Blue and yellow macaw
Ara ararauna

order - Psittaciformes
tribe - Psittacidae

Size: 86 cm
Weigh:1.100 g
Number of eggs: usually 2, sometimes 3
Time of incubation: 28 - 29 days
Occurrence:jungle in the north of South America
Food: nuts, seeds, fruits
Activity: day`s
Way of life: they live in pairs during nesting. They create flocks

The youngs leave the nest after 90 days and they are big and coloured like their adults. Youngs have only shorter tail and narrow beak. They have also dark eyes, which become light during 2 years. These days ZOO Brno has two breeding pairs and last year`s youngs - Dan and Romina. ZOO Brno was the first place where blue and yellow macaws were educated - it was in 1963.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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