A while back someone asked for code that allows one to process data from the input of a soundcard. Hopefully this unit will show how to do this.
Enclosed is RECUNIT that is a unit that does the hard work, one calls it by
Var WaveRecorder : TWaveRecorder; WaveRecorder := TwaveRecorder(2048, 4); // 4 buffers of size 2048 bytes { Set the sampling parameters } With WaveRecorder.pWavefmtEx Do Begin wFormatTag := WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; nChannels := 1; nSamplesPerSec := 20000; wBitsPerSample := 16; nAvgBytesPerSec := nSamplesPerSec*(wBitsPerSample div 8)*nChannels; End; // Next is a kludge since I don't know how to get the address of // the object itself WaveRecorder.SetupRecord(@WaveRecorder); // Now start recording with WaveRecorder.StartRecord; ... Each time a buffer is full, the WaveRecorder.Processbuffer routine is called. // Stop recording with WaveRecorder.StopRecord; WaveRecorder.Destroy;
{ File Name: RECUNIT.PAS V 1.01 Created: Aug 19 1996 at 21:56 on IBM ThinkPad Revision #7: Aug 22 1997, 15:01 on IBM ThinkPad -John Mertus This unit contains necessary routines for doing recording. Version 1.00 is initial release 1.01 Added TWaveInGetErrorText } {-----------------Unit-RECUNIT---------------------John Mertus---Aug 96---} Unit RECUNIT; {*************************************************************************} Interface Uses Windows, MMSystem, SysUtils, MSACM; { The following defines a class TWaveRecorder for sound card input. } { It is expected that a new class is derived from TWaveRecorder } { that overrides TWaveRecorder.ProcessBuffer. After the recorder is } { started, the procedure is called whenever a buffer of data has } { been sampled. } Const MAX_BUFFERS = 8; type PWaveRecorder = ^TWaveRecorder; TWaveRecorder = class(TObject) Constructor Create(BfSize, TotalBuffers : Integer); Destructor Destroy; Override; Procedure ProcessBuffer(uMsg : Word; P : Pointer; n : Integer); Virtual; private fBufferSize : Integer; // Requsted size of buffer BufIndex : Integer; fTotalBuffers : Integer; pWaveHeader : Array [0..MAX_BUFFERS-1] of PWAVEHDR; hWaveHeader : Array [0..MAX_BUFFERS-1] of THANDLE; hWaveBuffer : Array [0..MAX_BUFFERS-1] of THANDLE; hWaveFmtEx : THANDLE; dwByteDataSize : DWORD; dwTotalWaveSize : DWORD; RecordActive : Boolean; bDeviceOpen : Boolean; { Functions that no one needs to know about } Function InitWaveHeaders : Boolean; Function AllocPCMBuffers : Boolean; Procedure FreePCMBuffers; Function AllocWaveFormatEx : Boolean; Procedure FreeWaveFormatEx; Function AllocWaveHeaders : Boolean; Procedure FreeWaveHeader; Function AddNextBuffer : Boolean; Procedure CloseWaveDeviceRecord; public { Public declarations } pWaveFmtEx : PWaveFormatEx; WaveBufSize : Integer; // Size aligned to nBlockAlign Field InitWaveRecorder : Boolean; RecErrorMessage : String; QueuedBuffers, ProcessedBuffers : Integer; pWaveBuffer : Array [0..MAX_BUFFERS-1] of lpstr; WaveIn : HWAVEIN; { Wavedevice handle } Procedure StopRecord; Function StartRecord : Boolean; Function SetupRecord(P : PWaveRecorder) : Boolean; end; {*************************************************************************} implementation {-------------TWaveInGetErrorText------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Function TWaveInGetErrorText(iErr : Integer) : String; { This puts the WaveIn error messages in a Pascal type format. } { iErr is the error number } { } {**********************************************************************} Var PlayInErrorMsgC : Array [0..255] of Char; Begin waveInGetErrorText(iErr,PlayInErrorMsgC,255); TWaveInGetErrorText := StrPas(PlayInErrorMsgC); End; {-------------InitWaveHeaders----------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Function TWaveRecorder.AllocWaveFormatEx : Boolean; { Allocate the larget format size required from installed ACM's } { } {**********************************************************************} Var MaxFmtSize : UINT; BEGIN { maxFmtSize is the sum of sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + pwavefmtex.cbSize } If( acmMetrics( 0, ACM_METRIC_MAX_SIZE_FORMAT, maxFmtSize ) <> 0) Then Begin RecErrorMessage := 'Error getting the max compression format size'; AllocWaveFormatEx := False; Exit; End; { allocate the WAVEFMTEX structure } hWaveFmtEx := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, maxFmtSize); If (hWaveFmtEx = 0) Then Begin RecErrorMessage := 'Error allocating memory for WaveFormatEx structure'; AllocWaveFormatEx := False; Exit; End; pWaveFmtEx := PWaveFormatEx(GlobalLock(hWaveFmtEx)); If (pWaveFmtEx = Nil) Then Begin RecErrorMessage := 'Error locking WaveFormatEx memory'; AllocWaveFormatEx := False; Exit; End; { initialize the format to standard PCM } ZeroMemory( pwavefmtex, maxFmtSize ); pwavefmtex.wFormatTag := WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; pwavefmtex.nChannels := 1; pwavefmtex.nSamplesPerSec := 20000; pwavefmtex.nBlockAlign := 1; pwavefmtex.wBitsPerSample := 16; pwavefmtex.nAvgBytesPerSec := pwavefmtex.nSamplesPerSec* (pwavefmtex.wBitsPerSample div 8)*pwavefmtex.nChannels; pwavefmtex.cbSize := 0; { Success, go home } AllocWaveFormatEx := True; end; {-------------InitWaveHeaders----------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Function TWaveRecorder.InitWaveHeaders : Boolean; { Allocate memory, zero out wave headers and initialize } { } {**********************************************************************} Var i : Integer; BEGIN { make the wave buffer size a multiple of the block align... } WaveBufSize := fBufferSize - (fBufferSize mod pwavefmtex.nBlockAlign); { Set the wave headers } For i := 0 to fTotalBuffers-1 Do With pWaveHeader[i]^ Do Begin lpData := pWaveBuffer[i]; // address of the waveform buffer dwBufferLength := WaveBufSize; // length, in bytes, of the buffer dwBytesRecorded := 0; // see below dwUser := 0; // 32 bits of user data dwFlags := 0; // see below dwLoops := 0; // see below lpNext := Nil; // reserved; must be zero reserved := 0; // reserved; must be zero End; InitWaveHeaders := TRUE; END; {-------------AllocWaveHeader----------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Function TWaveRecorder.AllocWaveHeaders : Boolean; { Allocate and lock header memory } { } {***********************************************************************} Var i : Integer; BEGIN For i := 0 to fTotalBuffers-1 Do begin hwaveheader[i] := GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE or GMEM_SHARE or GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TWAVEHDR)); if (hwaveheader[i] = 0) Then begin { NOTE: This could lead to a memory leak, fix someday } RecErrorMessage := 'Error allocating wave header memory'; AllocWaveHeaders := FALSE; Exit; end; pwaveheader[i] := GlobalLock (hwaveheader[i]); If (pwaveheader[i] = Nil ) Then begin { NOTE: This could lead to a memory leak, fix someday } RecErrorMessage := 'Could not lock header memory for recording'; AllocWaveHeaders := FALSE; Exit; end; End; AllocWaveHeaders := TRUE; END; {---------------FreeWaveHeader----------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Procedure TWaveRecorder.FreeWaveHeader; { Just free up the memory AllocWaveHeaders allocated. } { } {***********************************************************************} Var i : Integer; BEGIN For i := 0 to fTotalBuffers-1 Do begin If (hWaveHeader[i] <> 0) Then Begin GlobalUnlock(hwaveheader[i]); GlobalFree(hwaveheader[i]); hWaveHeader[i] := 0; End end; END; { {-------------AllocPCMBuffers----------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Function TWaveRecorder.AllocPCMBuffers : Boolean; { Allocate and lock the waveform memory. } { } {***********************************************************************} Var i : Integer; BEGIN For i := 0 to fTotalBuffers-1 Do begin hWaveBuffer[i] := GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE or GMEM_SHARE, fBufferSize ); If (hWaveBuffer[i] = 0) Then begin { Possible Memory Leak here } RecErrorMessage := 'Error allocating wave buffer memory'; AllocPCMBuffers := False; Exit; end; pWaveBuffer[i] := GlobalLock(hWaveBuffer[i]); If (pWaveBuffer[i] = Nil) Then begin { Possible Memory Leak here } RecErrorMessage := 'Error Locking wave buffer memory'; AllocPCMBuffers := False; Exit; end; pWaveHeader[i].lpData := pWaveBuffer[i]; End; AllocPCMBuffers := TRUE; END; {--------------FreePCMBuffers----------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Procedure TWaveRecorder.FreePCMBuffers; { Free up the meomry AllocPCMBuffers used. } { } {***********************************************************************} Var i : Integer; BEGIN For i := 0 to fTotalBuffers-1 Do begin If (hWaveBuffer[i] <> 0) Then Begin GlobalUnlock( hWaveBuffer[i] ); GlobalFree( hWaveBuffer[i] ); hWaveBuffer[i] := 0; pWaveBuffer[i] := Nil; End; end; END; {--------------FreeWaveFormatEx--------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Procedure TWaveRecorder.FreeWaveFormatEx; { This just frees up the ExFormat headers } { } {***********************************************************************} BEGIN If (pWaveFmtEx = Nil) Then Exit; GlobalUnlock(hWaveFmtEx); GlobalFree(hWaveFmtEx); pWaveFmtEx := Nil; END; {-------------TWaveRecorder.Create------------John Mertus-----Aug--97--} Constructor TWaveRecorder.Create(BFSize, TotalBuffers : Integer); { This sets up the wave headers, initializes the data pointers and } { allocates the sampling buffers } { BFSize is the size of the buffer in BYTES } { } {**********************************************************************} Var i : Integer; BEGIN Inherited Create; For i := 0 to fTotalBuffers-1 Do Begin hWaveHeader[i] := 0; hWaveBuffer[i] := 0; pWaveBuffer[i] := Nil; pWaveFmtEx := Nil; End; fBufferSize := BFSize; fTotalBuffers := TotalBuffers; { allocate memory for wave format structure } If(Not AllocWaveFormatEx) Then Begin InitWaveRecorder := FALSE; Exit; End; { find a device compatible with the available wave characteristics } If (waveInGetNumDevs < 1 ) Then Begin RecErrorMessage := 'No wave audio recording devices found'; InitWaveRecorder := FALSE; Exit; End; { allocate the wave header memory } If (Not AllocWaveHeaders) Then Begin InitWaveRecorder := FALSE; Exit; End; { allocate the wave data buffer memory } If (Not AllocPCMBuffers) Then Begin InitWaveRecorder := FALSE; Exit; End; InitWaveRecorder := TRUE; END; {---------------------Destroy----------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Destructor TWaveRecorder.Destroy; { Just free up all memory allocated by InitWaveRecorder. } { } {***********************************************************************} BEGIN FreeWaveFormatEx; FreePCMBuffers; FreeWaveHeader; Inherited Destroy; END; {------------CloseWaveDeviceRecord------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Procedure TWaveRecorder.CloseWaveDeviceRecord; { Just close up the waveform device. } { } {***********************************************************************} Var i : Integer; BEGIN { if the device is already closed, just return } If (Not bDeviceOpen) Then Exit; { unprepare the headers } For i := 0 to fTotalBuffers-1 Do If (waveInUnprepareHeader(WaveIn, pWaveHeader[i], sizeof(TWAVEHDR)) <> 0 ) Then RecErrorMessage := 'Error in waveInUnprepareHeader'; { save the total size recorded and update the display } dwTotalwavesize := dwBytedatasize; { close the wave input device } If (waveInClose(WaveIn) <> 0) Then RecErrorMessage := 'Error closing input device'; { tell this function we are now closed } bDeviceOpen := FALSE; END; {------------------StopRecord-----------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Procedure TWaveRecorder.StopRecord; { This stops the recording and sets some flags. } { } {***********************************************************************} Var iErr : Integer; BEGIN RecordActive := False; iErr := waveInReset(WaveIn); { stop recording and return queued buffers } If (iErr <> 0) Then Begin RecErrorMessage := 'Error in waveInReset'; End; CloseWaveDeviceRecord; END; {--------------AddNextBuffer------------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Function TWaveRecorder.AddNextBuffer : Boolean; { This adds a buffer to the input queue and toggles buffer index. } { } {***********************************************************************} Var iErr : Integer; BEGIN { queue the buffer for input } iErr := waveInAddBuffer(WaveIn, pwaveheader[bufindex], sizeof(TWAVEHDR)); If (iErr <> 0) Then begin StopRecord; RecErrorMessage := 'Error adding buffer' + TWaveInGetErrorText(iErr); AddNextBuffer := FALSE; Exit; end; { toggle for next buffer } bufindex := (bufindex+1) mod fTotalBuffers; QueuedBuffers := QueuedBuffers + 1; AddNextBuffer := TRUE; END; {--------------BufferDoneCallBack------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Procedure BufferDoneCallBack( hW : HWAVE; // handle of waveform device uMsg : DWORD; // sent message dwInstance : DWORD; // instance data dwParam1 : DWORD; // application-defined parameter dwParam2 : DWORD // application-defined parameter ); stdcall; { This is called each time the wave device has info, e.g. fills a buffer} { } {***********************************************************************} Var BaseRecorder : PWaveRecorder; BEGIN BaseRecorder := Pointer(DwInstance); With BaseRecorder^ Do Begin ProcessBuffer(uMsg, pWaveBuffer[ProcessedBuffers Mod fTotalBuffers], WaveBufSize); If (RecordActive) Then Case uMsg of WIM_DATA: Begin BaseRecorder.AddNextBuffer; ProcessedBuffers := ProcessedBuffers+1; End; End; End; END; {------------------StartRecord---------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Function TWaveRecorder.StartRecord : Boolean; { This does all the work in creating the waveform recorder. } { } {***********************************************************************} Var iErr, i : Integer; BEGIN { start recording to first buffer } iErr := WaveInStart(WaveIn); If (iErr <> 0) Then begin CloseWaveDeviceRecord; RecErrorMessage := 'Error starting wave record: ' + TWaveInGetErrorText(iErr); end; RecordActive := TRUE; { queue the next buffers } For i := 1 to fTotalBuffers-1 Do If (Not AddNextBuffer) Then Begin StartRecord := FALSE; Exit; End; StartRecord := True; END; {-----------------SetupRecord---------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Function TWaveRecorder.SetupRecord(P : PWaveRecorder) : Boolean; { This does all the work in creating the waveform recorder. } { } {***********************************************************************} Var iErr, i : Integer; BEGIN dwTotalwavesize := 0; dwBytedatasize := 0; bufindex := 0; ProcessedBuffers := 0; QueuedBuffers := 0; { open the device for recording } iErr := waveInOpen(@WaveIn, WAVE_MAPPER, pWaveFmtEx, Integer(@BufferDoneCallBack), Integer(P), CALLBACK_FUNCTION + WAVE_ALLOWSYNC ); If (iErr <> 0) Then Begin RecErrorMessage := 'Could not open the input device for recording: ' + ^M + TWaveInGetErrorText(iErr); SetupRecord := FALSE; Exit; End; { tell CloseWaveDeviceRecord() that the device is open } bDeviceOpen := TRUE; { prepare the headers } InitWaveHeaders(); For i := 0 to fTotalBuffers-1 Do Begin iErr := waveInPrepareHeader( WaveIn, pWaveHeader[I], sizeof(TWAVEHDR)); If (iErr <> 0) Then begin CloseWaveDeviceRecord; RecErrorMessage := 'Error preparing header for recording: ' + ^M + TWaveInGetErrorText(iErr); SetupRecord := FALSE; Exit; end; End; { add the first buffer } If (Not AddNextBuffer) Then begin SetupRecord := FALSE; Exit; end; SetupRecord := TRUE; END; {-----------------ProcessBuffer---------------John Mertus---14-June--97--} Procedure TWaveRecorder.ProcessBuffer(uMsg: Word; P : Pointer; n : Integer); { Dummy procedure that is called when a buffer is ready. } { } {***********************************************************************} BEGIN END; END.
From: (Stefan Westner)
In article <01bbde3a$960b1a00$>, says... I am attempting to have a wave file play when a button is clicked, in my Delphi application. Rather than install the wave file and use the PlaySound() API call, I'd like to put it into a resource file so that it plays with only the EXE present.
you need a resource compiler (i. E. Resource Workshop ) and add an user-defined-resource WAVE. You can play the resource-file in your program using
var FindHandle, ResHandle: THandle; ResPtr: Pointer; begin FindHandle:=FindResource(HInstance, '<Name of your Ressource>', 'WAVE'); if FindHandle<>0 then begin ResHandle:=LoadResource(HInstance, FindHandle); if ResHandle<>0 then begin ResPtr:=LockResource(ResHandle); if ResPtr<>Nil then SndPlaySound(PChar(ResPtr), snd_ASync or snd_Memory); UnlockResource(ResHandle); end; FreeResource(FindHandle); end; end;
procedure Sound(Freq : Word); var B : Byte; begin if Freq > 18 then begin Freq := Word(1193181 div LongInt(Freq)); B := Byte(GetPort($61)); if (B and 3) = 0 then begin SetPort($61, Word(B or 3)); SetPort($43, $B6); end; SetPort($42, Freq); SetPort($42, Freq shr 8); end; end; procedure NoSound; var Value: Word; begin Value := GetPort($61) and $FC; SetPort($61, Value); end; procedure SetPort(address, Value:Word); var bValue: byte; begin bValue := trunc(Value and 255); asm mov dx, address mov al, bValue out dx, al end; end; function GetPort(address:word):word; var bValue: byte; begin asm mov dx, address in al, dx mov bValue, al end; GetPort := bValue; end;
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