From: Jon Erik Oterhals <>
Brian Fløe Sørensen wrote: In Windows 95, you can see when a file was last accessed by right-clicking the file and selecting properties. How can I get this information in Delphi/API???
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var FileHandle : THandle; LocalFileTime : TFileTime; DosFileTime : DWORD; LastAccessedTime : TDateTime; FindData : TWin32FindData; begin FileHandle := FindFirstFile('AnyFile.FIL', FindData); if FileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin Windows.FindClose(Handle); if (FindData.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) = 0 then begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FindData.ftLastWriteTime, LocalFileTime); FileTimeToDosDateTime(LocalFileTime, LongRec(DosFileTime).Hi,LongRec(DosFileTime).Lo); LastAccessedTime := FileDateToDateTime(DosFileTime); Label1.Caption := DateTimeToStr(LastAccessedTime); end; end; end;
From: "DynaSoft." <>
Here try these procedures.
Function GetShortFileName(Const FileName : String) : String; var aTmp: array[0..255] of char; begin if GetShortPathName(PChar(FileName),aTmp,Sizeof(aTmp)-1)=0 then Result:= FileName else Result:=StrPas(aTmp); end; Function GetLongFileName(Const FileName : String) : String; var aInfo: TSHFileInfo; begin if SHGetFileInfo(PChar(FileName),0,aInfo,Sizeof(aInfo),SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME)<>0 then Result:= String(aInfo.szDisplayName) else Result:= FileName; end;
From: Christian Piene Gundersen <>
> We need to know how can we get the serial number of a HDD, working with > Delphi 2.0
Try this:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SerialNum : pdword; a, b : dword; Buffer : array [0..255] of char; begin if GetVolumeInformation('c:\', Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), SerialNum, a, b, nil, 0) then Label1.Caption := IntToStr(SerialNum^); end;
From: "Angus Johnson" <>
function DiskInDrive(const Drive: char): Boolean; var DrvNum: byte; EMode: Word; begin result := false; DrvNum := ord(Drive); if DrvNum >= ord('a') then dec(DrvNum,$20); EMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); try if DiskSize(DrvNum-$40) <> -1 then result := true else messagebeep(0); finally SetErrorMode(EMode); end; end;
From: "Chris Rankin" <>
Vincent Oostindie <> wrote > * How do I get the unique number from an audio CD in the CD-ROM drive?
const MCI_INFO_PRODUCT = $00000100; MCI_INFO_FILE = $00000200; MCI_INFO_MEDIA_UPC = $00000400; MCI_INFO_MEDIA_IDENTITY = $00000800; MCI_INFO_NAME = $00001000; MCI_INFO_COPYRIGHT = $00002000; { parameter block for MCI_INFO command message } type PMCI_Info_ParmsA = ^TMCI_Info_ParmsA; PMCI_Info_ParmsW = ^TMCI_Info_ParmsW; PMCI_Info_Parms = PMCI_Info_ParmsA; TMCI_Info_ParmsA = record dwCallback: DWORD; lpstrReturn: PAnsiChar; dwRetSize: DWORD; end; TMCI_Info_ParmsW = record dwCallback: DWORD; lpstrReturn: PWideChar; dwRetSize: DWORD; end; TMCI_Info_Parms = TMCI_Info_ParmsA;
These are the buffers you want: the identifier is returned as a string of decimal digits by the MCI_INFO_MEDIA_IDENTITY function. You should be able to cross-reference this with the online help (Win32 and TMediaPlayer component).
program del; uses ShellApi; //function SHFileOperation(const lpFileOp: TSHFileOpStruct): Integer; stdcall; Var T:TSHFileOpStruct; P:String; begin P:='C:\Windows\System\EL_CONTROL.CPL'; With T do Begin Wnd:=0; wFunc:=FO_DELETE; pFrom:=Pchar(P); fFlags:=FOF_ALLOWUNDO End; SHFileOperation(T); End.From: (Brad Stowers)
There are some other quirks you should be aware of, too:
var FileList: string; FOS: TShFileOpStruct; begin FileList := 'c:\'#0'c:\windows\temp.$$$'#0#0; { if you were using filenames in string variables: } FileList := Filename1 + #0 + Filename2 + #0#0; FOS.pFrom := PChar(FileList); // blah blah blah end;
From: laserjet <>
Try the following function which does not require FindFirst:
function GetFileDate(TheFileName: string): string; var FHandle: integer; begin FHandle := FileOpen(TheFileName, 0); result := DateTimeToStr(FileDateToDateTime(FileGetDate(FHandle))); FileClose(FHandle); end;
From: bziegler@Radix.Net (Ben Ziegler)
One note of caution, some of the Win32 functions return times in GMT time, and you have to convert it to local time. Check your docs to be sure. (FindNextFile does this I believe).this way it work very slow
pbBuf := PChar( LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, 1) ); FileSeek(source,0,0); FileSeek(dest,0,0); repeat cbRead := Fileread(source, pbBuf, 1); FileWrite(dest, pbBuf, cbRead); until (cbRead = 0);
{ You must add LZExpand to your uses clause ea. USES LZExpand; } function CopyFile(SrcF,DestF : string) : boolean; var SFile, DFile : integer; Res : longint; Msg : string; begin SFile := FileOpen(SrcF,0); { Open ReadOnly = 0, Write=1, Readwrite=2} DFile := FileCreate(DestF); Res := LZCopy(SFile,DFile); FileClose(SFile); FileClose(DFile); if Res < 0 then begin Msg := 'Unknown error'; case Res of LZERROR_BADINHANDLE : Msg := 'Invalid Source file handle'; LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE : Msg := 'Invalid Destination file handle'; LZERROR_BADVALUE : Msg := 'Input parameter is out of range'; LZERROR_GLOBALLOC : Msg := 'Insufficient memory for the required buffers'; LZERROR_GLOBLOCK : Msg := 'Internal data structure handle invalid'; LZERROR_READ : Msg := 'Source file format is not valid'; LZERROR_UNKNOWNALG : Msg := 'The Source file was compressed with an unrecognized compression algorithm'; LZERROR_WRITE : Msg := 'There is insufficient space for the output file'; end; MessageDlg(Msg,mtERROR,[mbOK],0); result := FALSE end else result := TRUE; end;
I'll bet it's slow! It's reading the file one character at a time... Try allocating 8192 bytes and reading 8192 bytes at a time. That should speed it up a bit...
The simplest way to copy files is this:
VAR sI,dI:Longint; sD,sS:TFilename; USES LZExpand; ............ sI := FileOpen(sS,fmShareDenyWrite); dI := FileCreate(sD); { Copy file } CopyLZFile(sI,dI); {close files} FileClose(sI); FileClose(dI); ............
c:\windows\media\temp\abc\sound\chime.wavI would like the label to appear as:
c:\windows\..\sound\chime.wavand not the whole chunk of filename.
I developed a procedure, that does something like that. It shortens the path, when it and the current path have the same drive and/or directory in parts. It's really useful for making the pathname easier to read and understand. I've written it for a hex-editor in Borland Pascal and I haven't been using it for a while, but it should work flawlessly.
function shortenfilename(s : string) : string; var drive,curdrive : string[2]; dir,curdir : string[80]; name : string[20]; ext : string[5]; i : byte; begin for i:=1 to length(s) do s[i]:=upcase(s[i]); s:=fexpand(s); fsplit(s,dir,name,ext); drive:=copy(dir,1,2); dir:=copy(dir,4,length(dir)-3); getdir(0,curdir); curdrive:=copy(curdir,1,2); curdir:=copy(curdir,4,length(curdir)-3)+'\'; if drive=curdrive then begin if copy(dir,1,length(curdir))=curdir then begin i:=length(curdir); if length(dir)<>i then dir:=dir+'\'; shortenfilename:=copy(dir,i+1,length(dir)-i-1)+name+ext; end else shortenfilename:=copy(s,3,length(s)-2); end else shortenfilename:=s; end;
There is an API hidden away in Shell32.dll called SHFormatDrive, this brings up the standard format removable drive dialog. I stumbled across this in the borland.public.delphi.winapi newsgroup.
{implementation section} .. .. const SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT = $FFFF; // Formating options SHFMT_OPT_QUICKFORMAT = $0000; SHFMT_OPT_FULL = $0001; SHFMT_OPT_SYSONLY = $0002; // Error codes SHFMT_ERROR = $FFFFFFFF; SHFMT_CANCEL = $FFFFFFFE; SHFMT_NOFORMAT = $FFFFFFFD; function SHFormatDrive(Handle: HWND; Drive, ID, Options: Word): LongInt; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHFormatDrive' procedure TForm1.btnFormatDiskClick(Sender: TObject); var retCode: LongInt; begin retCode:= SHFormatDrive(Handle, 0, SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT, SHFMT_OPT_QUICKFORMAT); if retCode < 0 then ShowMessage('Could not format drive'); end; end.
>> I'm looking for a method or a component that search the entire harddisk >>after certain files, for example (*.exe)...
unit Audit1; interface uses windos; var dest:string; procedure dorecurse(dir:string); implementation {$R *.DFM} Procedure Process (dir:string; Searchrec:tsearchrec); begin showmessage (; case Searchrec.attr of $10: if (<>'.') and (<>'..') then begin dorecurse (dir+'\'; writeln (dir); end; end; end; Procedure Dorecurse(dir:string); var Searchrec:Tsearchrec; pc: array[0..79] of Char; begin StrPCopy(pc, dir+'\*.*'); FindFirst(pc, FaAnyfile, SearchRec); Process (dir,SearchRec); while FindNext(SearchRec)<>-18 do begin Process (dir,SearchRec); end; end; Procedure startsearch; begin dorecurse (paramstr(1)); end; begin startsearch; end.
This function below which does this:
function FolderDate(sFolder : String) : TDate; var SearchRec : TSearchRec; Found : integer; dt : TDate; begin Result := 0; Found := FindFirst(sFolder, faDirectory, SearchRec); if Found = 0 then begin dt := FileDateToDateTime(SearchRec.Time); result := dt; end; FindClose(SearchRec); end;