PACT Timer 98Works like a charm! |
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Designed for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT (Tested with Windows 98 RC1, and NT 5.0 Beta 1). Timer Homepage Screen Shot
Download PACT Timer 98 Newest Version242 KB, Build 2506, 22-May-1998, Self-extracting, including Setup and Uninstall.
Features of PACT Timer 98PACT Timer 98 is an easy to use and powerful scheduler to start applications, open documents or Web pages, set a reminder or just count the days, preview exact moonphase with animation. Only 112 KB size. Start once, countdown, recurring, or start after logon. Runs on Windows 95, 98, as well as on NT. Set priority, window size, batch capable. Well documented interface for programmers and administrators. New in v98.5: On working days only option, Drop-down list to directly select a timer, postpone reminders, and more! • Start once, recurring, after logon • Programmable, batch capable • Low memory footprint • Start applications, documents, Internet pages, or reminders • Specify the base priority (low, normal, high, realtime) and window state (minimized, not activated, hidden) • Age of the moon in minutes, phase of the moon in percent • Fully documentation, context help on every control • Taskbar tray icon and hotkey • Clearly arranged timer control, all settings in one view (see screen shot below)
Tips for the StartCD Player to wake up or as
reminder! Replace D: with your CD-ROM's drive letter. You can edit the play list to set
the track to start with. Scan all local, nonremovable
hard disk drives in Windows 95: Defragment all local,
nonremovable drives and free space: For any other program please look in the according shortcut on which parameters are necessary. If you can start it manually you can also start it with the Timer!
LicenseThis program is a test version for evaluation only. You are hereby licensed to use the software for evaluation purposes without charge for maximum of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee for a full version is required. See for the details. License Agreement and Distribution of Software
SupportShould you have a question then our software is not perfect. Let us know, we'll make it better.
Timer Homepage
HistoryNew Features 98.5 Set a recurring timer on working days only. 98.5 Postpone reminder to "Come again". 98.5 More Options: Set the ToolTip delay time, tick on second, de/activate and choose sound, remember dialog position. 98.5 Drop-down list to directly select a timer. 98.5 Icon to explore start path. 98.5 The accompanying documents now come with the full images included. 98.3 Phase of the moon in timer dialog. Solved the equation of Kepler, calculating the sun's geocentric ecliptic longitude, and everything. Exact display of the age of the moon in minutes, phase of the moon in percent. 98.3 Range from 1900 to 2100 98.3 Start After Logon 98.3 Stream-lined setup. 98.3 Complete uninstall about installation path - uninstall.exe or Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs. All Minor enhancements in stability and usability.
Solved Issues 98.5b The Timer icon is displayed as small as it should if no start path given. 98.5a When a recurring timer can not be started at the specified time (because the computer was off, or the Timer not running) it sets the new time correctly by multiplying the interval as often as is necessary, instead of using now. 98.4 After some ten-thousand displays of the timer dialogbox without closing, the colors may be changed to black and white. Solved. 98.3c Undocumented behavior of a used function crashed the shell after about 6000 program starts. In Windows 95 the error message "Out of memory" was displayed (although it had nothing to do with memory). Workaround applied. 98.3b Internet Explorer does start now without error message. 98.3b Recurring timer does work now with every recurring time, also with 8 minutes. 98.3a Found an implicit lost handle that ate up memory rather quickly. Investigated lost handles in all places. This has been fixed.
Screen Shot of PACT Timer 98 |
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