The temperate zone covers the major part of North America and tundra and taiga may be found only in the north of this region. In central latitudes of the eastern half of North America broad-leaved and mixed forest predominate while in the west there are extensive prairies. The Brno ZOO rears North American predators and ungulates.

South America is situated in the tropical region and temperate zone occurs only in its utmost southern part. In the central part of this continent, i.e. in the catchment area of the Amazon river, there is a rainfall virgin forest as well as large savannahs and steppes. Deserts and semi-deserts are situated in various parts of South America. In the Brno ZOO, several species of South American parrots, predators, ungulates and reptiles are kept in capture.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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