Component | +--Control | +--Rebarpublic class Rebar
Encapsulates a Rebar control. A Rebar control is a toolbar control that hosts other controls inside moveable bands. You can use these bands to resize, reposition, or hide the control.
Name | Description |
Rebar() | Creates a Rebar control. |
Name | Description |
add(Control control) | Adds a control to the Rebar control. |
addBand(RebarBand band) | Adds a RebarBand to the Rebar control. |
addOnAutoSize(AutoSizeEventHandler handler) | Adds an onAutoSize event listener. |
addOnHeightChange(EventHandler handler) | Adds an onHeightChange event listener. |
addOnLayoutChange(EventHandler handler) | Adds an onLayoutChange event listener. |
getAutoSize() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether autosizing is set for the Rebar control. |
getBandBorders() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current control has BandBorders. |
getBands() | Retrieves the current bands and returns them in an array of RebarBand objects. |
getBorder() | Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current control has a border. |
getDoubleClickToggle() | Topic under construction. |
getFixedOrder() | Topic under construction. |
getImageList() | Retrieves the current ImageList. |
getOrientation() | Retrieves the current orientation of the control. |
onAutoSize(AutoSizeEvent event) | The event handler for the autoSize event, which occurs when autosizing is applied to the bands in the Rebar control. |
onHeightChange(Event event) | The heightChange event handler, which occurs whenever bands are repositioned to require the height of the control to change. |
onLayoutChange(Event event) | The layoutChange event handler, which occurs whenever the bands position changes. |
onResize(Event event) | The event handler for the onResize event, which is fired whenever the control's dimensions change. |
remove(Control ctl) | Removes a control from the Rebar control. |
removeAllBands() | Removes all bands from the Rebar. |
removeBand(RebarBand band) | Removes a specified band from the Rebar. |
removeOnAutoSize(AutoSizeEventHandler handler) | Removes an onAutoSize event listener. |
removeOnHeightChange(EventHandler handler) | Removes an onHeightChange event listener. |
removeOnLayoutChange(EventHandler handler) | Removes an onLayoutChange event listener. |
setAutoSize(boolean value) | Sets the AutoSize property. |
setBandBorders(boolean value) | Sets the BandBorders. |
setBands(RebarBand[] bands) | Sets the bands. |
setBorder(boolean value) | Sets the Border property. |
setDock(int dock) | Topic under construction. |
setDoubleClickToggle(boolean value) | Sets the DoubleClickToggle property. |
setFixedOrder(boolean value) | Sets the FixedOrder property. |
setImageList(ImageList value) | Sets the ImageList to be used with the Rebar. |
setNewControls(Control[] ctls) | Sets the controls that will appear in the Rebar. |
setOrientation(int value) | Sets the Orientation property. |
setSite(ISite site) | Topic under construction. |
Creates a Rebar control.
Adds a control to the Rebar control.
add(Control) in Control.
Adds a RebarBand to the Rebar control.
Adds an onAutoSize event listener.
Adds an onHeightChange event listener.
Adds an onLayoutChange event listener.
Returns current AutoSize value.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether autosizing is set for the Rebar control.
Returns true if the control has BandBorders; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current control has BandBorders.
Returns an array of RebarBand objects that contains the current bands for this control.
Retrieves the current bands and returns them in an array of RebarBand objects.
Returns true if the control has a border; otherwise, returns false.
Retrieves a boolean value that indicates whether the current control has a border.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Returns the current ImageList.
Retrieves the current ImageList.
Returns one of the enumeration constants defined in Orientation.HORIZONTAL.
Retrieves the current orientation of the control.
The event handler for the autoSize event, which occurs when autosizing is applied to the bands in the Rebar control.
The heightChange event handler, which occurs whenever bands are repositioned to require the height of the control to change.
The layoutChange event handler, which occurs whenever the bands position changes.
The event handler for the onResize event, which is fired whenever the control's dimensions change.
Removes a control from the Rebar control.
Removes all bands from the Rebar.
Removes a specified band from the Rebar.
Removes an onAutoSize event listener.
Removes an onHeightChange event listener.
Removes an onLayoutChange event listener.
Sets the AutoSize property. When AutoSize is set to true, the Rebar automatically sizes itself to fit the contained bands.
Sets the BandBorders. When BandBorders is set to true, a small border is drawn around each band.
Sets the bands. Each band in the Rebar contains a child control.
Sets the Border property. When Border is set to true, a small border is drawn around the Rebar.
Topic under construction.
setDock(int) in Control.
Sets the DoubleClickToggle property. When DoubleClickToggle is set to true, users can enlarge and shrink bands by double-clicking the band header.
Sets the FixedOrder property. When FixedOrder is set to true, the contained bands can be sized, but the order of the bands cannot be changed.
Sets the ImageList to be used with the Rebar.
Sets the controls that will appear in the Rebar.
setNewControls(Control[]) in Control.
Sets the Orientation property. This controls the direction in which the bands are drawn.
Topic under construction.