From: "David S. Lee" <davidlee@crl.com>
This is the way I do it:
In the begin..end block of the .dpr:
begin if HPrevInst <>0 then begin ActivatePreviousInstance; Halt; end; end;
Here is the unit I use:
unit PrevInst; interface uses WinProcs, WinTypes, SysUtils; type PHWnd = ^HWnd; function EnumApps(Wnd: HWnd; TargetWindow: PHWnd): bool; export; procedure ActivatePreviousInstance; implementation function EnumApps(Wnd: HWnd; TargetWindow: PHWnd): bool; var ClassName : array[0..30] of char; begin Result := true; if GetWindowWord(Wnd, GWW_HINSTANCE) = HPrevInst then begin GetClassName(Wnd, ClassName, 30); if STRIComp(ClassName,'TApplication')=0 then begin TargetWindow^ := Wnd; Result := false; end; end; end; procedure ActivatePreviousInstance; var PrevInstWnd: HWnd; begin PrevInstWnd := 0; EnumWindows(@EnumApps,LongInt(@PrevInstWnd)); if PrevInstWnd <> 0 then if IsIconic(PrevInstWnd) then ShowWindow(PrevInstWnd,SW_Restore) else BringWindowToTop(PrevInstWnd); end; end.
From: "The Graphical Gnome" <rdb@ktibv.nl>
Taken from Delphi 2 Developers Guide by Pacheco and Teixeira with heavy modifications.
Usage: In the Project source change to the following
if InitInstance then begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TFrmSelProject, FrmSelProject); Application.Run; end; unit multinst; { Taken from Delphi 2 Developers Guide by Pacheco and Teixeira With heavy Modifications. Usage: In the Project source change to the following if InitInstance then begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TFrmSelProject, FrmSelProject); Application.Run; end; That's all folks ( I hope ;() } interface uses Forms, Windows, Dialogs, SysUtils; const MI_NO_ERROR = 0; MI_FAIL_SUBCLASS = 1; MI_FAIL_CREATE_MUTEX = 2; { Query this function to determine if error occurred in startup. } { Value will be one or more of the MI_* error flags. } function GetMIError: Integer; Function InitInstance : Boolean; implementation const UniqueAppStr : PChar; {Change for every Application} var MessageId: Integer; WProc: TFNWndProc = Nil; MutHandle: THandle = 0; MIError: Integer = 0; function GetMIError: Integer; begin Result := MIError; end; function NewWndProc(Handle: HWND; Msg: Integer; wParam, lParam: Longint): Longint; StdCall; begin { If this is the registered message... } if Msg = MessageID then begin { if main form is minimized, normalize it } { set focus to application } if IsIconic(Application.Handle) then begin Application.MainForm.WindowState := wsNormal; ShowWindow(Application.Mainform.Handle, sw_restore); end; SetForegroundWindow(Application.MainForm.Handle); end { Otherwise, pass message on to old window proc } else Result := CallWindowProc(WProc, Handle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; procedure SubClassApplication; begin { We subclass Application window procedure so that } { Application.OnMessage remains available for user. } WProc := TFNWndProc(SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Longint(@NewWndProc))); { Set appropriate error flag if error condition occurred } if WProc = Nil then MIError := MIError or MI_FAIL_SUBCLASS; end; procedure DoFirstInstance; begin SubClassApplication; MutHandle := CreateMutex(Nil, False, UniqueAppStr); if MutHandle = 0 then MIError := MIError or MI_FAIL_CREATE_MUTEX; end; procedure BroadcastFocusMessage; { This is called when there is already an instance running. } var BSMRecipients: DWORD; begin { Don't flash main form } Application.ShowMainForm := False; { Post message and inform other instance to focus itself } BSMRecipients := BSM_APPLICATIONS; BroadCastSystemMessage(BSF_IGNORECURRENTTASK or BSF_POSTMESSAGE, @BSMRecipients, MessageID, 0, 0); end; Function InitInstance : Boolean; begin MutHandle := OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, False, UniqueAppStr); if MutHandle = 0 then begin { Mutex object has not yet been created, meaning that no previous } { instance has been created. } ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_ShowNormal); Application.ShowMainForm:=True; DoFirstInstance; result := True; end else begin BroadcastFocusMessage; result := False; end; end; initialization begin UniqueAppStr := Application.Exexname; MessageID := RegisterWindowMessage(UniqueAppStr); ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_Hide); Application.ShowMainForm:=FALSE; end; finalization begin if WProc <> Nil then { Restore old window procedure } SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(WProc)); end; end.
From: "Jerzy A.Radzimowski" <jerzyara@odn.zgora.pl>
VAR MutexHandle:THandle; Var UniqueKey : string; FUNCTION IsNextInstance:BOOLEAN; BEGIN Result:=FALSE; MutexHandle:=0; MutexHandle:=CREATEMUTEX( NIL,TRUE, UniqueKey); IF MutexHandle<>0 THEN BEGIN IF GetLastError=ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS THEN BEGIN Result:=TRUE; CLOSEHANDLE(MutexHandle); MutexHandle:=0; END; END; END; begin CmdShow:=SW_HIDE; MessageId:=RegisterWindowMessage(zAppName); Application.Initialize; IF IsNextInstance THEN PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, MessageId,0,0) ELSE BEGIN Application.ShowMainForm:=FALSE; Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm); MainForm.StartTimer.Enabled:=TRUE; Application.Run; END; IF MutexHandle<>0 THEN CLOSEHANDLE(MutexHandle); end.
in MainForm you need add code for process private message
PROCEDURE TMainForm.OnAppMessage( VAR M:TMSG; VAR Ret:BOOLEAN ); BEGIN IF M.Message=MessageId THEN BEGIN Ret:=TRUE; // BringWindowToTop !!!!!!!! END; END; INITIALIZATION ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_Hide); END.
From: wesjones@hooked.net (Wes Jones)
I did a little investigation, and here is what seems to be happening:
Normally, when you exit a Delphi application by using the system menu or by calling the Form's Close method, the following event handlers are called:
If the application is active and you attempt to exit Windows, the event handlers are called in the following sequence:
The FormClose method never seems to be called.
Here is the flow of events when the user chooses to end the Windows session:
One solution is to respond to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message in the Delphi application and prevent Windows from exiting by returning a 0 result. This can't be done in the FormCloseQuery method because there is no way to determine the source of the request (it can either be the result of the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message or the user just simply closing the application).
Another solution is to respond to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message by calling the same cleanup procedure you call in the FormClose method.
unit Unit1; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); private {---------------------------------------------------------------} { Custom procedure to respond to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message } {---------------------------------------------------------------} procedure WMQueryEndSession( var Message: TWMQueryEndSession); message WM_QUERYENDSESSION; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1 : TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} {---------------------------------------------------------------} { Custom procedure to respond to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message } { The application will only receive this message in the event } { that Windows is requesing to exit. } {---------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TForm1.WMQueryEndSession(var Message: TWMQueryEndSession); begin inherited; { let the inherited message handler respond first } {--------------------------------------------------------------------} { at this point, you can either prevent windows from closing... } { Message.Result:=0; } {---------------------------or---------------------------------------} { just call the same cleanup procedure that you call in FormClose... } { MyCleanUpProcedure; } {--------------------------------------------------------------------} end; procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin MyCleanUpProcedure; end; end.
I have not tested this code, but I think it will work correctly. Let me know how it turns out!
From: David and Rhonda Crowder <dcrowder@bridge.net>
>> I want to obtain the values (left, right, top, bottom) of "unprintable area" from the printer.
In August Delphi Developer "Take Control of your printer with a custom Delphi Class":
To get the Left and Top Printer Margins use the Windows Escape Function with the parameter GETPRINTINGOFFSET.
var pntMargins : TPoint; begin { @ means " the address of the variable" } Escape(Printer.Handle, GETPRINTINGOFFSET,0,nil,@prntMargins); end;
Getting the Right and Bottom Margins aren't quite so straightforward. There isn't an equivalent Escape call. You obtain these values by getting the physical width (physWidth) and height (physHeight) of the page, the printable width (PrintWidth) and height (PrintHeight) of the page, and then carrying out the following sums:
RightMargin := physWidth - PrintWidth - LeftMargin BottomMargin := physHeight - PrintHeight - TopMargin
The physical page size is found using Escape, this time with the GETPHYSPAGESIZE parameter. The point pntPageSize contains the page width in pntPageSize.x and page height in pntPageSize.y
var pntPageSize : TPoint; begin Escape(Printer.Handle, GETPHYSPAGESIZE,o,nil,@pntPageSize); end;
From: "Bob Findley" <bfindley@cheney.net>
I assume you mean environment variables?
The GetEnvironmentStrings function returns the address of the environment block for the current process. Each environment variable is null terminated. The set of strings is double null terminated.
The GetEnvironmentVariable function retrieves the value of the specified variable from the environment block of the calling process. The value is in the form of a null-terminated string of characters.
Here is an answer for you. I have used this on many occasions and it works well.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var szFileName : array[0..49] of char; szModuleName : array[0..19] of char; iSize : integer; begin StrPCopy(szModuleName, 'NameOfModule'); iSize := GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(szModuleName),szFileName, SizeOf(szFileName)); if iSize > 0 then ShowMessage('Full path name is : ' + StrPas(szFileName)) else ShowMessage('Path of module not found'); end;
abeldup@unison.co.za (Abel du Plessis)
"Vitor Martins" <nop47019@mail.telecom.pt wrote: How can I set the clock system time and date in a program with Delphi 2.0 in Win 95
This works for us:
//****************************************************************************** //Public function SetPCSystemTime changes the system date and time. //Parameter(s): tDati The new date and time //Returns: True if successful // False if not //****************************************************************************** function SetPCSystemTime(tDati: TDateTime): Boolean; var tSetDati: TDateTime; vDatiBias: Variant; tTZI: TTimeZoneInformation; tST: TSystemTime; begin GetTimeZoneInformation(tTZI); vDatiBias := tTZI.Bias / 1440; tSetDati := tDati + vDatiBias; with tST do begin wYear := StrToInt(FormatDateTime('yyyy', tSetDati)); wMonth := StrToInt(FormatDateTime('mm', tSetDati)); wDay := StrToInt(FormatDateTime('dd', tSetDati)); wHour := StrToInt(FormatDateTime('hh', tSetDati)); wMinute := StrToInt(FormatDateTime('nn', tSetDati)); wSecond := StrToInt(FormatDateTime('ss', tSetDati)); wMilliseconds := 0; end; SetPCSystemTime := SetSystemTime(tST); end;
From: Noel Rice <nrice@ix.netcom.com>
A: Here is the 16 bit version:
uses Wintypes,WinProcs,Toolhelp,Classes,Forms; Function WinExecAndWait(Path : string; Visibility : word) : word; var InstanceID : THandle; PathLen : integer; begin { inplace conversion of a String to a PChar } PathLen := Length(Path); Move(Path[1],Path[0],PathLen); Path[PathLen] := #00; { Try to run the application } InstanceID := WinExec(@Path,Visibility); if InstanceID < 32 then { a value less than 32 indicates an Exec error } WinExecAndWait := InstanceID else begin Repeat Application.ProcessMessages; until Application.Terminated or (GetModuleUsage(InstanceID) = 0); WinExecAndWait := 32; end; end;
function WinExecAndWait32(FileName:String; Visibility : integer):integer; var zAppName:array[0..512] of char; zCurDir:array[0..255] of char; WorkDir:String; StartupInfo:TStartupInfo; ProcessInfo:TProcessInformation; begin StrPCopy(zAppName,FileName); GetDir(0,WorkDir); StrPCopy(zCurDir,WorkDir); FillChar(StartupInfo,Sizeof(StartupInfo),#0); StartupInfo.cb := Sizeof(StartupInfo); StartupInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartupInfo.wShowWindow := Visibility; if not CreateProcess(nil, zAppName, { pointer to command line string } nil, { pointer to process security attributes } nil, { pointer to thread security attributes } false, { handle inheritance flag } CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or { creation flags } NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, { pointer to new environment block } nil, { pointer to current directory name } StartupInfo, { pointer to STARTUPINFO } ProcessInfo) then Result := -1 { pointer to PROCESS_INF } else begin WaitforSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess,INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessInfo.hProcess,Result); end; end;
{ This code came from Lloyd's help file! Ldelphi.zip }
From: Richard Leigh <rleigh@deakin.edu.au>
Issues :The program should be nice and small so it can load before a user can hit CTRL-ALT-DEL.
My Solution :
Compile a single WIN32API call into a small .exe in delphi.
The Program :
program small; {written by Richard Leigh, Deakin Univesity 1997} uses WinProcs; {$R *.RES} var Dummy : integer; begin Dummy := 0; {Disable ALT-TAB} SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETFASTTASKSWITCH, 1, @Dummy, 0); {Disable CTRL-ALT-DEL} SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SCREENSAVERRUNNING, 1, @Dummy, 0); end.
From: "Joe C. Hecht (Borland)" <jhecht@corp.borland.com>
> How can I extract the associated icon (ExtractAssociatedIcon) and draw it into > a Timage or a small area of the form?
uses ShellApi; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var IconIndex : word; h : hIcon; begin IconIndex := 0; h := ExtractAssociatedIcon(hInstance, 'C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE', IconINdex); DrawIcon(Form1.Canvas.Handle, 10, 10, h);
Does anyone know how to access the function ExitWindows in User.exe. I would like to use this function to restart windows without restarting the computer.[Mike O'Hanlon, TMike@IAfrica.com]
Here are examples of how to restart Windows and also how to reboot the system:
procedure TMainForm.RestartWindowsBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin if not ExitWindows(EW_RestartWindows, 0) then ShowMessage('An application refused to terminate'); end;
procedure TMainForm.RebootSystemBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin if not ExitWindows(EW_RebootSystem, 0) then ShowMessage('An application refused to terminate'); end;
function ExitWindows (dwReturnCode: Longint; Reserved: Word): Bool;
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