public class MessageBox
Allows you to display a message box with various buttons and icons.
Name | Description |
ABORTRETRYIGNORE | Topic under construction. |
DEFBUTTON1 | Topic under construction. |
DEFBUTTON2 | Topic under construction. |
DEFBUTTON3 | Topic under construction. |
ICONASTERISK | Topic under construction. |
ICONERROR | Topic under construction. |
ICONEXCLAMATION | Topic under construction. |
ICONHAND | Topic under construction. |
ICONINFORMATION | Topic under construction. |
ICONQUESTION | Topic under construction. |
ICONSTOP | Topic under construction. |
ICONWARNING | Topic under construction. |
IDABORT | Topic under construction. |
IDCANCEL | Topic under construction. |
IDIGNORE | Topic under construction. |
IDNO | Topic under construction. |
IDOK | Topic under construction. |
IDRETRY | Topic under construction. |
IDYES | Topic under construction. |
OK | Topic under construction. |
OKCANCEL | Topic under construction. |
RETRYCANCEL | Topic under construction. |
YESNO | Topic under construction. |
YESNOCANCEL | Topic under construction. |
Name | Description |
show(String text, String caption, int style) | Shows the message box with the given text, caption, and style. |
show(String text, String caption) | Shows the message box with the given text and caption. |
show(String text) | Shows the message box with the given text. |
Returns an integer with the value the user selected. For example, if the message box has a Yes/No/Cancel style, this method returns MessageBox.IDYES, MessageBox.IDNO, or MessageBox.IDCANCEL.
Shows the message box with the given text, caption, and style.
Returns MessageBox.IDOK.
Shows the message box with the given text and caption. The message box has the default style (OK button only).
Returns MessageBox.IDOK.
Shows the message box with the given text. The message box has the default style (OK button only) and no title.