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4. View

In this chapter, we will explain commands used to set editing enrionments.

(1) Toolbar1

[View | Toolbar1]

Select this option to display or hide Toolbar1.

Toolbar1, displayed on the first line of the tool bar, is a collection of the most frequently used commands. The check mark can be turned on or off by selecting the [View | Toolbar1] menu. If the check mark is on, Toolbar1 is displayed. Conversely, if the check mark is off, Toolbar1 is not displayed.

(2) Toolbar2

[View | Toolbar2]

Select this option to display or hide Toolbar2.

Toolbar2, displayed on the second line of the toolbar, is a collection of advanced commands, such as insertion of JavaApplet or JavaScript.

(3) Ribbon Bar

[View | Ribbon Bar]

Select this option to display or hide the Ribbon Bar.

The Ribbon Bar is displayed on the third line of the toolbar. The Ribbon Bar consists of commands dealing with font properties and paragraph style.

If you think that the editing window is too small, turn off the Ribbon Bar, Toolbar1, and Toolbar2 options.

(4) Status Bar

[View | Status Bar]

Select this option to display or hide the Status Bar.

The Status Bar, displayed on the lower part of WebEditor, shows on-line comments, the URL of certain contents or images, etc. For example, if the current editing document is changed and is not saved, the Status Bar displays the string "Modified." And if you select an image, the image's URL is displayed on the Status Bar.

(5) Format Mark (at the View menu)

[View | Format Mark]

The Format Mark command has five submenus related to viewing hidden components.
There are many components which are not visible with Web browsers, such as non-breaking spaces, tables whose border size is zero, and bookmarks. But in HTML editors you need to know where they are. For example, although a table whose border size is zero is not visible on a Web browser, you may want to edit the table by viewing it in Namo WebEditor. In this case, if the Format Mark option is on, the table border will be visible in Namo WebEditor. Namo WebEditor provides five options about viewing hidden components. These options will be explained in the following five sections.

(6) Format Mark (at the Format Mark submenu)

[View | Format Mark | Format Mark]

Select the Format Mark option to view hidden marks.

There are some hidden components in HTML, such as scripts, comments, bookmarks, tables with zero border size , etc. These are not displayed in Web browser. If the Format Mark option is on, the hidden components' format marks will displayed in Namo WebEditor as follows.

(7) Paragraph Mark

[View | Format Mark | Paragraph Mark]

Select the Paragraph Mark option to view line breaks <br> and hard return marks <p>.  

(8) Space

[View | Format Mark | Space]

Select the Space option to view white spaces and nbsp marks.
 If you select the Space option, white spaces are seen as black dots and nbsp marks as red dots.

(9) All

[View | Format Mark | All]

The All option is same as having all three options (Format Mark, Paragraph, and Space). Therefore, if this option is checked, all hidden components will be displayed in the current editing window. The All option is toggled by selecting the [View | Format Mark | All] menu.

(10) Paragraph Spacing

When the Paragraph Spacing option is not selected, all the blank lines which are generated by paragraph tag <p> are not visible in Namo WebEditor. So there is no difference in appearance between LineBreak tags <br> (<shift+Enter>) and Paragraph tags <p> (<Enter>).
You can use Namo WebEditor like a normal text editor if this option is not selected.

[Information] This option exists for using the WebEditor as a normal text editor. So it's better to select this option when editing an HTML document.

(11) Image

[View | Image | Image]

Select this option to display or hide images.

If the check mark is on, images will be displayed in the document windows. On the other hand, if the check mark is off, a substitute image mark and an alternative text, which you have written for the image, appear in each image position. Also, a dashed line box with the size of the image appears in the image position.


    When [View | Image | Image] checked.            When not checked.

(12) Background Image

[View | Image | Background Image]

Select the Background Image option to show or hide background images.

If the Background Image option is off, the background image is not displayed, and the default background color of the document is used.

[Caution] If the Background Image option is on, you might have problems in editing and scrolling the document quickly.

(13) Animation

[View | Image | Animation]

Select the Animation option to start or stop the animation of animated gif files. When you use Namo WebEditor, you can view the animation of animated gif files while editing your document. However, the animation can slow down your computer. So, if you feel the performance of your computer is degraded, turn this option off.

(14) Window Width

Select the Window Width option to set a home page's width.
You can set the window width by selecting the submenu of the [Window Width] menu. It modifies the window size of Namo WebEditor, but does not permanently set the window size. That is, you can resize Namo WebEditor's window width later. The Window Width option influences only the window size of Namo WebEditor, not the paper size of the printer set by the [File | Page Setup] option.

The five submenus of this option have the following meanings:

[640 x 480] : Adjusts your window size to 640x 480 video mode. This video mode is mainly used in notebook computers. So, for users of notebook computers, it is necessary to confirm a document in the window size adjusted to the video mode.

[800 x 600] : Adjusts your window size to 800x600 video mode. This video mode is mainly used in computers with a 14' monitor.

[Printer Default Paper] :Adjusts your window width to the paper size of your default printer. The paper may be Letter, A4 or any other paper.

[Letter] :Adjusts your window size to Letter paper size. In the West, Letter paper is more common for printing Web pages. Therefore, Web pages written in English must be confirmed in this paper size.

[A4] :Adjusts your window size to A4 paper size. In East Asia, A4 paper is more common for printing Web pages. Therefore, Web pages written in Hangul must be confirmed in this paper size.

[Caution] If there is no default printer, the [Printer Default Paper, Letter, A4] options do not function, because margins differ for different printers.

(15) Preview in Browser1

() [View | Preview in Browser1] <F12>

Select the [Preview in Browser1] menu to view how your home page looks in a Web browser.

Namo WebEditor's users should confirm their home pages before publishing to the Web. This is because a home page can be displayed differently on different Web browsers. The users can pre-register two favorite Web browsers used to confirm their home pages.

The [Preview in Browser1] command is used when you want to confirm your home page in the first registered Web browser. The default for the Browser1 is Netscape Navigator and can be changed in the [Tool | Program Preference] menu. If the registered browser does not exist in the user-defined path, the [Choose a Browser] dialog box will appear, in which the user can re-define the path of the browser.

(16) Preview in Browser2

() [View | Preview in Browser2] <F12>

The [Preview in Browser2] command is used when you want to view your home page in the second registered Web browser. The default for the Browser2 is Internet Explorer and can be changed in the [Tool | Program Preference] menu. If the registered browser does not exist in the user-defined path, the [Choose a Browser] dialog box will appear, in which the user can re-define the path of the browser.

(17) Reload Document

[View | Reload Document]

Select the [View | Reload Document] menu to reload the current editing document from the disk.

If the document currently being edited in Namo WebEditor has been modified by other programs, Namo WebEditor has the unchanged original document. In this case, you can select the [View | Reload Document] menu to ensure Namo WebEditor has the most recent document.

(18) Refresh Screen

[View | Refresh Screen] <F5>

Select the [View | Refresh Screen] menu or <F5> to refresh the editing window.

The Refresh Screen command will refresh a distorted editing window.

(19) HTML Source

[View | HTML Source] <F6>

Select this command to view the HMTL source of the current document.

You can use the [HTML Source] command to edit the HTML tag directly. The cursor position in the main editing window is preserved in the HTML source editing window. If you want to go to the top of the HTML source editing window, press <Ctrl+Home>.

If you select the [Show Color Coding] option, the HTML tags, names, and values are displayed in different colors with normal text. However, this option may hamper computer performance.

In the HTML source window, you can execute the [Find] or [Replace] command.

After editing the source, click the [OK] button to view the changes in the main editing window. If you click the [Close] button instead of [OK], the changes will be ignored.

In most cases you do not have to edit HTML tags directly, because Namo WebEditor provides an almost perfect WYSIWYG function. However, some Web browsers provide their own extended HTML tag, in which case you will need to edit the HTML tag directly. But avoid using HTML tags which depend on browsers since the extended tags will not operate well on browsers which do not provide the tags.

[Caution] Changes made in the HTML source window cannot be undone except by editing the source directly.

(20) Document Information

[View | Document Information]

Use this command to view document information such as file position, authors, and the existence of a background image. While viewing the information, you can change it by clicking the [Change] button.

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