieves an object for the current node.
Returns the TreeNode for the parent of the current node.
Retrieves the parent of the current node.
Returns the previous TreeNode in the heirarchy.
Retrieves the previous node in the current node heirarchy.
Returns true if the current node is selected; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current node is selected.
Returns true if the children are sorted; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the children of the current node are sorted.
Returns the TreeView control.
Retrieves the TreeView control to which this node belongs.
Returns true if the current node is visible; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current node is visible.
Removes the current node.
Selects the current node.
Topic under construction.
Sets the current node's parent.
Specifies whether the children of the current tree node should be sorted.
Makes the current node visible.
Topic under construction.