Environment Variables
Csound Shell for BeOS
Environment Variables
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Environment Variables
Environment Window

The three Csound environment variables SFDIR, SSDIR and SADIR can be edited in the environment window. The settings in this window are global and will be passed to every Csound job during its execution.

Environment variables can be saved in a file, just like ordinary jobs. However, because the environment is global and used by all the jobs in the Csound Shell, opening an environment file will not cause a new job window to open; instead, the values read from the file simply replace the current global settings.

The values of the environment variables are preserved when you quit the Csound Shell; if you always use the same settings, you don't need to save and load the environment variables.

The Csound program uses the values of the environment variables when searching for files; see the Csound manual for details.

Copyright © 1998–1999 Jens Kilian. This file may be distributed under the conditions of the GNU General Public License.