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/ Loadstar 21 / 021.d81

Jump To: Image (1)  |  Document (24)  |  Text (102)  |  Unknown (20)

Images (1)

Document (24)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
! Commodore BASIC    80 b  1986-01-01
action Commodore BASIC  24.0 KB 1986-01-01
category show Commodore BASIC   9.5 KB 1986-01-01
color select Commodore BASIC   4.6 KB 1986-01-01
colorsave Commodore BASIC   4.7 KB 1986-01-01
cryptogram Commodore BASIC   4.1 KB 1986-01-01
disk frisk Commodore BASIC  14.5 KB 1986-01-01
exit.blurb Commodore BASIC   445 b  1986-01-01
f.b maker.1 Commodore BASIC   3.5 KB 1986-01-01
f.b maker.2 Commodore BASIC  10.2 KB 1986-01-01
hello Commodore BASIC   136 b  1986-01-01
hello connect Commodore BASIC   136 b  1986-01-01
mag.boot Commodore BASIC   647 b  1986-01-01
magazine entry Commodore BASIC   3.6 KB 1986-01-01
pgm Commodore BASIC   343 b  1986-01-01
pgm starter Commodore BASIC   1.3 KB 1986-01-01
pgm.demo Commodore BASIC  10.5 KB 1986-01-01
phrase that pays Commodore BASIC   5.9 KB 1986-01-01
pixel page Commodore BASIC  1015 b  1986-01-01
presenter Commodore BASIC   9.3 KB 1986-01-01
print select Commodore BASIC   2.1 KB 1986-01-01
punch.boot Commodore BASIC    93 b  1986-01-01
punch.load Commodore BASIC   6.1 KB 1986-01-01
star Commodore BASIC   1.8 KB 1986-01-01

Text (102)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
>-- -------- --< Text File 2     8 b  1986-01-01
>---- ---------< Text File 2     1 b  1986-01-01
>------ -------< Text File 2     1 b  1986-01-01
>------- ------< Text File 2     1 b  1986-01-01
>-------- -----< Text File 2    13 b  1986-01-01
>--------- ----< Text File 2     1 b  1986-01-01
>---------- ---< Text File 2     1 b  1986-01-01
>----------- --< Text File 2    13 b  1986-01-01
>------------ -< Text File 2     1 b  1986-01-01
30's Text File 16   877 b  1986-01-01
40's Text File 16   861 b  1986-01-01
50's Text File 22   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
60's Text File 22   1.3 KB 1986-01-01
70's Text File 10   525 b  1986-01-01
abc Text File 2     5 b  1986-01-01
academy Text File 19   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
acronyms Text File 22   1.3 KB 1986-01-01
acting name Text File 19   994 b  1986-01-01
addresses Text File 13   739 b  1986-01-01
animals Text File 22   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
authors Text File 21   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
automobiles Text File 22   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
backup bands Text File 20   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
baseball Text File 20   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
big business Text File 22   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
boxing Text File 17   980 b  1986-01-01
capitals Text File 19   954 b  1986-01-01
cartoons Text File 19   989 b  1986-01-01
color.file Text File 7    24 b  1986-01-01
comics Text File 19  1010 b  1986-01-01
computers Text File 21   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
countries Text File 18   905 b  1986-01-01
features11 Text File 144   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
football Text File 22   1.3 KB 1986-01-01
games Text File 14   842 b  1986-01-01
hockey Text File 15   791 b  1986-01-01
home town Text File 14   789 b  1986-01-01
inventors Text File 22   1.3 KB 1986-01-01
leaders Text File 12   674 b  1986-01-01
mash Text File 16   701 b  1986-01-01
math Text File 16   765 b  1986-01-01
metal_medal Text File 15   845 b  1986-01-01
modern music Text File 22   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
movies Text File 12   675 b  1986-01-01
musical Text File 18   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
nicknames Text File 18   996 b  1986-01-01
nmgmlst Text File 559   7.4 KB 1986-01-01
numbers Text File 20   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
numerics Text File 15   869 b  1986-01-01
occupations Text File 18   1.0 KB 1986-01-01
old testament Text File 15   720 b  1986-01-01
oscars Text File 22   1.3 KB 1986-01-01
presidents Text File 22   1.3 KB 1986-01-01
radio Text File 19   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
relatives Text File 15   746 b  1986-01-01
roots of rock Text File 22   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
sit-com Text File 20   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
space Text File 14   766 b  1986-01-01
sports Text File 22   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
stage name Text File 20   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
star role Text File 20   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
star trek Text File 21   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
states Text File 21   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
superman Text File 16   871 b  1986-01-01
surname Text File 16   810 b  1986-01-01
t.action Text File 275   5.7 KB 1986-01-01
t.category show Text File 236   4.0 KB 1986-01-01
t.color select Text File 52   835 b  1986-01-01
t.comm subs.a Text File 45   720 b  1986-01-01
t.comm subs.o Text File 54   900 b  1986-01-01
t.contents map Text File 128   2.6 KB 1986-01-01
t.cryptogram Text File 180   2.9 KB 1986-01-01
t.disk frisk Text File 363   5.8 KB 1986-01-01
t.eliza.logo Text File 155   2.5 KB 1986-01-01
t.help Text File 52   695 b  1986-01-01
t.ls subs.a Text File 41   681 b  1986-01-01
t.ls subs.o Text File 58   820 b  1986-01-01
t.mag.boot Text File 121   1.9 KB 1986-01-01
t.masthead Text File 39   778 b  1986-01-01
t.pgm Text File 157   3.0 KB 1986-01-01
t.pgm.demo Text File 30   455 b  1986-01-01
t.phrase that pa Text File 175   2.9 KB 1986-01-01
t.print select Text File 68   1.0 KB 1986-01-01
t.punch.boot Text File 203   3.5 KB 1986-01-01
t.q&a.1 Text File 156   2.6 KB 1986-01-01
t.q&a.2 Text File 188   3.4 KB 1986-01-01
t.r.games creato Text File 140   2.3 KB 1986-01-01
t.software.a Text File 182   3.4 KB 1986-01-01
t.software.o Text File 120   1.8 KB 1986-01-01
t.spacedog.128 Text File 81   1.3 KB 1986-01-01
t.stargab Text File 71   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
t.user Text File 199   2.9 KB 1986-01-01
tales Text File 11   515 b  1986-01-01
themes Text File 15   933 b  1986-01-01
tv detectives Text File 19   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
tv hosts Text File 20   1.1 KB 1986-01-01
tv nicknames Text File 10   513 b  1986-01-01
us cities Text File 22   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
war Text File 19   1.0 KB 1986-01-01
water Text File 17   974 b  1986-01-01
westerners Text File 21   1.2 KB 1986-01-01
words Text File 11   513 b  1986-01-01

Unknown Files (20)
.tag Unknown   2.3 KB 1986-01-01
ce3k.m Unknown   161 b  1986-01-01
char sets Unknown   7.3 KB 1986-01-01
eliza.logo Unknown   5.8 KB 1986-01-01
linestar ml.o Unknown   1.8 KB 1986-01-01
loadstar.spr Unknown   451 b  1986-01-01
menu.sp1 Unknown   131 b  1986-01-01
menu.sprites Unknown   195 b  1986-01-01
music Unknown   386 b  1986-01-01
pgm.bin Unknown   6.5 KB 1986-01-01
punch Unknown   2.2 KB 1986-01-01
romusic Unknown   1.4 KB 1986-01-01
routines v4 Unknown   1.0 KB 1986-01-01
side Unknown     4 b  1986-01-01
side 1 Unknown     4 b  1986-01-01
side 2 Unknown     4 b  1986-01-01
sidirq v3 Unknown   436 b  1986-01-01
spacedog.128 Unknown   6.8 KB 1986-01-01
sprites Unknown   1.8 KB 1986-01-01
unpacker Unknown   769 b  1986-01-01