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3. Edit

In this chapter, you will learn commands to edit documents and make bookmarks. In particular, the Undo and Redo commands are useful to restore and reverse a series of editing operations.

(1) Undo

[Edit | Undo] <Ctrl+Z>

The Undo command undoes the previous action and brings you back to your prior state.
By selecting the [Edit-Undo] menu, you can execute the Undo command that restores the document in the current window to the way it was before the most recent edit. If you continue to execute the Undo command, the Namo WebEditor continues to reverse the actions until your file returns to the state it was when you began your current editing session.
You can undo the last 200 actions.

If your file has no changes, the Undo menu and tool icon are dimmed.

[Caution] The Undo command does not restore option changes, and has no effect on the caret position or mouse movement.

(2) Redo

[Edit | Redo] <ALT+Z>

The Redo command reverses the effect of the most recent Undo command. The Redo command only has an effect right after the Undo command or after another Redo command. A series of Redo commands reverses the effects of a series of Undo commands. You can redo the last 200 Undo commands.
If no Undo command is executed, the Redo icon is dimmed.

(3) Cut

[Edit | Cut]<Ctrl+X>

The Cut command moves the selected contents to the clipboard.

The contents to be cut can be selected with the keyboard or the mouse. With the keyboard, use Shift and the arrow keys; with the mouse, click and drag what you want to cut. With the contents selected in this way, you can also execute the Copy, Paste, and Delete commands.

After selecting the contents, you can execute the Cut command by selecting the [Edit-Cut] menu. The Cut command removes the selected contents from your document and places it into the clipboard. You can then paste that contents into any other document or somewhere else in the same document with the Namo WebEditor by selecting the [Edit-Paste] menu. The contents still remain on the clipboard so that you can paste the same contents until you put another contents into the clipboard.

[Caution] If you cut a part of a numbered list, the numbers of the list change automatically.

(4) Copy

[Edit | Copy] <Ctrl+C>

The Copy command leaves the selected contents intact but places an exact copy of it into the clipboard. You can then paste that contents into any other document by choosing Paste.

[Information] If new contents are put into the clipboard, the previous contents in the clipboard are overwritten. Therefore, the clipboard always keeps the most recent contents.

(5) Paste

[Edit | Paste] <Ctrl+V>

The Paste command inserts contents in the clipboard into the current editing window.

By selecting the [Edit-Paste] menu, you can paste any contents from the clipboard.
If the contents are copied from the Namo WebEditor, you can paste anything; JavaScript, Form field, etc. If the contents are copied from external programs such as Word Pad, you can paste only a text or an image.

(6) Delete

[Edit |Delete] <Delete>

The Delete command deletes the selected contents.
The Delete command removes the selected contents but does not put it into the clipboard. This means you can't paste the contents with the Delete command. The Delete command is useful if you want to delete contents, and if you don't want to overwrite the contents of the clipboard.

[Information] Although the deleted contents cannot be restored with the Paste command, they are retrievable with the Undo command.

(7) Select All

[Edit | Select All] <Ctrl+A>

The Select All command selects all contents in the current document regardless of the caret position.
By selecting the [Edit-Select All] menu, you can execute the Select All command that selects all contents in the current editing window at once. With this selected contents, you can use the Copy, Cut, and Delete commands.

(8) Copy Format

[Edit | Copy Format] <Ctrl+F2>

The Copy Format command copies properties such as font styles and paragraph styles, except contents itself.

Select the [Edit-Copy Format] menu, then the [Copy Format] dialog box will appear. The status of the check boxes is varied depending on the caret position. For example, if the caret is outside a table, the [Table Properties] and [Cell Properties] boxes are dimmed.

If you check the [All Formats] box, all possible boxes are checked. You don't have to select contents to execute the Copy Format command.

(9) Paste Format

[Edit | Paste Format] <F2>

The Paste Format applies properties copied by the Copy Format command to selected contents.

Select the [Edit-Paste Format] menu, then properties copied by the Copy Format command will be applied to selected contents. You have to select contents before executing the Paste Format command.

The status of the check boxes is varied depending on the caret position. For example, if the caret is outside a table, the [Table Properties] and [Cell Properties] boxes are dimmed

  1. In case properties copied by the Copy Format command are font properties, execute the Paste Format command after selecting a text.
  2. In case properties copied by the Copy Format command are paragraph properties, you can execute the Paste Format command without selecting a text since the properties are applied to the current paragraph itself.
  3. In case properties copied by the Copy Format command are both font properties and paragraph properties, they are applied to selected contents and the current paragraph..

(10) Find

[Edit | Replace]

The Find command searches for a string in the current editing window.

If you select the [Edit-Find] menu, the Namo WebEditor will display the [Find] dialog box, which lets you type the string you want to search for and set options that affect the search.

The [Find] dialog box contains several check boxes and radio buttons. Enter the string in the input box and choose [Find Next] to begin the search, or choose [Close].

  • Match case
    Check the Match case option if you want the Namo WebEditor to differentiate between upper and lower case.
  • Match whole words only.
    Check the Match whole word only box if you want the WebEditor to search for words only (That is, the string must have punctuation or space characters on both sides.)
  • Direction and Range
    Decide which direction you want the Editor to search.
    1. Use the Up button to search upwards from the cursor.
    2. Use the Down button to search downward from the cursor.
    3. Use Start of Document to search from the beginning of the file.
    4. Use All Opened Documents to search all of the currently loaded files.

    [Caution] If you select the All opened Documents option, the current document is changed to the first document. Even if you cancel the Find command, the first document is not changed.

(11) Replace

[Edit | Replace] <Ctrl+H or R>

The Replace command finds a string in the text, and also replaces the found string with another string.

If you select the [Edit-Replace] menu, the Namo WebEditor will display a dialog box that lets you type the string you want to search for and the string you want to replace it with. The [Replace] dialog box contains several radio buttons and check boxes - many of which are identical to the [Find] dialog box, discussed previously. Additionally, you can enter the replacement string in the input box. After typing the two string, choose [Find Next] to begin the search, or choose [Close]. After searching for the string, if you click the [Replace] button, it replaces only the currently found string. On the other hand, if you click the [Replace All] button, it replaces all occurrences found in the selected text, as defined by Options and Range.


Match case
Check Match case if you want the Namo WebEditor to differentiate uppercase from lowercase. For example, if this option is not checked, the Namo WebEditor recognizes "HTML" and "html" as the same strings. Conversely, if the option is checked, the Namo WebEditor recognizes the two strings as the different strings.

Match whole word only
Check the Match whole word only box if you want the Namo WebEditor to search for words only. (That is, the string must have punctuation or space characters on both sides.) 


From Start of Document
Replace occurences from the beginning of the document.

All Opened Documents.
Perform replacement on all the opened documents in Namo WebEditor.

[Caution] If you select the All opened Documents option, the current document is changed to the first document. Even though you cancel the Replace command, the current document is not changed to the document before the Replace command.

(12) Find Again

[Edit | Find Again] <F3>

The Find Again command repeats the last Find or Replace command. All settings you made in the last dialog box remain in effect when you choose Find Again.
If you didn't run Find command before, the first Find Again command is the same as the Find command.

(13) Bookmark

[Edit | Bookmark]

The Bookmark command makes any selected contents a bookmark. By doing so, you can go to the position with the bookmark from any other position. To make a bookmark, you must first select contents that will have the bookmark. The selected contents may be a text or an image. In case that the selected contents is a text, the default bookmark name is the selected text. Of course, the name can be easily changed. In case that the selected contents is not a text such as an image, no default bookmark name is defined. So you must enter a new bookmark name.

Let's assume that a bookmark in a document has been linked with other documents. In this case, if the link is clicked, the document with the bookmark is opened and the caret directly goes to the bookmark. From this fact, you can note that a bookmark is useful to directly go to a position in a document from any other position.

[Caution] After making a bookmark, you MUST save the document which has the bookmark. Otherwise, the bookmark is not visible until you save the document. Therefore, if you want to link the bookmark to other documents, you must save the document that has the bookmark.

If you erase the text which has a bookmark, the bookmark is automatically removed.  

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