Contents Previous Chapter Next Chapter 14. View This chapter explains the [View] menu. The [View] menu offers various way of viewing and checking the structure and link connectivity of a project. This menu also lets you easily determine problems with links.
When this option is selected, the structure of the project is shown in the left window (also called the "Tree Structure View" window). The structure of the project given by the tree consists of all the files and the folders in the project. When you select a file using the mouse in the "Tree Structure View" window, the selection bar moves to the file, which becomes the current file. The right window is called the "Information" window and shows the parent (upward) or child (downward) links of the file. When you double-click the icon of an HTML document in the "Tree Structure View" window, the document is opened in the Namo WebEditor for editing. Likewise, when you double-click the icon of an image file, you can edit the file in the graphic file editor that was specified in the [Option] dialog box. The [Option] dialog box is invoked by selecting the [Tools - Option...] menu. Note that some commands in the [Edit] menu, such as the [Cut], [Copy], [Paste], [Rename], and [Delete] commands, are available only when the [View - Project] option is selected.
When this option is selected, the relation between links is shown in the "Tree Structure View" window. The link relation is displayed by a tree where a file that points another file by a link is represented as the parent node and the pointed file as the child node. When you select a file in the "Tree Structure View" window, the selection bar moves to the file and it becomes the current file. The "Information" window shows the parent or child links of the file. When you double-click the icon of an HTML document in the "Tree Structure View" window, the document is opened in the Namo WebEditor for editing. Likewise, when you double-click the icon of an image file, you can edit the file in the graphic file editor that was specified in the [Option] dialog box. You can change the way of viewing each links as you want by selecting one of the [URL], [Description], and [Title] options in the [View - Detail Mode]. Note that while the [View - Link Relation] option is selected, you can't use some commands in the [Edit] menu, such as the [Cut], [Copy], [Paste], [Rename], and [Delete] commands.
Select this option to view the status information about links in the project. You can easily check links with a problem in this view mode. It is recommended that before checking links you use the [Tools - Update All Link] command so as to make the information up-to-date. A link with a problem corresponds to one of the following case: Broken link (red circle Unknown link (green circle Orphan link (yellow circle In addition, the last modified date is displayed for each file. You can edit an HTML document in the Namo WebEditor by double-clicking the icon of the document. [Caution] Since the Namo SiteManager does not check external links by default, links using HTTP or FTP are displayed as "Unknown" link. To enforce checking of external links, set on the [Check External link on Update Links] option in the [Option] dialog box, which is raised by the [Tools - Option...] menu. [View - Detail Mode - URL] When this option is selected, the URL address is displayed for each link in the "Tree Structure View" window. The option is meaningful only when the [View - Link Relation] option is selected. To display only HTML documents, set on the [View - Detail Mode - HTML only] option. [View - Detail Mode - Description] When this option is selected, the description text in the HTML document is displayed for each link in the "Tree Structure View" window. The option is meaningful only when the [View - Link Relation] option is selected. In the previous figure where the [View - Detail Mode - URL] option is selected, the link is shown as the name of the file connected by the link, say "news/webeditor_1223.html". On the other hand, in this figure where the [View - Detail Mode - Description] option is used, the description text for the link is displayed, say "Namo Web Editor prized...". For the image file, the description text may not exists. If this is the case, the file name is displayed instead. [View - Detail Mode - Title] When this option is selected, the title of the document is displayed for each link. Also, the option is meaningful only when the [View - Link Relation] option is selected. For an HTML document, the title can be entered in the [Information] tab of the [Document Properties] dialog box in the Namo WebEditor. The dialog box can be raised by selecting the [Format - Document...] menu. For example, in the figure below where the [View - Detail Mode - Title] option is selected, the link is displayed by the title of the connected document, says "GrandPrix". If there is no title such as an image file, the file name is displayed instead. [View - Detail Mode - HTML Only] When this option is set on, only HTML documents are shown in the "Tree Structure View" window. Setting this option is useful when you want to pay attention to only HTML documents since in general there may be a lot of files other than HTML documents in the project. [View - Show Duplicated Link] When this option is set on, links with the same target address are treated as different and are shown together in the "Information" window meaning that the same link is displayed multiple times. Otherwise, when this option is set off, they are treated as the same and the link is shown only one time. [View - Toolbar] When this option is set on, the tool bar is displayed. The tool bar is the collection of the tool icons under the menu bar. To hide the tool bar, set off the option. The option toggles between on and off each time the menu entry is selected. [View - Status Bar] When this option is set on, the status bar is displayed. The status bar is located at the bottom of the program window. It informs the current status about the user's action in the Namo SiteManager |