Component | +--Control | +--ToolBarpublic class ToolBar
This class wraps the comctl32 toolbar control.
Name | Description |
ToolBar() | Creates a Toolbar control. |
Name | Description |
addButton(ToolBarButton button) | Adds a button to the toolbar. |
addOnButtonClick( ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler value) | Adds an event handler for when a toolbar button is clicked. |
customize() | Brings up the customize dialog box for toolbars. |
getAllowCustomize() | Retrieves the state of the AllowCustomize property. |
getAppearance() | Retrieves the state of the Appearance property. |
getBorderStyle() | Retrieves the state of the BorderStyle property. |
getButtons() | Retrieves an array containing the toolbar buttons. |
getButtonSize() | Retrieves the state of the ButtonSize property. |
getDisabledImageList() | Retrieves the DisabledImageList property. |
getDivider() | Retrieves the Divider property. |
getDropDownArrows() | Retrieves the DropDownArrows property. |
getHotImageList() | Retrieves the HotImageList property. |
getImageList() | Retrieves the ImageList property. |
getImageSize() | Retrieves the size of the images within the toolbar's image list. |
getRightText() | Retrieves the RightText property. |
getShowTips() | Retrieves the state of the ShowTips property. |
getStandardImages() | Retrieves the StandardImages property. |
getToolBarButton(int index) | Retrieves a ToolBarButton at a specified index. |
getWrappable() | Retrieves the state of the Wrappable property. |
insertButton(int index, ToolBarButton button) | Inserts a button onto the toolbar. |
onButtonClick(ToolBarButtonClickEvent e) | Event fired when a toolbar button is clicked. |
removeAllButtons() | Removes all the buttons in the toolbar. |
removeButton(int index) | Removes a button at the specified index. |
removeOnButtonClick( ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler value) | Removes an event handler for the ButtonClick event. |
setAllowCustomize(boolean customize) | Sets the state of the AllowCustomize property. |
setAppearance(int appear) | Sets the state of the Appearance property. |
setBorderStyle(int style) | Sets the state of the BorderStyle property. |
setButton(int index, ToolBarButton button) | Sets a ToolBarButton at the specified index. |
setButtons(ToolBarButton[] array) | Sets all the buttons within the toolbar. |
setButtonSize(Point size) | Sets the state of the ButtonSize property. |
setDisabledImageList(ImageList value) | Sets the DisabledImageList property. |
setDivider(boolean value) | Sets the Divider property. |
setDropDownArrows(boolean value) | Sets the DropDownArrows property. |
setFont(Font font) | Sets the Font property. |
setHotImageList(ImageList value) | Sets the HotImageList property. |
setImageList(ImageList value) | Sets the ImageList property. |
setRightText(boolean value) | Sets the RightText property. |
setShowTips(boolean show) | Sets the state of the ShowTips property. |
setStandardImages(boolean value) | Sets the built-in button images. |
setWrappable(boolean wrap) | Sets the state of the Wrappable property. |
Creates a Toolbar control.
Returns the button added.
Adds a button to the toolbar.
Adds an event handler for when a toolbar button is clicked.
Brings up the customize dialog box for toolbars.
Returns the state of the AllowCustomize property.
Retrieves the state of the AllowCustomize property. The AllowCustomize property enables the user to customize the toolbar.
Returns the value of the Appearance property.
Retrieves the state of the Appearance property. The Appearance property determines whether the toolbar appears three-dimensional, flat, or transparent.
Returns the value of the BorderStyle property.
Retrieves the state of the BorderStyle property. The BorderStyle property determines whether the toolbar has a border.
Returns an array of ToolBarButton objects.
Retrieves an array containing the toolbar buttons.
Returns the size of the buttons on the toolbar.
Retrieves the state of the ButtonSize property. The ButtonSize property determines the size of the buttons on the toolbar.
Returns an imageList which represents the disabled images.
Retrieves the DisabledImageList property.
Returns the value of the property.
Retrieves the Divider property. This will display a divider between the toolbar and the menu.
Returns the boolean value.
Retrieves the DropDownArrows property.
Returns an imageList which represents the hot images.
Retrieves the HotImageList property.
Returns an imageList which represents the images.
Retrieves the ImageList property.
Returns the size of the images in the toolbar.
Retrieves the size of the images within the toolbar's image list.
Returns the boolean value.
Retrieves the RightText property. This property determines whether the button text is to the right of the image.
Returns the value of the ShowTips property.
Retrieves the state of the ShowTips property. The ShowTips property determines whether the tooltips show on a toolbar button.
Returns the state.
Retrieves the StandardImages property.
Returns the ToolBarButton at the specified index.
Retrieves a ToolBarButton at a specified index.
ArrayIndexOutOfBounds thrown if the index is invalid.
Returns the state of the Wrappable property.
Retrieves the state of the Wrappable property. The Wrappable property enables buttons to be wrapped on the toolbar.
Returns the index of the button added.
Inserts a button onto the toolbar.
ArrayIndexOfOutBoundsException thrown if the index is invalid.
Event fired when a toolbar button is clicked. param e The event data, including the ToolBarButton clicked.
Removes all the buttons in the toolbar.
Removes a button at the specified index.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown if the index is out of range.
Removes an event handler for the ButtonClick event.
Sets the state of the AllowCustomize property. The AllowCustomize property enables the user to customize the toolbar.
Sets the state of the Appearance property. The Appearance property determines whether the toolbar appears three-dimensional, flat, or transparent.
Sets the state of the BorderStyle property. The BorderStyle property determines whether the toolbar has a border.
Sets a ToolBarButton at the specified index.
Sets all the buttons within the toolbar. The previous buttons will be disowned.
Sets the state of the ButtonSize property. The ButtonSize property determines the size of the buttons on the toolbar.
Sets the DisabledImageList property. These images are used to display images on toolbar buttons when the buttons are disabled.
Sets the Divider property. This will display a divider between the toolbar and the menu.
Sets the DropDownArrows property.
Sets the Font property. Overrides Control.setFont so the toolbar can adjust its size if appropriate.
setFont(Font) in Control.
Sets the HotImageList property. These images are used to display images on toolbar buttons when the mouse is over the button.
Sets the ImageList property. These images are used to display images on toolbar buttons.
Sets the RightText property. This property determines whether the button text is to the right of the image.
Sets the state of the ShowTips property. The ShowTips property determines whether the tooltips show on a toolbar button.
Sets the built-in button images.
Sets the state of the Wrappable property. The Wrappable property enables buttons to be wrapped on the toolbar.