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- PGM-64
- Program Graphics Manager
- by: David P. Darus
- Ken French
- Louis R. Wallace
- ======================================
- PGM-64 is a library of machine lan-
- guage routines which, once loaded, can
- be called (via the SYS command) from a
- BASIC program. From its name, you
- would think that all of the PGM-64
- routines are for graphics. Not so!
- Many are for sprites and for general
- memory manipulation which would be
- harder, slower and/or impossible from
- BASIC alone. You do NOT need to know
- machine language to use these
- routines.
- PGM-64 is documented in the Feb/Mar
- 86 issue of Commodore Power/Play. For
- now, I'll give a brief run-down of the
- features:
- * Allows Hi-Res and Multi-Color
- mode Graphics.
- * Allows graphics screen to be
- placed in any of 6 locations,
- including under BASIC or Kernal
- ROMs.
- * Allows color memory and sprite
- images to be placed in several
- locations.
- * Provides BLOAD (LOAD any RAM)
- and BSAVE (SAVE any memory)
- commands.
- * Easy DOS access, including non-
- destructive directory, and dis-
- playing error channel.
- * Fill RAM range with any byte
- value.
- * Move any memory to any RAM with
- optional EOR.
- * Character driver, allows text
- on Hires screen, including:
- + 40/80 columns
- + Multiple fonts
- + Double width (40-col only)
- + Double height
- + Underline
- + Erase under character or not
- + Independent background color
- per character.
- + VERY fast!
- * Data compression and uncompres-
- sion, to/from RAM or disk.
- * Windows:
- + Clear
- + Fill
- + Reverse
- + Color
- + Copy (store)
- + Restore
- * Plot/Unplot dots.
- * Draw/Undraw lines.
- * Area fill.
- * 3-D Bars.
- * Sprites:
- + 8-sprite normal mode
- + 14-sprite mode:
- - 2 background colors
- - Sprites 0 and 13, full
- screen
- - Sprites 1-7, animatable,
- above split
- - Sprites 8-12, below split
- - Movable horizontal split
- + Sprite move and animate
- + Any # of sprites on or off
- with one command
- + Priority, horiz/vert expand,
- hires/multicolor, colors
- + Reflect and reverse sprites
- anywhere in RAM.
- + Store sprites outside VIC
- bank, and move them in when
- needed.
- + Move sprite with joystick
- (mouse emulation)
- * Fast directory reader, reads
- directory entries into 32-char
- string variable.
- On this disk is a "header" program
- which loads the binary version of PGM
- and defines abbreviations for all of
- the calls. It takes up lines below
- 50 and also line 63999 (for disabling
- PGM-64). To write your own program,
- first LOAD the header, and start wri-
- ting at line 50. SAVE when done, of
- course!
- ======================================
- PGM.BIN (ML routines)
- ----------< end of article >----------