Namo WebEditor v2.03 User's Manual

Namo WebEditor is designed to provide users easy way to build up their own homepages.
Users don't have to struggle with the HTML tags bothering them with its complexity anymore.
Just type in the text and put the pictures on your homapge. It's as easy as using
a wordprocessor.

Let the Namo WebEditor take care of all the annoying things.
You just put all your energy on creating a wonderful homepage of your own!

This document is about how to use Namo WebEditor v2.03.
Now, let's take a first step on the new world.



Part 1. Namo WebEditor

1. Quick start

2. File

3. Edit

4. View

5. Insert

6. Format

7. Tools

8. Table

9. Frame

10. Window


Part 2. Site Manager

11. Overview

12. File

13. Edit

14. View

15. Tools

copyright(c) 1998 Namo Interactive Inc.