Component | +--Control | +--ListViewpublic class ListView
Topic under construction.
Name | Description | ||||||
addOnAfterLabelEdit(EventHandler eh) | Topic under construction. | ||||||
addOnBeforeLabelEdit(EventHandler handler) | Topic under construction. | ||||||
addOnColumnClick(EventHandler handler) | Topic under construction. | ||||||
addOnItemClick(EventHandler handler) | Topic under construction. | ||||||
clear() | Clear the ListView of all columns and ListItems. | ||||||
getAlignment() | Returns the Alignment style the ListView is curently using. | ||||||
getAllowColumnReorder() | Indicates whether the Column Reordering style is set. | ||||||
getAutoArrange() | Indicates whether the AutoArrange style is set. | ||||||
getBorderStyle() | Returns current BorderStyle setting. | ||||||
getCheckBoxes() | Indicates whether the CheckBox style is set. | ||||||
getColumnCount() | Returns the number of columns the ListView currently has. | ||||||
getColumnHeader(int index) | Given a zero-based index, returns the ColumnHeader object for the column at that index. | ||||||
getFirstVisible() | Retrieves the first visible ListItem in the list view. | ||||||
getFullRowSelect() | Indicates whether the FullRowSelect style is set. | ||||||
getGridLines() | Indicates whether the GridLines style is set. | ||||||
getHideColumnHeaders() | Indicates whether ColumnHeaders are visible. | ||||||
getHideSelection() | Indicates whether the currently selected item is always visible, even when focus is lost. | ||||||
getIconArrange() | Topic under construction. | ||||||
getImageList() | Returns the currently set ImageList for Large Icon mode. | ||||||
getItemCount() | Returns the total number of items within the list view. | ||||||
getLabelEdit() | Indicates whether the LabelEdit style is currently set. | ||||||
getLabelWrap() | Indicates whether the LabelWrap style is currently set. | ||||||
getListItem(int index) | Returns a ListItem given its zero-based index into the ListView. | ||||||
getMultiSelect() | Indicates whether the MultiSelect style is currently set. | ||||||
getOneClickActivate() | Indicates whether the OneClickActivet style is currently set. | ||||||
getScrollbar() | Indicates whether the ScrollBars are visible or not. | ||||||
getSelectedItems() | Returns an array of currently selected list items. | ||||||
getSmallImageList() | Returns the currently set SmallIcon image list. | ||||||
getSortByHeader() | Indicates whether the SortByHeader style is currently set. | ||||||
getSorting() | Returns currently selected sorting styles. | ||||||
getStateImageList() | Returns the currently set State image list. | ||||||
getStyleEx() | Topic under construction. | ||||||
getTag() | Returns the current tag object. | ||||||
getTrackSelect() | Indicates whether the TrackSelect style is currently set. | ||||||
getTwoClickActivate() | Indicates whether the TwoClickActivet style is currently set. | ||||||
getView() | Returns currently selected ListView View style. | ||||||
hitTest(int x, int y) | Returns the current ListItem corresponding to the specific x,y co-ordinate. | ||||||
insertColumn(int index, String str, int width, int subItemIndex, int columnformat) |
Inserts a new column into the ListView
Return Value: Returns the ColumnHeader object representing the new column. | ||||||
insertItem(int index, String text, int imageIndex, int data) | Inserts a new ListItem into the ListView. | ||||||
removeAll() | Removes all elements from the ListView. | ||||||
removeColumn(int index) | removes a column from the ListView. | ||||||
removeItem(int index) | Removes an item from the ListView. | ||||||
setAlignment(int alignflag) | Sets Alignment style for ListView. | ||||||
setAllowColumnReorder(boolean flag) | Sets Column Reorder style on the ListView. | ||||||
setAutoArrange(boolean value) | Sets AutoArrange style on the ListView. | ||||||
setBorderStyle(int borderstyle) | Sets BorderStyle style on the ListView. | ||||||
setCheckBoxes(boolean flag) | Sets CheckBoxes style on the ListView. | ||||||
setFullRowSelect(boolean flag) | Sets Full Row Select style on the ListView. | ||||||
setGridLines(boolean flag) | Sets Grid LInes style on the ListView. | ||||||
setHideColumnHeaders(boolean flag) | Sets Hide Column Headers style on the ListView. | ||||||
setHideSelection (boolean flag) | Sets Selection Always Visible style on the ListView. | ||||||
setIconArrange(int flag) | Sets Icon arrangement options in Large/Small Icon view. | ||||||
setImageList(ImageList v) | Sets the Large Icon Image list. | ||||||
setLabelEdit (boolean flag) | Sets Label Edit style on the ListView. | ||||||
setLabelWrap(boolean flag) | Sets Label Wrap style on the ListView. | ||||||
setMultiSelect(boolean flag) | Sets MultiSelection style on the ListView. | ||||||
setOneClickActivate(boolean flag) | Sets One Click Activate style on the ListView. | ||||||
setScrollbar(boolean flag) | Sets Scroll Bar visible style on the ListView. | ||||||
setSmallImageList(ImageList v) | Sets the Small Icon Image list. | ||||||
setSortByHeader(boolean flag) | Sets Column Sort style on the ListView. | ||||||
setSorting(int sortflag) | Sets Sorting style for the ListView. | ||||||
setStateImageList(ImageList v) | Sets the State Image list. | ||||||
setTag(Object tag) | Sets Tag value of the ListView. | ||||||
setTrackSelect(boolean flag) |
Sets Track Select style on the ListView
Syntaxpublic void addOnAfterLabelEdit( EventHandler eh );DescriptionTopic under construction. ListView.addOnBeforeLabelEdit
Syntaxpublic void addOnBeforeLabelEdit( EventHandler handler );DescriptionTopic under construction. ListView.addOnColumnClick
Syntaxpublic void addOnColumnClick( EventHandler handler );DescriptionTopic under construction. ListView.addOnItemClick
Syntaxpublic void addOnItemClick( EventHandler handler );DescriptionTopic under construction. ListView.clear
Syntaxpublic void clear();DescriptionClear the ListView of all columns and ListItems. ListView.getAlignment
Syntaxpublic int getAlignment();Return ValueReturns Integer ListView Aligment style. DescriptionReturns the Alignment style the ListView is curently using.
Syntaxpublic boolean getAllowColumnReorder();Return ValueReturns Boolean whether Column Reording is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the Column Reordering style is set.
Syntaxpublic boolean getAutoArrange();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether AutoArrange is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the AutoArrange style is set.
Syntaxpublic int getBorderStyle();Return ValueReturns int A value representing the BorderStyle setting. DescriptionReturns current BorderStyle setting.
Syntaxpublic boolean getCheckBoxes();Return ValueReturns A boolean indicating whether the CheckBox style is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the CheckBox style is set.
Syntaxpublic int getColumnCount();Return ValueReturns an interger indicating the number of columns in ListView. DescriptionReturns the number of columns the ListView currently has.
Syntaxpublic ColumnHeader getColumnHeader( int index );Parameters
Return ValueReturns a ColumnHeader object.
DescriptionGiven a zero-based index, returns the ColumnHeader object for the column at that index.
ExceptionsIllegalArgumenException thrown if index is out of bounds. ListView.getFirstVisible
Syntaxpublic ListItem getFirstVisible();Return ValueReturns the first Visible ListItem, or returns null if no ListItems exist. DescriptionRetrieves the first visible ListItem in the list view.
Syntaxpublic boolean getFullRowSelect();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether FullRowSelect is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the FullRowSelect style is set.
Syntaxpublic boolean getGridLines();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether GridLines is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the GridLines style is set.
Syntaxpublic boolean getHideColumnHeaders();Return ValueReturns Boolean whther ColumnHeaders are visible or not. DescriptionIndicates whether ColumnHeaders are visible.
Syntaxpublic boolean getHideSelection();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether the selected item is always visible. DescriptionIndicates whether the currently selected item is always visible, even when focus is lost.
Syntaxpublic int getIconArrange();DescriptionTopic under construction. ListView.getImageList
Syntaxpublic ImageList getImageList();Return ValueReturns the ImageList, or returns null if none is set. DescriptionReturns the currently set ImageList for Large Icon mode.
Syntaxpublic int getItemCount();Return ValueReturns the integer count of items. DescriptionReturns the total number of items within the list view.
Syntaxpublic boolean getLabelEdit();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether LabelEdit is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the LabelEdit style is currently set.
Syntaxpublic boolean getLabelWrap();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether LabelWrap is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the LabelWrap style is currently set.
Syntaxpublic ListItem getListItem( int index );Parameters
Return ValueReturns a ListItem representing item at specified index.
DescriptionReturns a ListItem given its zero-based index into the ListView.
ExceptionsIllegalArgumentException thrown if index is out of bounds. ListView.getMultiSelect
Syntaxpublic boolean getMultiSelect();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether MultiSelect is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the MultiSelect style is currently set.
Syntaxpublic boolean getOneClickActivate();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether OneClickActivate is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the OneClickActivet style is currently set. If not, the ListView resorts to double clicking to activate an item.
Syntaxpublic boolean getScrollbar();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether ScrollBars are visible. DescriptionIndicates whether the ScrollBars are visible or not.
Syntaxpublic ListItem[] getSelectedItems();Return ValueReturns ListItem[] array of currently selected list items.
DescriptionReturns an array of currently selected list items.
ExceptionsRuntimeException yhrown if the number of selected items < the number of actual items selected. ListView.getSmallImageList
Syntaxpublic ImageList getSmallImageList();Return ValueReturns ImageList representing SmallIcon image list, or returns null if not set. DescriptionReturns the currently set SmallIcon image list.
Syntaxpublic boolean getSortByHeader();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether SortByHeader is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the SortByHeader style is currently set. If this is false, column headers do not sort list items.
Syntaxpublic int getSorting();Return ValueReturns Integer Current sorting style. Possibilites are: Ascending Descending None DescriptionReturns currently selected sorting styles.
Syntaxpublic ImageList getStateImageList();Return ValueReturns ImageList representing State image list, or returns null if not set. DescriptionReturns the currently set State image list.
Syntaxpublic int getStyleEx();DescriptionTopic under construction. ListView.getTag
Syntaxpublic Object getTag();Return ValueReturns the object representing current tag. DescriptionReturns the current tag object.
Syntaxpublic boolean getTrackSelect();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether TrackSelect is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the TrackSelect style is currently set.
Syntaxpublic boolean getTwoClickActivate();Return ValueReturns a boolean value indicating whether TwoClickActivate is set. DescriptionIndicates whether the TwoClickActivet style is currently set. If not, th the ListView resorts to double clicking to activate an item.
Syntaxpublic int getView();Return ValueReturns the current view style. Possibilites are: Icon SmallIcon List Report DescriptionReturns currently selected ListView View style.
Syntaxpublic ListItem hitTest( int x, int y );Parameters
Return ValueReturns ListItem ListItem at position, or returns null if no item exists there.
DescriptionReturns the current ListItem corresponding to the specific x,y co-ordinate.
Syntaxpublic ColumnHeader insertColumn( int index, String str, int width, int subItemIndex, int columnformat );Parameters
Return ValueReturns the ColumnHeader object representing the new column.
DescriptionInserts a new column into the ListView
ExceptionsIllegalArgumentException hrown is ColumnFormat is not one of the specified. runtimeException thrown if there is a problem creating the new column. ListView.insertItem
Syntaxpublic ListItem insertItem( int index, String text, int imageIndex, int data );Parameters
Return ValueReturns the ListItem object representing the new item.
DescriptionInserts a new ListItem into the ListView.
ExceptionsruntimeException thrown if there is a problem creating the new item. ListView.removeAll
Syntaxpublic void removeAll();DescriptionRemoves all elements from the ListView. ListView.removeColumn
Syntaxpublic void removeColumn( int index );Parameters
Descriptionremoves a column from the ListView.
ExceptionsArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown is index is out of bounds. ListView.removeItem
Syntaxpublic void removeItem( int index );Parameters
DescriptionRemoves an item from the ListView.
ExceptionsArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown is index is out of bounds. ListView.setAlignment
Syntaxpublic void setAlignment( int alignflag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Alignment style for ListView.
ExceptionsIllegalArgumentException thrown if alignment style is unknown. ListView.setAllowColumnReorder
Syntaxpublic void setAllowColumnReorder( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Column Reorder style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setAutoArrange( boolean value );Parameters
DescriptionSets AutoArrange style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setBorderStyle( int borderstyle );Parameters
DescriptionSets BorderStyle style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setCheckBoxes( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets CheckBoxes style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setFullRowSelect( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Full Row Select style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setGridLines( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Grid LInes style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setHideColumnHeaders( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Hide Column Headers style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setHideSelection ( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Selection Always Visible style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setIconArrange( int flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Icon arrangement options in Large/Small Icon view.
ExceptionsIllegalArgumentException thrown if flag is not one of the supported Icon Arrangement styles. ListView.setImageList
Syntaxpublic void setImageList( ImageList v );Parameters
DescriptionSets the Large Icon Image list.
Syntaxpublic void setLabelEdit ( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Label Edit style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setLabelWrap( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Label Wrap style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setMultiSelect( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets MultiSelection style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setOneClickActivate( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets One Click Activate style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setScrollbar( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Scroll Bar visible style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setSmallImageList( ImageList v );Parameters
DescriptionSets the Small Icon Image list.
Syntaxpublic void setSortByHeader( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Column Sort style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setSorting( int sortflag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Sorting style for the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setStateImageList( ImageList v );Parameters
DescriptionSets the State Image list.
Syntaxpublic void setTag( Object tag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Tag value of the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setTrackSelect( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Track Select style on the ListView
Syntaxpublic void setTwoClickActivate( boolean flag );Parameters
DescriptionSets Two Click Activate style on the ListView.
Syntaxpublic void setView( int viewflag );Parameters
DescriptionSets View style for the ListView.