Timer control to automate your daily tasks, PACT Timer 98!   Timer Options and Timer Registry Values

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PACT Timer 98 - Works like a charm!



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All information provided here are subject to change at anytime without notice. No warranties, no liability, no guaranty for fitness of code.

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Options and Registry Values Options and Registry Values


Timer Options

There is just one command line option, /s for silent mode. This causes the Timer to not show the timer dialog after start.


Timer Registry Values

The values should be self-descriptive, however, here is the description of all values.

ExeDescription Up to 100 characters.
ExePath Up to 255 characters.
ExeParameters Up to 255 characters.
ExeWorkDir Up to 255 characters.
StartNextDate 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss', 24-hour format, leading zero.
StartEverySec recurring time in seconds, 0 = not recurring (if StartNextDate empty then after logon takes precedence).
StartSecAfterBoot If not 0, this value will be processed, takes precedence. (boot = launch of Timer = after logon if in Startup).
StartActivated 1 = activated, else deactivated.
StartDeleteAfter 1 = delete after starting once, else only deactivate.
StartWorkingOnly 1 = recurring on working days only, that is, Monday through Friday, else run every day.
StartBell 1 = play sound on action, else no sound.
WindowState 0 Normal, 1 Min, 2 Max, 3 No Activate, 4 Min No Activate, 5 Hidden.
PriorityLevel 0 Realtime, 1 High, 2 Normal, 3 Idle.


Example Registry File

Here's an example Registry file you can simply double-click to import it into the registry. Copy the following lines and paste them into a new text document. Save it with the extension *.reg.



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PACT Software\Timer\myNewTimer]
"ExeDescription"="This is an example reminder"
"StartNextDate"="1998/03/12 10:20:00"


Programming to the Registry

If you feel comfortable programming to the registry, you'll certainly want use the following functions.

Create a new subkey below HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PACT Software\Timer\, for example HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PACT Software\Timer\MyTimerSet001\. In this key set all values, or only those you need.

Here is a ready to use C source code program to do just that. First you find the type definition, second the function to create a new timer set, third, the function to write it to the registry, and fourth, a function to execute PacTimer.exe to get the newly added subkey re-checked.

From your Visual Basic program you can also access the registry by declaring the WINAPI functions RegCreateKeyEx, RegSetValueEx, and RegCloseKey.


// --- Declarations for PACT Timer 98 -----

#define APPREGKEY    ("Software\\PACT Software\\Timer")

typedef struct _TimerSet {    // ts    set for one timer information
        char SubKeyName[MAX_PATH];
        char ExeDescription[101];         // max 100 (+ \0)
        char ExePath[MAX_PATH];
        char ExeParameters[MAX_PATH];
        char ExeWorkDir[MAX_PATH];
        char StartNextDate[20];         // 1998/03/12 10:20:00    max 20 (= 19 + \0)
        UINT StartEverySec;
        UINT StartSecAfterBoot;
        DWORD StartActivated;         // default: 1 = yes
        DWORD StartDeleteAfter;         // default: 0 = no, only deactivate
        DWORD StartWorkingOnly;         // default: 0 = run every day
        DWORD StartBell;         // default: 1 = yes, play sound
        DWORD WindowState;         // 0-5         default: 0, normal
        DWORD PriorityLevel;         // 0-3         default: 2, normal

void main();
BOOL SetTimerSet(TIMERSET *pts);
void StartPacTimer();

// --- Example on how to init and save a new timer -----
// Copyright ⌐ 1993-1998 PACT on all examples and materials. All rights reserved.

// The examples provided here are NOT guaranteed to work. No warranties, no liability, no guaranty for fitness of code.

// --- main -----------------------------
void main()

    lstrcpy(ts.SubKeyName, "MyTimerSet0001");
    lstrcpy(pts->ExeDescription, "Test Timer");
    lstrcpy(pts->ExePath, "Notepad.exe");
    pts->ExeParameters[0] = '\0';
    pts->ExeWorkDir[0] = '\0';
    pts->StartEverySec = 0;
    pts->StartSecAfterBoot = 0;
    pts->StartActivated = 1;         // yes
    pts->StartDeleteAfter = 0;         // no
    pts->StartWorkingOnly = 0;         // no
    pts->StartBell = 1;         // yes
    pts->WindowState = 0;        // 0-5    default: 0
    pts->PriorityLevel = 2;        // 0-3    default: 2

    st.wMinute += 5;
    if(st.wMinute > 59)
        st.wMinute -= 60;
        st.wHour++;    // and so on...
    wsprintf(ts.StartNextDate, "%04i/%02i/%02i %02i:%02i:%02i", st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond);

    SetTimerSet(&ts);    // save to reg
    StartPacTimer();       // restart Timer


// --- save timer to registry -------------------
BOOL SetTimerSet(TIMERSET *pts)
HKEY hkNewKey;
char szFullKeyName[MAX_PATH];
DWORD dwDummy;
DWORD dwReturn;

    lstrcpy(szFullKeyName, APPREGKEY);
    lstrcat(szFullKeyName, "\\");
    lstrcat(szFullKeyName, pts->SubKeyName);

    // Open/Create Key for write access
    dwReturn = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szFullKeyName, 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkNewKey, &dwDummy);
    if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwReturn)
        myErr("Error writing to registry! Can not open application key.");
        return FALSE;

    // Set SZs
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "ExeDescription", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->ExeDescription, lstrlen(pts->ExeDescription) + 1);
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "ExePath", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->ExePath, lstrlen(pts->ExePath) + 1);
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "ExeParameters", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->ExeParameters, lstrlen(pts->ExeParameters) + 1);
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "ExeWorkDir", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->ExeWorkDir, lstrlen(pts->ExeWorkDir) + 1);
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartNextDate", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->StartNextDate, lstrlen(pts->StartNextDate) + 1);

    // Set DWORDs
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartEverySec", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartEverySec, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartSecAfterBoot", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartSecAfterBoot, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartActivated", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartActivated, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartDeleteAfter", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartDeleteAfter, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartWorkingOnly", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartWorkingOnly, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartBell", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartBell, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "WindowState", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->WindowState, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "PriorityLevel", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->PriorityLevel, sizeof(DWORD));


    return TRUE;

// --- Start PacTimer.exe -----------------
void StartPacTimer()
    HKEY hKey;
    DWORD dwDummy = MAX_PATH;
    char pszInstallPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    char pszProgPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    char pszTemp[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, pszTemp);

    // get install path from Registry

    if( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "InstallPath", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) pszInstallPath, &dwDummy) )
        lstrcpy(pszProgPath, pszInstallPath);
        lstrcat(pszProgPath, "\\PacTimer.exe");
        ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, pszProgPath, NULL, pszTemp, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

// --------------------------------------------



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