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15. Tools

This chapter explains the [Tools] menu. The [Tools] menu provides helpfiul and necessary tools for managing a Web site using a project. For example, the [Update All Link] command, which ensures that the link connectivity between files is consistent and up-to-date. It is also useful when changing a file in a project.

(1) Find

[Tools - Find...] <Ctrl+F>

This command is used to search for a particular string pattern in all documents in a project.

  1. Select the [Tools - Find...] menu. The [Find in Files] dialog box appears.

  1. Type a string pattern to search for and click the [Find] button. After searching is finished, SiteManager lists documents that contain the pattern in the [Find Result] dialog box.

  1. Select a document you want in the [Find Result] dialog box and click the [Edit Page] button.
  2. Namo WebEditor starts and opens the selected document.
  3. WebEditor continues the [Find...] command in the [Find] dialog box.



  • Match case
    Use this option to distinguish between upper and lower case when searching for a string. For example, the string "HTML." does not match the string "html" with this option on.
  • Match whole word
    Use this option to search only for whole words. That is, only strings with at least one space on both sides will be considered. Consider searching for the string "on" when this option is off. In this case, Namo SiteManager will search for all the words containing the fragment "on," such as "only," "option," and "font," as well as for the actual word "on."
  • Find in HTML source
    Use this option to search for strings in HTML source documents. The search operation will be performed in the source files, including HTML tags.
  • File List
    This window shows the list of files that contain the search pattern.
  • Edit Page
    After selecting a file, click this button to search for the string in the contents of the file. Namo WebEditor is invoked when the target file is opened. The actual search operation is then performed in the [Find] dialog box.
  • Close
    Select this button to end use of the [Find...] or [Replace...] command.

(2) Replace

[Tools - Replace...] <Ctrl+H>

Use this command to find a string and replace it with another in all the documents in a project.

Steps for using the [Replace...] command:

  1. Select the [Tools - Rename] menu. The [Replace in Files] dialog box appears.
  2. Type in a string to find and a new string to replace it with. Click the [Replace] button to begin searching for the string. After searching, SiteManager shows the list of the documents containing the string in the [Find Result] dialog box.
  3. Select the document you want in the [Find Result] dialog box and click the [Edit Page] button.
  4. Namo WebEditor starts and opens the selected document.
  5. WebEditor continues the [Replace...] operation.


Find What:

Type in the string you wish to search for.

Replace with:

Type in a new string with which to replace the string.


  • Match case
    Use this option to distinguish between upper and lower case when searching for strings. For example, the string "HTML." does not match the string "html" with this option on.
  • Match whole word
    Use this option to search only for whole words. That is, only strings with at least one space on both sides will be considered. Consider searching for the string "on" when this option is off. In this case, Namo SiteManager will search for all the words containing the fragment "on," such as "only," "option," and "font," as well as for the actual word "on."
  • Find in HTML source
    Use this option to search for a string in HTML source documents. The search operation will be performed in all source files, including HTML tags.

(3) Update All Links

[Tools - Update All Link] <F5>

This command is used to check the link connectivity of all files in the current project and update any links affected by recent editing. The command also stores the updated status in the project and applies the updated status to the display in the window.

While updating links, the progress status bar shows how much of the job has been completed.

[Caution] To keep a project up-to-date, use the [Update All Link] command whenever one or more files in the project have been changed. In addition, be sure to save the file edited in WebEditor before using the [Update All Link] command.

(4) Publish

[Tools - Publish...] <F4>

Use this command to publish the current project to the final Web site. When publishing a project, you can upload all the files in a project to the Web server. You can also select only certain files to upload.

To upload files to a Web server, you should know the login ID and password. In addition, you should be aware of the correct path of the folder in which to upload files.

The index page (root page) must exist on the Web server so that a user can access the Web site. Be sure to include the index page and use the correct file name for the page when publishing the project.

When the [Tools - Publish...] command is executed, the [Publish] dialog box appears as follows:

FTP Settings

  • Host
    Type in the address of the Web server to which you will publish the project. As an example, consider the URL of the Web site of "". In this case, you should enter only the host address, "," for this field.
  • Directory
    Type in the HTML document directory or folder that is above the user directory. In the example above, if the home page of the user "namoboy" is located in the directory "htmldocs" below the user directory "~namoboy", you should enter "htmldocs" for this field. Consult the server administrator for the correct directory name.
  • User Name
    Type in the user ID. In the example above, this field should be "namoboy."
  • Password:
    Type in the password.


When you select files to publish, the total size of the selected files is displayed under the [Publish] button.

  • File list window
    In this window, all the files in the project are listed by file name. Select the files you want to publish.
  • [Select All]
    Click this button to select all the files in the project at one time.
  • [Deselect All]
    Click this button to leave all the files unselected or cancel all the selections.
  • [Last Selected]
    Click this button to select only the files that were selected when the project was last published.
  • [Select Modified]
    Click this button to select only the files that have been modified after the last publication.
  • [Publish]
    Use this button to actually publish all the selected files.

[Information] The index page or root page is the page that is accessed first when a user visits the Web site.

[Note] The name of the index page file can differ among Web servers. Consult the server administrator to confirm that you have the correct name of the index page file. In general, the name of the index page is "index.htm" or "index.html.".

The [Status] dialog box shows the status of the publication. The name of the file and the number of bytes transferred so far are displayed. If for some reason publication is impossible, an explanation is shown in the dialog box.

  • Location
    This field shows the address of the file being published.
  • Status
    This field shows the total size, the transferred size in bytes, and the average transfer rate for the file being published.

(5) Option

[Tools - Options...]

This menu is used to configure options for Namo SiteManager.

Options in SiteManager are divided into two groups: general options and options for a new project.

General options apply to the ordinary editing job in the open project. They include [Check external links on Update Links], [Always prompt on Link Correction], [Always prompt on Import Files], and [Always prompt on Delete File] plus the [Graphic File Editor] field.

Options for a new project apply to newly created project. They include [Maximum Import Level], [Import to Until Disk Space], and [Always Prompt on Overwrite File].

Option Tab


  • Check External Links on Updated Links
    If this option is on, SiteManager will check and update external links when checking and updating of internal links. To check external links, HTTP or FTP should be used. Since using HTTP or FTP can take a relatively long time, it is recommended that you turn this option off. Turn it on only for final verification.
  • Always prompt on Link Correction
    If this option is on, SiteManager prompts you to confirm the action whenever you change a link in the project.
  • Always prompt on Import Files
    If this option is on, SiteManager prompts you to confirm that you want the selected file(s) to be imported.
  • Always prompt on Delete File
    If this option is on, SiteManager prompts you to confirm that you want the selected file(s) to be deleted.
  • Graphic File Editor
    Enter the path of the external graphic editor to be used when editing an image file. You can use the [Browse...] button to search for a graphic editor.

[Tip] If the [Check External Links on Update Links] option is on, checking links may take a very long time. Turn off this option unless you are performing a final verification.

New Project Tab

From the Web

When a new project is created, the number of files to be imported from a remote Web site may be excessively large. To prevent importing too many files, you can set limits on the directory level and the total size.

  • Maximum Import Level
    With this field, you can determine the maximum level of directories when importing files from a remote Web site. SiteManager allows up to100 levels.
  • Import to Until Disk Space
    With this field, you can determine the maximum size of all files to be imported. SiteManager supports up to 64MB.
  • Always prompt on Overwrite file
    When this option is on, SiteManager displays a "Confirm" message box prompting you to confirm that you want an imported file to overwrite the same file which already exists.

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