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- it's the name of jacques cousteau's research ship\3calypso\calipso\celipso
- it's the island that harbours the statue of liberty\3bedloe\bedlow\^
- it's the steamship that sank on april 14 1912\3titanic\tytanic\^
- it's the ship that carried the pilgrims to america\3mayflower\^\^
- the continent believed to have sunk in the atlantic\3atlantis\atlantes\^
- when it rains it pours is there advertising slogan\3morton\morten\mortan
- it's the prison in san francisco bay\3alcatraz\alcetraz\alkartaz
- it was the former name of the hoover dam\3boulder dam\bolder dam\^
- this venezuela water fall is the highest in the world\3angel falls\^\^
- this river has the largest water flow\3amazon\the amezon\amezon
- this african river is the longest in the world\3nile\the nile\^
- the world's largest body of water\3pacific\pasific\^
- it's the largest island on earth\3greenland\^\^
- this n. american lake has the largest surface area\3superior\^\^
- this canal is the busiest in the world\3panama\^\^