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Part 2. SiteManager
This part explains how to use Namo SiteManager to manage your Web site.
Managing an entire Web site can be difficult, especially if the site contains many
documents. In such a case, some links may become invalid should you change the
name of a file, so all associated links should be updated accordingly. SiteManager
helps you deal with such troublesome and tedious tasks conveniently by managing all
the documents in a site as a whole.
Using SiteManager, you can easily check the validity of the connections between pages,
view the contents of files, delete unnecessary files, and upload updated pages using the
Publish command. Creating and maintaining your Web pages become much easier
with SiteManager.
11. Overview
When used with Namo WebEditor, SiteManager allows easy editing of documents and
automatic checking and correction of invalid links. This chapter describes the basic use
of SiteManager for managing your Web pages.
A. How to manage a Web site using Namo SiteManager
Begin Namo SiteManager with the New or Open Project command.
(1) Creating a project file
The project file of the SiteManager is created on the hard disk of your system. You
should make a dedicated folder or directory for different projects.
To create a new project, use one of the following three methods:
- Use [Empty Project] to build a new Web site from scratch and create a
completely empty project.
- Use [From File] to create a project from HTML documents in a local or
network disk drive. If you already have documents, you can incorporate
them to create a project.
- Use [From Web] to create a project from an existing Web site. Use this
method to create a new project by reading in HTML document files from a
remote Web site.
(2) Editing the contents of the project
Use Namo WebEditor to edit the HTML documents in a project.
(3) Publishing the contents of the project
Upload all files in a project, including images and HTML documents, to the target Web
(4) Finishing the project by saving all files
Save all files in a project, including HTML and image files, then close SiteManager.
(5) Opening the project
Once you have created a project using steps (1) through (4), you can open the project
using the [Open Project...] command. Afterward, repeat steps (2) through (4) repeatedly.
B. Overview of Namo SiteManager
(1) Creating a project
SiteManager creates a project file on your hard disk. You should make a dedicated
folder (directory) for each project.
- Select [File - New - Project]. The [Create New Project - Name & URL]
dialog box appears.
- After you fill in the "project name," the "final target location (URL)," and the
"save folder" fields, click the [Next] button
- If you specified a non-existing folder in the "save folder" field, you are asked
whether or not to create the folder. If you have specified an already existing
folder, you are asked to confirm whether or not to use the folder for the
project. Select the [Yes] button to go on to the next step or select the [No]
button to modify the "save folder" field.
- The [Create New Project - Kind of Project] dialog box appears with three
choices for initializing a new project.
(A) Create an empty project [Empty Project]
- Select the [Empty Project] option and click the [Next] button.
- The [Create New Project - Index File Name] dialog box appears. Enter
the file name of the index page (or root page) of the Web site you
wish to manage and click the [Next] button. The default file name is
- The [Create New Project - Final] dialog box appears. The box shows all
the fields you have specified for the project. Confirm all the fields
are correctly specified and click the [Finish] button. If any of the
fields was not specified correctly, click the [Back] button and enter
the correct contents.
- The file name of the project will be displayed in the title bar of the
SiteManager. In the left window, the path of the folder you specified
will be displayed and the index page file will also be displayed below
the folder.
Now you can add and edit Web contents. You can close SiteManager at this stage or
begin editing the index page file (here, "index.html"). If you double-click on the index
page file, you can start Namo WebEditor and edit the file.
[Information] All the HTML documents in the project will be stored under the project
folder you specified. The project file (with .spj extension ) will store the name of the
HTML and image files, the directory tree, and so on.
(B) Creating a project from HTML documents stored in a local or network drive
[From File]
In this case, you specify the folder in which the HTML documents to read exit in the
"save folder" field. If you did not do this, click the [Back] button and enter the
appropriate folder name in the "save folder" field.
- Select the [From File] option.
- Enter the path of the index page (root page) for the project by using
the [Browse...] button or by keyboard. For example, you can enter
"C:\MyDocuments\namoboy\index.html" as the path. Note that you should
enter the full path of the index page, not the file name only.
- The [Create New Project - Final] dialog box pops up. The box shows all
the fields you have specified for the project. Confirm all the fields
were correctly specified and click the [Finish] button. If any of the
fields was not specified correctly, click the [Back] button and enter
the correct value.
- The file name of the project will be displayed in the title bar of the
SiteManager. In the left window, the path of the folder you specified
will be displayed and the index page file will also be displayed below
the folder.
- Now you have finished creating an empty project. To save the project
into the hard disk file, use the [File - Save Project] menu. From now
on, you can open the saved project by selecting the [File - <project
name>.spj] menu item after beginning the SiteManager.
(c) Creating a project from an existing Web site [From Web]
- Select the [From Web] option and type in the address (URL) of the Web
site from which you want to import files. For example, you can enter
"" as the following figure shows.
- The [Create New Project - Index File Name] dialog box appears. Type in
the name of the index page file (for example, "index.html") and press
the [Next] button.
- The [Create New Project - Final] dialog box pops up. The box shows all
the fields you have specified for the project. Confirm all the fields
were correctly specified and click the [Finish] button. If any of the
fields was not specified correctly, click the [Back] button and enter
the correct contents.
- The [Status] dialog box appears and the files in the Web site are
downloaded and stored via HTTP in the folder specified in the "save
folder" field. The box shows the name of the file currently being
downloaded and information on how many bytes of the file have been
After downloading all the files, SiteManager checks the validity of
links in the HTML documents and displays the file name of the project
in the title bar. SiteManager also shows the save folder and all the
downloaded files below of the window.
- Now you have finished creating the project by downloading files from
an existing Web site. Save the project using the [File - Save
Project...] menu. From now on, you can open the saved project by
selecting the [File - <project name>.spj] menu item after starting
(2) Editing the contents of a project
Editing an already existing HTML file
[Edit - Open for Edit] <Ctrl+O>
- After opening the project, double click on the file you want to edit or select
the file and use the [Edit - Open] for Edit command.
- As Namo WebEditor starts, it opens the document window tab with the
appropriate HTML file.
- Save the file using the [File - Save...] command after you are finished
Adding a new page to the project
[File - New - Page] <Ctrl+N>
- In the left window, select the folder where you want to add a new page. Then,
select the [File - New - Page] menu.
- An icon for a new page appears in the file tree under the selected folder. The
file name of the page is initially given as "noname0.htm". The cursor is
placed on the name field of the file icon and the SiteManager enters the file
name editing mode. Now you can change the name of the file. When finished
changing the file name, press <Enter>.
- You can edit the document in WebEditor by double-clicking on the icon of
the file.
Adding a new folder to the project
[File - New - Folder]
- In the left window, select the folder where you want to add a new folder.
Then, use the [File - New - Folder] menu.
- A new folder icon named "NewFolder" appears in the left window under the
selected folder. You can change the folder name to whatever you prefer.
- You can add another new folder or page to the newly created folder. In
addition, you can move files under the other folder to this folder by
drag-and-dropping the file using the mouse.
If the contents of the project has been changed, be sure to save the project to disk using
the [File - Save Project...] menu before closing SiteManager.
(3) Publishing the project to a Web site
[Tools - Publish...] <F4>
Publishing a project means uploading all the HTML and image files contained in that
project to the target Web server.
When SiteManager publishes a project to the target Web server, it can construct a
complete graphical image of the current project and place it on the Web server, because
SiteManager manages all the associated files and the folder structure of the project.
Once a project is published to a Web server, anyone can access the server through the
Internet and browse the contents of Web pages in the project.
For detailed explanation of the[ Publish...] command, refer to section 5-(35) of this
(4) Closing SiteManager while saving a project
[File - Exit] <Alt+F4>
Using this menu, you can save and close a project, then close SiteManager. Note that a
project file does not itself contain the contents of various HTML and image files within
the project but contains only the name and location (path) of each file. If, upon shutting
down, SiteManager finds that the project has been changed but not saved, it asks you
whether or not to save the changed project to disk.
(5) Opening a project
Once a project is created, you can open the project directly from the [File] menu after
starting SiteManager. When you select the [File] menu, recently created project files are
listed just above the [Exit] menu entry. Select the project file you want to edit. The
contents of the project will be shown in the left window, and you can edit the project as
you wish.
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