Unofficial Delphi Developers FAQ 0.09

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Delphi Frequently Asked Questions

Author : R.E. den Braasem

Revision number : 0.09


  • UDDF - About
    1. What is this all about
    2. Who is this Graphical Gnome anyway
    3. Searching
    4. Disclaimer
    5. Automatic Update Notify
    6. Download
  • UDDF - API
    1. How Can I Prevent Multiple Instances of My Application?
    2. Performing an action when Windows shuts down a Delphi app
    3. Windows API about Printer
    4. Getting DOS Variables
    5. GetModuleFileName
    6. Setting time system with Delphi
    7. How do I execute a program and have my code wait until it is finished?
    8. disable Ctrl-Alt-Del
    9. ExtractAssIcon and paint into Timage?
    10. ExitWindows
  • UDDF - Arrays
    1. Dynamic arrays[NEW]
    2. Array in Delphi
  • UDDF - BDE
    1. Defining a BDE Alias in Code
    2. BDE alias info
  • UDDF - ClipBoard
    1. ClipBoard Viewer
    2. Copy to Clipboard
  • UDDF - Component
    1. Array of components...
    2. how do i getting the component index at runtime
    3. How do I create a component at run-time?
    4. Create an event during Runtime?
    5. 3D border for label component?
    6. Setting read-only columns in StringGrid
    7. ?? Scrolling a Memo ??
    8. BMPs in a StringGrid
    9. TTreeview-speedup
    10. TBitBtn control class question (change bitmap at runtime)
    11. OwnerDraw in TStatusBar
    12. Duplicating components and their children at runtime
    13. Splitter Bar
    14. How to Add Controls to TTabbedNotebook & TNotebook
    15. Saving and Loading aTstringgrid
    16. How do I synchronize two scroll boxes on different panels?
    17. Delayed scrolling / delayed OnChange?
    18. Array of Edit boxes?
    19. Unselectable Tab
  • UDDF - Conversions
    1. HEX -> Integer
    2. Dec To HEX
    3. ASCII to HEX / math
    4. Convert binary to decimal
    5. Conversion from ICO to BMP
    6. Unix strings (Reading and Writing Unix Files)
    7. JPEG and bitmaps in Delphi 3
    8. Convert Wave format file to Raw data format
    9. BMP --> ICO...[NEW]
    10. Decimals to binary [NEW]
  • UDDF - Delphi 3
    1. D3 LoadStr constants
  • UDDF - Databases
    1. Create a TTable-Component without a form...
    2. Database structure version tracking
    3. Lookup value on input
    4. DbiCopyTable example
    5. Problem with "Getting Started" Guide P 42
    6. Delphi table scrolling: PeekMessage() tricks
    7. OnCalcFields Hint
    8. First access to any table is very slow
    9. db file at run-time
    10. Quickie DB searcher
  • UDDF - Dates
    1. Calculating Easter date
    2. Daynumber
    3. Algorithm or equation for determining sunrise/set and moonrise/set (BASIC)
    4. Date format [NEW]
    5. DateSer Function[NEW]
  • UDDF - DBase
    1. TI2821 - dBASE .DBF File Structure
    1. Using the Multi Select option of a DBGRID
    2. Dropdownlist in a DBGrid, HOW ?
    3. Sorting Columns in a DBGrid
    4. A Dbgrid with colored cells ?
    5. DBGrid that shows images
    6. Db_QBF.PAS unit allowing Query By Form for DbGrid components in Delphi
    7. DBGRID saving the user configuration
    8. DBGrid resize
    9. Dragging from DbGrid
    1. DCOM
  • UDDF - Encoding/Decoding
    1. base 64 encoding/decoding [NEW]
  • UDDF - Delphi and C++
    1. Calling delphi DLL from MS Visual C++
    1. How to get files "Last Accessed" attribute?
    2. How do I convert "Long File Name.pas" to "longfi~1.pas"?
    3. HDD Serial Number
    4. How to check if drive 'a:' is ready?
    5. Audio CD
    6. How can I delete a file to the Recycle Bin?
    7. getting datetime problem
    8. Coping of the files
    9. Shortened Directory label
    10. Format Function / Procedure[NEW]
    11. Search Harddisk[NEW]
    12. The date of a folder[NEW]
  • UDDF - DLL
    1. FTP4W32.DLL & Delphi 2.0
    2. About Thunking D2 to 16bit DLL
  • UDDF - Forms
    1. Delphi Applications without Forms?
    2. Showing own logo on start-up
    3. Moving a form without a caption bar
    4. Preventing the user from resizing my window vertically
    5. Hack: Want VCL controls in a form's title bar caption area?
    6. Storing TForm and/or its properties in a BLOB
    7. Removing icon on taskbar
    8. How can I hide the form caption bar??
    9. Floating toolbar - here's some code to do it
    10. Programming for different resolutions in Delphi 2.0
    11. Cannot properly minimize a form on startup
    12. How do I know a Form is 'ready' resizing?
    13. Preventing a From from Resizing
    14. messagedlg centering
    15. Center a Form
  • UDDF - Graphics
    1. TGA header
    2. *** Drawing CURVES in Delphi? ***
    3. FFT algorithm for Delphi 2
    4. Canvas from THandle (for metafiles)
    5. Capturing the DESKTOP to a form.canvas
    6. Several Points (2D and 3D) routines
    7. How can I get the canvas from the screen (like a screen-capture program)?
    8. Here's code to rotate a bitmap 90 degrees[NEW]
  • UDDF - IDE
    1. View CPU debug info
    2. My applications directory
    3. Error Numbers
    4. 16-bitAppl with delphi 2??
    5. Sharing ObjectRepository
    6. How to detect if running in IDE?
    1. How to create a "hot link" in About box
  • UDDF - Keyboard
    1. Beeping when <ENTER> is pressed
    2. Disable alt-tab and ctrl+esc keys
    3. How to detect arrow keys?
    4. Hooking keyboard
    5. Simulating ButtonDown
    6. How? ENTER key instead of TAB
    7. Caps Lock (and others like it)
  • UDDF - 64K Limit
  • UDDF - ListBox
    1. Helpful Hint: Listbox-Font
    2. Columns in a TListBox
    3. Listbox compo. with drag&drop items reorder ?
    4. Check List Component
    5. Tabstops in Listboxes
    1. Huge Numbers
    2. formatting '1010' to '001010' ???
    3. 32 bit CRC
    4. Raising a number to a power
    5. Number to String
    6. Math formula evaluator
  • UDDF - MDI Forms
    1. Hiding MDI Child Forms
    2. Just 1 MDI-childwindow ?
    3. Making MDI Forms 'more' 3D
    4. Tile Image in a MDI Form
    5. Remove title bar in MDI child form
    6. MDI Children Menus
    7. MDIChild Close problem
    8. MDI Parent Background
    1. Catch SHIFT key during menu item selection?
    2. How to dynamically create popup menus inside other popups?
    3. How do I add a bitmap to a MENU ...
    4. How do I dynamically add a MenuItem to a Menu?
    5. Hooking a procedure on to a dynamically created popup menu
    6. Too long menus [NEW]
  • UDDF - Mouse
    1. OnMouseLeave Event needed
    2. Tip: using animated cursors
    3. Building Mouse Hooks
    4. acessing the joystick from Delphi
    5. Highlight a comp by mouse move
    6. Capturing the mouse as it exits a control
  • UDDF - Networking
    1. Browsing for a Network Machine (ala Network Neighborhood)
    2. Accessing Netware Usernames
    3. How to Connect to a Network Drive in Delphi
    4. accessing network drive mapping dialog
    5. Detect my own IP Address ?
  • UDDF - OLE
    1. Delphi 2.01 / MS Office 97 / OLE / VB for Applications
    2. OLE Tester
    3. Getting data from Delphi app into Word document
    4. WordBasic via OLE[NEW]
  • UDDF - Printer
    1. Help on Printer Control Codes
    2. How to get Paper Source?
    3. How to Print VERTICAL oriented text in Delphi
    4. Help - Printing sideways text...
    5. How to print a bitmap?
    6. Hack: tired of ReportSmith? Wish you had wysiwyg reports?
    7. Dump a text file
    8. Printing a line at a time
    9. Printing Tricks
    10. Passthough escape function
    11. Stretched bitmap on TPrinter
    12. How to print exact sizes
  • UDDF - Quick Report
    1. QuickReports FONT Problems
    2. Preview Form Caption
    3. QuickReports on different paper sizes
  • UDDF - Registry
    1. Registry-- Accessing it, and using it instead of WIN.INI
    2. How to get a registered OCX?
    3. Win95 installation directory.
    4. How to get time zone info (DST) from registry?
    5. TStringList in TIniFile
    6. Store Fontstyle in INI
    7. How to find the program associated with one file extension
    8. Font & Tregistry
  • UDDF - ReportSmith
    1. Passing a report variable to ReportSmith
  • UDDF - Resource File
    1. String Tables
    2. How To Include JPEG's In Your Executable (Delphi 3) [NEW]
  • UDDF - Rich Text Format
    1. Storing a rich edit text in a db
    2. Word Count in Richedit
    3. RichEdit Error with Delphi 2.01 and NT 4
    4. RTF to printer problem
    5. translate RTF to HTML
  • UDDF - Serial Communication
    1. DELPHI 2/3
  • UDDF - Sound
    1. Low Level WaveIn routine[NEW]
    2. Playing a wave sound from a resource file
    3. D2: Win95 + Speaker + Sound := possible
    4. Convert Wave format file to Raw data format
    1. Finding a record in a TQuery
  • UDDF - Strings
    1. Equivalent of Trim$(),Mid$(), etc?
    2. String Pattern matching
    3. GetToken
    4. Replacing substrings
    5. Capitalize the first letter of each word in a string
    6. How do I determine if two strings sound alike?
    7. What are the values for the virtual keys?
    8. Delphi currency amount converter [NEW]
  • UDDF - Technical
    1. Observations on threading
    1. Directory + File management[NEW]
  • UDDF - Windows
    1. ???? Data segment too large ????
    2. Port command and win95, a summary.
    3. Read the Run Minimized Checkbox
    4. Shared memory in a DLL with Delphi 2.0
    5. Shell_NotifyIcon
    6. How do I make completely invisible main forms??
    7. HELP !! STAY-ON-TOP !!!
    8. Hardware port access in DELPHI 2
    9. Hiding Windows 95 Taskbar
    10. A Catch-a-Maximize Command Question
    11. How do you detect Windows version?
    12. How can I change the wallpaper programmatically?
    13. Path / directory name for 'My Computer'
    14. Determining which font (Large or Small) is in use
    15. Large/Small Fonts?
    16. How can I restore a window to its last state when I run it again?
    17. How: to determine name of StartUp group
    18. Finding Boot Drive
    19. How to make a window system modal ?
    20. Sending Keystrokes/Text to a Window...
    21. Windows Messages Basics
    22. Buttons in Win95 task bar
  • UDDF - Misc
    1. Compile Date
    2. Delay again!
    3. How do I run a program?
    4. How to write text transparently on the canvas. using Textout
    5. Different colors for the lines in the DBCtrlGrid
    6. Overriding Virtual Methods
    7. How to do a delay without using 100% CPU time? [NEW]
  • UDDF - Misc
    1. How can my app use MY FONTS? not user's
    2. how to eject and close CD-Drive?
    3. Moving from VB to Delphi
    4. sscanf in delphi?
    5. Help Files Contents
    6. Supporting Cut Copy Paste
    7. Multiple icons in a Delphi exe?
    8. Credit card verification
    9. Searching text in a textfile
    10. Cool tip for hints on status bars
  • UDDF - Misc
    1. Avoiding using stale pointers
    2. Multi Language Applications
    3. Associated Executable
    4. MAPI and MS Exchange
    5. Constucting Object Variables
    6. Example of variable number of parameters
    7. My new TWrapGrid component: Allows word wrap in TStringGrid.
    8. Resizing panels?
    9. Background processing.
    10. Round splash screens
    11. Screensaver
  • UDDF - Links
    1. General Links
    2. Math Library
    3. Glyph Library
    4. Component Library
    5. Misc
  • UDDF- All Work no Play
    1. Real Programmers Don't Write Specs

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