ConceptDraw lets you import pictures from various graphic files and insert them into your documents. You can also create new pictures by converting ConceptDraw objects to various graphic formats.
Pictures and Graphic Formats
Inserting a Picture
Specifics of Inserting Vector Images
Creating Images
Pictures and Graphic Formats
Picture is a special type of objects which can be used in ConceptDraw.
The objects of this type allow limited editing only (rotating, resizing, etc.).
ConceptDraw Professional lets you use pictures from the following graphic files:
Raster Formats:
BMP - Widows bitmap;
JPEG - JPEG file;
GIF - GIF file;
TIF - TIFF file (PRO);
PNG - PNG file (PRO);
TGA - TARGA file (PRO);
Vector Formats:
WMF - Windows Metafile (in Windows system);
EMF - Enhanced Metafile;
PCT - Macintosh PICT file;
DXF - AutoCAD DXF document (PRO).
Note: To import graphics from AutoCAD DXF files in ConceptDraw Professional, use the File / Import menu. For more information, refer to the "Importing Files" section.
Inserting a Picture
To insert a picture into your document, use the Insert
/ Picture menu.
In the dialog which appears, browse to the needed graphic file and click on the filename
to select it. The thumbnail view of the selected image appears in the Preview box
on the left.
Note: To find the desired file quickly, you can specify the needed file format in the Files of type box.
Click the Open button to open the selected file.
The picture will be inserted in the centre of the active window. Note that the picture is
now part of the document and is no longer related to the file it was taken from.
The picture is in most cases inserted as a single object which can be resized,
repositioned, flipped or rotated.
(See "Manipulating Objects" for detailed
You can also assign line contour and shadow to such an object. (See "Line Properties" and "Shadow").
Note: In ConceptDraw, it is also possible to open a
graphic file in a separate document by using the File / Import command.
(For more information, refer to the "Importing Files"
Specifics of Inserting Vector Images
When inserting images of a vector format (wmf, emf, pict), you have an option to convert them into ConceptDraw objects. This works differently for the Macintosh and Windows versions of the program:
In the
document, select the picture you inserted and choose Ungroup from the Figure
menu. The picture will be converted into one or several ConceptDraw objects.
inserting a PICT image into the program, you will be asked whether to convert it into
ConceptDraw objects. If you refuse, the picture will be inserted in a raster format. If
the document contains emf-objects pasted there in the Windows
version of the program, such objects will look like rectangles labeled "Windows
Metafile" on a Mac. However, you can transform them into ConceptDraw objects in
the same way as on a PC - by using the Ungroup command.
Creating Images
ConceptDraw lets you save objects as pictures by means of the Export operation.
You can create an image using all the variety of drawing and formatting features in
ConceptDraw (see "Drawing Figures",
"Formatting Object Properties",
"Grouping Objects"),
and then export the file to one of the following graphic
BMP - Windows bitmap;
JPG - JPEG file;
GIF - GIF file;
EMF - Enhanced Metafile;
PCT - Macintosh PICT file (in Mac system),
EPS - Encapsulated Post Script.
DXF - AutoCAD DXF documents (PRO);
TIF - TIFF files (PRO);
PNG - PNG files (PRO);
TGA - TARGA files (PRO).
Use the File / Export / Graphic File command to export to a graphic format.
You can also export your drawing to HTML (File / Export / HTML). The image will be converted to GIF or JPEG format, and the hyperlinks will be preserved.
For more information, see the "Exporting Files" section.
See related topics:
Importing Files
Exporting Files
Manipulating Objects
Grouping Objects