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- the strip where we would find the dog zero\3little iodine\little iodyne\^
- the strip we would find - cat woman\3batman\bat man\^
- the strip that we'd find chalky\3andy capp\andy cap\^
- the strip -l'il folks latter became this\3peanuts\peenuts\^
- the strip we would find - bonnie braids\3dick tracy\dick tracie\^
- it's olive oyl's brother's name\3castor oyl\caster oyl\casrer
- she's sad sack's girl friend\1sadie\sadey\^
- hagar the horrible's sons name\3hamlett\hamlat\^
- he is veronica lodge's boyfriend\1archie\archey\^
- the comic - bull tales - latter became this\3doonsberry\doonsburry\^
- it's the name of the baby in - hi & lois\3trixie\trixey\trixy
- the general's name in the strip - beetle bailey\3halftrack\general halftrack\^
- jungle jim's surname\3bradley\bradly\bradle
- mr. dithers is his boss\1dagwood\dagwood bumstead\^
- dianna prince is better known as this\3wonder woman\wunder woman\^
- he's archie andrews' best friend\1jughead\jug head\^
- lizz the policewoman is from this strip\3dick tracy\dick tracie\^