Prairie bison
Bison bison

order - Artiodactyla
tribe - Bovidae

Size: height - male 190 cm, female 150 cm
Weigh: male 1.000 kg, female 750 kg
Number of youngs: 1
Time with young: 270 - 280 days
Occurrence: originaly prairie in North America, today only in reservations
Food: plant - grasses, branches, leaves
Activity: day`s
Way of life: in herds

Prairie bison is "textbook`s" example, what man proves. First man led bison on a limit of destroy, and then he selved sison. Today we know two races - forest Bison and prairie Bison. In national parks and in reservations there live about 1.000 pieces. Prairie bisons are more. In protected territories of Canada and USA - there live about 30.000 prairie bisons. Our basic breeding herd consists of leading male - Gemini and of four adult`s females - Matylda, Svatava, BarΦa and Simona. Every year we bring up young bisons.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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