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- the model -t- was refered to as this\3tin lizzie\tin lizzy\tin lizzey
- it was gen. patton's nick name\1old blood and guts\blood & guts\^
- he was known as the rail splitter\1abraham lincoln\linken\^
- he's known as the great profile\1john barrymore\barrimore\^
- uncle miltie is his nick name\1milton berle\bearl\berel
- this entertainer was known as lonesome george\1george goble\goble\^
- fang was the nick name for her husband\1phyllis diller\diler\dillar
- it's rudy vallee's nick name\3vagabond lover\^\^
- it was charlie chaplin's nickname\3little tramp\^\^
- tap dancer bill robinson's nick name\1mister bojangles\bojangels\^
- this boxer was nick named gentleman jim\1james corbett\corbit\^
- she's known as the peek-a-boo girl\1veronica lake\lake\^
- he's the athlete known as the bambino\1babe ruth\ruth\rooth
- she's the actress known as the sex kitten\1brigitte bardot\bardeau\bardeot
- on sesame street - it's oscar's nick name\3the grouch\grouche\^
- fabiano forte is better known by this\3fabian\fabien\^