Polar wolf
Canis lupus occidentalis

order - Carnivora
tribe - Canidae

Size: length of the body 220 cm
Weigh: 60 kg
Number of youngs: 3 - 9
Time with young: 62 - 65 days
Occurrence: deep forests in Canada
Food: carnivorous animal - hunts for example stags, sheep
Activity: mostly during the day
Way of life: Wolf live in groups

For wolfs is characteristic life in group with perfect system of social hierarchy. Main pair creature basis - alpha male and alpha female. Only this pair has young wolfs. All members of the groups look after the youngs. These days in ZOO Brno there are group with many members of polar wolfs - two males and seven females. All of them are pupils of our ZOO.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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