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- 14
- it's his natural mother's name\3lara\loura\lora
- it' the colour of the -s- on supermans crest\3red\^\^
- it's the substance that causes him to lose his powers\3kryptonite\kriptonite\^
- the name of the comic book he 1st appeared in\3action comics\^\^
- it's the name of the broadcasting co. that owens wgbs-tv\3galaxy\^\^
- it was his name as a baby on krypton\3kal el\kal\kalel
- the 1st name of superman's adopted mother\3martha\^\^
- it's the surname of the family that adopted superman\3kent\^\^
- it's the backround colour on superman's crest\3yellow\^\^
- besides kryptonite it's the only thing he fears\3magic\^\^
- she had a crush on superman\1lois lane\laine\^
- he was the photographer at the daily planet\1jimmy olson\olsin\olsen
- it was the newspaper where he worked\3daily planet\dailey planet\daley planet
- it's where you would find -the daily planet\5metropolis\metroplis\^