Snowy owl

order - Strigiformes
tribe - Srigidae

Size: 46 - 55 cm
Number of eggs: 3 - 8
Time of incubation: 35 days
Occurrence: forests in Euroasia and North America
Food: carnivorous animal - snowy owl hunts small mammals and birds
Activity: early evening
Way of life: live in pairs

This owl can occur rare also in Czech republic during its migration. Its colours are very striking - white basis with black strips. Adult males are used to be only white. Breeding pair have lived in our ZOO for 13 years and they are satisfield . Rearing of this kind isn`t usual in captivity, but our female lays 8 eggs every year and her partner is watchful and protects his family.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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