Panthera onca

order - Carnivora
tribe - Felidae

Size: length of the body - male 160 - 220 cm, female 140 - 190 cm
Weigh: male 90 - 100 kg, female 40 - 60 kg
Number of youngs: 2 - 4
Time with young: 93 - 105 days
Occurrence: forests in the middle and South Africa
Food: carnivorous animal - he hunts mammals and fishes too
Activity: he is active during the day and night too
Way of life: lover of solitude

Jaguar is only representative of the big cat`s beasts of prey in the american continent. In our ZOO we have male Terry - classical colours and female Catrin - black. In these pairs - the young jaguars are: one half black and the other with classical colours. Our breeding pair is exception - Catrin always has only black young jaguars.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
webmaster: Ceska vydavatelska pro internet, s. r. o. /