Job Execution
Csound Shell for BeOS
Environment Variables
Sound Synthesis
Heterodyne Filter Analysis
Linear Predictive Analysis
Short-Time Fourier Analysis
Fourier Analysis
Job Execution
Starting a Job
Aborting a Job
BeOS Server
MIDI Support
Valid HTML 4.0!
Starting a Job
Each job window contains a button which starts the program associated with the job, passing it parameters determined by the values assigned to the job's components. This button will be disabled if it is not possible to start execution (e.g., if not all mandatory entry fields contain legal values, or if a pending modification has not yet been confirmed).

When you click on the starting button, the Csound Shell creates a subprocess and attempts to run the the job's program. Unless an error occurs, a transcript window opens in which you can read any messages output by the program.

Transcript Window

While the program is running, the start button in its job window stays disabled. It is however possible to modify the controls in the window. Any number of jobs (from different windows) can be run simultaneously.

After the program terminates, the transcript window stays open so that you can peruse the output at your leisure. You do not need to close it to start a new job (but you are of course free to do so).

^ Aborting a Job
If for any reason you need to abort a job which is currently being executed, you have two options:
  • Closing the transcript window belonging to the running job causes the job to be killed and the transcript window to disappear.
  • Clicking the abort button in the associated job window will kill the job, but keep the transcript window open. You can still read the output produced by the job when you use this option.
Output files produced by a job will likely contain garbage when you abort the job before it has finished running. They are not automatically removed.

Copyright © 1998–1999 Jens Kilian. This file may be distributed under the conditions of the GNU General Public License.