Heterodyne Filter Analysis
Csound Shell for BeOS
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Heterodyne Filter Analysis
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Heterodyne Filter Analysis
HF Analysis

The heterodyne filter analysis window allows access to the hetro soundfile utility. This program (more fully documented in the Csound manual) analyzes a sound file, decomposes it into a set of component sinusoids, and outputs a description of the components which can be used by the adsyn opcode in Csound for resynthesis.

The following controls are present in the window:

Sound Input File
The name of the file containing the sound to be analyzed. For realtime input, enter either adc or devaudio.
NOTE: Realtime sound input is only available when the Csound Server is running.
This is a mandatory entry field.
Analysis Output File
The name of the generated file containing the resulting data.
This is a mandatory entry field.
If this entry field contains a filename, all messages printed during analysis are logged and written to the named file.
Sample Rate
If present, indicates the sample rate of the sound input file. If omitted, the sample rate in the sound file's header is used. For headerless files, analysis assumes a default sample rate of 10000Hz.
Channel Number
Selects one of the channels in the sound input file. Default is channel 1.
Begin Time
Offset (in seconds) from the start of the input file to the start of the segment to be analyzed.
Length (in seconds) of the analyzed segment of the input file. If this parameter is omitted, analysis proceeds to the end of the file.
The maximum length of a segment to be analyzed is 32.766 seconds.
Starting Frequency
Estimated starting frequency of the fundamental (default 100Hz).
Harmonic Partials
Number of harmonic partials sought. A maximal number of 50 partials can be selected, the default being 10.
Maximum Amplitude
Maximum amplitude summed across all concurrent tracks (default 32767).
Amplitude Threshold
Amplitude threshold below which a single pair of tracks (amplitude and frequency) will not contribute to the output. The manual gives the following typical values:
Threshold valueAmplitude
64-54dB (default)
0No thresholding occurs.
Initial number of analysis breakpoints in each track. Defaults to 256.
Low-Pass Filter Cutoff
If this field is left blank, the input signal is passed through an averaging comb filter; otherwise, the signal is filtered using a 3rd order low-pass Butterworth filter with the given cutoff frequency (in Hz).
Clicking on this button (when enabled) starts analysis using the given parameters.
Clicking on this button (when enabled) causes a running analysis to be aborted.

Copyright © 1998–1999 Jens Kilian. This file may be distributed under the conditions of the GNU General Public License.