From: (Brad Stowers)
Here's a unit that works for me. Also, I'm working on a component that wraps up the DLL. If anyone is interested in testing it, let me know by email ( and I'll send it to you.
unit FTP4W; { Updated Feb. 1997 by Brad Stowers ( for use with } { FTP4W v2.6. Modified to add new functions, fix some errors, make it } { "cleaner", and work with Delphi 2. I do not use Delphi 1 at all, so } { it is extremely likely that this won't work with Delphi 1, i.e. } { 'stdcall' won't compile. If you need to use with Delphi 1, use the } { Pascal 'UseFTP4W.pas' sample file, or try deleting all the 'stdcall' } { directives. This code based on previous work as credited below: } {by Barbara Tikart Polarwolf Hard & Software, D-63906 Erlenbach am Main} {and AStA Uni Konstanz (AStA = Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss)} {eMail to or} {Declarations for FTP module to use with 'FTP4W' Version 2.2g or higher} {Released into Public Domain} {Get the newest version via} interface uses Windows, WinSock, SysUtils; const FTP4W_Loaded: boolean = FALSE; { Check to see if the DLL was loaded. } FTP4W_RightVersion: boolean = FALSE; { Check to see if we have right version of DLL. } const { Transfer modes. } TYPE_A = 'A'; { ASCII } TYPE_I = 'I'; { Image (Bin) } TYPE_L8 = 'L'; { Local 8 } TYPE_DEFAULT = #0; { Whatever server thinks it is. } { Actions requested by user.... What are these? } FTP_STORE_ON_SERVER = 65; FTP_APPEND_ON_SERVER = 87; FTP_GET_FROM_SERVER = 223; { Firewall Types, for when Philippe gets firewall done. } FTP4W_FWSITE = 100; FTP4W_FWPROXY = 103; FTP4W_FWUSERWITHLOGON = 106; FTP4W_FWUSERNOLOGON = 109; { Return codes of FTP functions } FTPERR_OK = 0; { succesful function } FTPERR_ENTERPASSWORD = 1; { userid need a password } FTPERR_ENTERACCOUNT = 2; { user/pass OK but account required } FTPERR_ACCOUNTNEEDED = 2; { user/pass OK but account required } FTPERR_RESTARTOK = 3; { Restart command successful } FTPERR_ENDOFDATA = 4; { server has closed the data-conn } FTPERR_CANCELBYUSER = -1; {Transfer aborted by user FtpAbort} { User's or programmer's errors } FTPERR_INVALIDPARAMETER = 1000; { Error in parameters } FTPERR_SESSIONUSED = 1001; { User has already a FTP session } FTPERR_NOTINITIALIZED = 1002; { FtpInit has not been call } FTPERR_NOTCONNECTED = 1003; { User is not connected to a server } FTPERR_CANTOPENFILE = 1004; { can not open specified file } FTPERR_CANTWRITE = 1005; { can't write into file (disk full?) } FTPERR_NOACTIVESESSION = 1006; { FtpRelease without FtpInit } FTPERR_STILLCONNECTED = 1007; { FtpRelease without any Close } FTPERR_SERVERCANTEXECUTE = 1008; { file action not taken } FTPERR_LOGINREFUSED = 1009; { Server rejects usrid/passwd } FTPERR_NOREMOTEFILE = 1010; { server can not open file } FTPERR_TRANSFERREFUSED = 1011; { Host refused the transfer } FTPERR_WINSOCKNOTUSABLE = 1012; { A winsock.DLL ver 1.1 is required } FTPERR_CANTCLOSE = 1013; { close failed (cmd is in progress) } FTPERR_FILELOCKED = 1014; { temporary error during FtpDelete } FTPERR_FWLOGINREFUSED = 1015; { Firewallrejects usrid/passwd } FTPERR_ASYNCMODE = 1016; { FtpMGet only in synchronous mode } { TCP errors } FTPERR_UNKNOWNHOST = 2001; { can not resolve host adress } FTPERR_NOREPLY = 2002; { host does not send an answer } FTPERR_CANTCONNECT = 2003; { Error during connection } FTPERR_CONNECTREJECTED = 2004; { host has no FTP server } FTPERR_SENDREFUSED = 2005; { can't send data (network down) } FTPERR_DATACONNECTION = 2006; { connection on data-port failed } FTPERR_TIMEOUT = 2007; { timeout occurred } FTPERR_FWCANTCONNECT = 2008; { Error during connection with FW } FTPERR_FWCONNECTREJECTED = 2009; { Firewall has no FTP server } { FTP errors } FTPERR_UNEXPECTEDANSWER = 3001; {answer was not expected} FTPERR_CANNOTCHANGETYPE = 3002; { host rejects the TYPE command } FTPERR_CMDNOTIMPLEMENTED = 3003; { host recognize but can't exec cmd } FTPERR_PWDBADFMT = 3004; { PWD cmd OK, but answer has no " } FTPERR_PASVCMDNOTIMPL = 3005; { Server don't support passive mode } { Resource errors } FTPERR_CANTCREATEWINDOW = 5002; { Insufficent free resources } FTPERR_INSMEMORY = 5003; { Insufficient Heap memory } FTPERR_CANTCREATESOCKET = 5004; { no more socket } FTPERR_CANTBINDSOCKET = 5005; { bind is not succesful } FTPERR_SYSTUNKNOWN = 5006; { host system not in the list } { FTP4W internal data structures You'll probably never need these. } const FTP_DATABUFFER = 4096; {a good value for X25/Ethernet/Token Ring} type PFtp_FtpData = ^TFtp_FtpData; TFtp_FtpData = packed record ctrl_socket: TSocket; { control stream init INVALID_SOCKET } data_socket: TSocket; { data stream init INVALID_SOCKET } cType: Char; { type (ASCII/binary) init TYPE_A } bVerbose: Bool; { verbose mode init FALSE } bPassif: Bool; { VRAI -> mode passif } nPort: u_short; { connexion Port init FTP_DEFPORT } nTimeOut: u_int; { TimeOut in seconds init FTP_DEFTIMEOUT } hLogFile: HFile; { Log file } szInBuf: Array [0..2047] of Char; { incoming Buffer } saSockAddr: TSockAddrIn; { not used anymore } saAcceptAddr: TSockAddrIn; { not used anymore } end; { TFtp_FtpData } PFtp_FileTrf = ^TFtp_FileTrf; TFtp_FileTrf = packed record hf: HFile; { handle of the file which is being transfered } nCount: uint; { number of writes/reads made on a file } nAsyncAlone: uint; { pause each N frame in Async mode (Def 40) } nAsyncMulti: uint; { Idem but more than one FTP sssion (Def 10) } nDelay: uint; { time of the pause in milliseconds } bAborted: Bool; { data transfer has been canceled } szBuf : Array [0..FTP_DataBuffer-1] Of Char; { Data buffer } bNotify: Bool; { application receives a msg each data packet } bAsyncMode: Bool; { synchronous or asynchronous Mode } lPos: LongInt; { Bytes transfered } lTotal: LongInt; { bytes to be transfered } end; { TFtp_FileTrf } PFtp_Msg = ^TFtp_Msg; TFtp_MSG = packed record hParentWnd: hWnd; { window which the msg is to be passed } nCompletedMessage: uint; { msg to be sent at end of the function } end; { TFtp_Msg } PFtp_Verbose = ^TFtp_Verbose; TFtp_Verbose = packed record hVerboseWnd: hWnd; { window which the message is to be passed } nVerboseMsg: uint; { msg to be sent each time a line is received } end; { TFtp_Verbose } PFtp_ProcData = ^TFtp_ProcData; TFtp_ProcData = packed record { Task data } hTask: HTask; { Task Id } hFtpWindow: hWnd; { Handle of the internal window } hParentWnd: hWnd; { Handle given to the FtpInit function } hInstance: HInst; { Task Instance } bRelease: Bool; { FtpRelease has been called } { Mesasge information } MSG: TFtp_Msg; VMSG: TFtp_Verbose; { File information } FileTrf: TFtp_FileTrf; {Ftp information} Ftp: TFtp_FtpData; {Linked list} Next, Prev: PFtp_ProcData; end; { TFtp_ProcData } { FtpMGet callback function type. } TFtpMGetCallback = Function (szRemFile, szLocalFile: PChar; Rc: integer): bool; stdcall; { FTP4W Functions } var { Utilities functions} FtpDataPtr: function: PFtp_ProcData; stdcall; FtpBufferPtr: function: PChar; stdcall; FtpErrorString: function(Rc: integer): PChar; stdcall; Ftp4wVer: function(szVerStr: PChar; nStrSize: integer): Integer; stdcall; { Change default parameters} FtpSetVerboseMode: function(bVerboseMode: bool; hWindow: hWnd; wMsg: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpBytesTransferred: function: LongInt; stdcall; FtpBytesToBeTransferred: function: LongInt; stdcall; FtpSetDefaultTimeOut: procedure(nTo_in_sec: Integer); stdcall; FtpSetDefaultPort: procedure(nDefPort: Integer); stdcall; FtpSetAsynchronousMode: procedure; stdcall; FtpSetSynchronousMode: procedure; stdcall; FtpIsAsynchronousMode: function: Bool; stdcall; FtpSetNewDelay: procedure(X: Integer); stdcall; FtpSetNewSlices: procedure(X, Y: Integer); stdcall; FtpSetPassiveMode: procedure(bPassive: Bool); stdcall; FtpLogTo: procedure(hLogFile: HFile); stdcall; { Init functions} FtpRelease: function: Integer; stdcall; FtpInit: function(hWindow: hWnd): Integer; stdcall; FtpFlush: function: Integer; stdcall; { Connection } FtpLogin: function(Host, User, Password: PChar; hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpOpenConnection: function(Host: PChar): Integer; stdcall; FtpCloseConnection: function: Integer; stdcall; FtpLocalClose: function: Integer; stdcall; { Authentification} FtpSendUserName: function(UserName: PChar): Integer; stdcall; FtpSendPasswd: function(Passwd: PChar): Integer; stdcall; FtpSendAccount: function(Acct: PChar): integer; stdcall; { Commands } FtpHelp: function(Arg, Buf: PChar; BufSize: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpDeleteFile: function(szRemoteFile: PChar): Integer; stdcall; FtpRenameFile: function(szFrom, szTo: PChar): Integer; stdcall; FtpQuote: function(Cmd, ReplyBuf: PChar; BufSize: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpSyst: function(var szSystemStr: PChar): Integer; stdcall; FtpSetType: function(cType: char): Integer; stdcall; FtpCWD: function(Path: PChar): Integer; stdcall; FtpCDUP: function: Integer; stdcall; FtpPWD: function(szBuf: PChar; uBufSize: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpMKD: function(szPath, szFullDir: PChar; uBufSize: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpRMD: function(szPath: PChar): Integer; stdcall; { file transfer } FtpAbort: function: Integer; stdcall; FtpSendFile: function(Local, Remote: PChar; cType: char; Notify: Bool; hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpAppendToRemoteFile: function(Local, Remote: PChar; cType: char; Notify: Bool; hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpRecvFile: function(Remote, Lcl: PChar; cType: char; Notify: Bool; hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpAppendToLocalFile: function(Remote, Lcl: PChar; cType: char; Notify: Bool; hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer; stdcall; FtpGetFileSize: function: DWORD; stdcall; FtpMGet: function(szFilter: PChar; cType: char; bNotify: bool; Callback: TFtpMGetCallback): integer; stdcall; FtpRestart: function(ByteCount: longint): integer; stdcall; FtpRestartSendFile: function(hLocal: HFile; szRemote: PChar; cType: char; bNotify: bool; ByteCount: Longint; hWindow: hWnd; wMsg: UINT): integer; stdcall; FtpRestartRecvFile: function(szRemote: PChar; hLocal: HFile; cType: char; bNotify: bool; ByteCount: Longint; hWindow: hWnd; wMsg: UINT): integer; stdcall; { Directory } FtpDir: function (Def, LocalFile: PChar; LongDir: Bool; hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer; stdcall; { Advanced } FtpOpenDataConnection: function(szRemote: pchar; nAction: integer; cType: char): integer; stdcall; FtpRecvThroughDataConnection: function(szBuf: Pchar; var BufSize: UINT): integer; stdcall; FtpSendThroughDataConnection: function(szBuf: PChar; BufSize: UINT): integer; stdcall; FtpCloseDataConnection: function: integer; stdcall; { Firewall } FtpFirewallLogin: function (szFWHost, szFWUser, szFWPass, szRemHost, szRemUser, szRemPass: PChar; nFirewallType: integer; hParentWnd: hWnd; wMsg: UINT): integer; stdcall; { Misc } InitFtpGetAnswerCode: function: integer; stdcall; implementation const ftp4wdll = 'FTP4W32.dll'; { DLL file name } var hFtp4W: THandle; { DLL handle } { Load the DLL and get all the procedure addresses. } function LoadFtp4WDLL: boolean; var OldMode: UINT; begin if hFtp4W <> 0 then FreeLibrary (hFtp4W); OldMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); { No system messages if can't load. } hFtp4W := LoadLibrary (ftp4wdll); Result := hFtp4W <> 0; SetErrorMode(OldMode); if not Result then exit; { Get all the function addresses } @FtpDataPtr := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpDataPtr'); @FtpBufferPtr := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpBufferPtr'); @FtpErrorString := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpErrorString'); @Ftp4wVer := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'Ftp4wVer'); @FtpSetVerboseMode := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetVerboseMode'); @FtpBytesTransferred := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpBytesTransferred'); @FtpBytesToBeTransferred := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpBytesToBeTransferred'); @FtpSetDefaultTimeOut := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetDefaultTimeOut'); @FtpSetDefaultPort := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetDefaultPort'); @FtpSetAsynchronousMode := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetAsynchronousMode'); @FtpSetSynchronousMode := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetSynchronousMode'); @FtpIsAsynchronousMode := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpIsAsynchronousMode'); @FtpSetNewDelay := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSetNewDelay'); @FtpSetNewSlices := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSetNewSlices'); @FtpSetPassiveMode := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSetPassiveMode'); @FtpLogTo := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpLogTo'); @FtpRelease := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRelease'); @FtpInit := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpInit'); @FtpFlush := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpFlush'); @FtpLogin := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpLogin'); @FtpOpenConnection := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpOpenConnection'); @FtpCloseConnection := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpCloseConnection'); @FtpLocalClose := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpLocalClose'); @FtpSendUserName := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSendUserName'); @FtpSendPasswd := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSendPasswd'); @FtpSendAccount := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSendAccount'); @FtpHelp := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpHelp'); @FtpDeleteFile := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpDeleteFile'); @FtpRenameFile := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRenameFile'); @FtpQuote := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpQuote'); @FtpSyst := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSyst'); @FtpSetType := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSetType'); @FtpCWD := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpCWD'); @FtpCDUP := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpCDUP'); @FtpPWD := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpPWD'); @FtpMKD := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpMKD'); @FtpRMD := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRMD'); @FtpAbort := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpAbort'); @FtpSendFile := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSendFile'); @FtpAppendToRemoteFile := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpAppendToRemoteFile'); @FtpRecvFile := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRecvFile'); @FtpAppendToLocalFile := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpAppendToLocalFile'); @FtpGetFileSize := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpGetFileSize'); @FtpMGet := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpMGet'); @FtpRestart := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRestart'); @FtpRestartSendFile := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRestartSendFile'); @FtpRestartRecvFile := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRestartRecvFile'); @FtpDir := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpDir'); @FtpOpenDataConnection := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpOpenDataConnection'); @FtpRecvThroughDataConnection := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRecvThroughDataConnection'); @FtpSendThroughDataConnection := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSendThroughDataConnection'); @FtpCloseDataConnection := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpCloseDataConnection'); @FtpFirewallLogin := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpFirewallLogin'); @InitFtpGetAnswerCode := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'InitFtpGetAnswerCode'); end; { Procedure called when unit is finished, i.e. app exiting. } procedure MyExitProc; far; begin if hFtp4W <> 0 then begin { Make sure we shut everything down so we don't cause FTP4W to leak. } FtpAbort; FtpFlush; FtpCloseConnection; FtpLocalClose; FTPRelease; { Unload the DLL. } FreeLibrary(hFtp4W) end; end; var VerInfo: array[0..100] of char; FVer: integer; Begin hFtp4W := 0; AddExitProc(MyExitProc); FTP4W_Loaded := LoadFtp4WDLL; if FTP4W_Loaded then begin { Check to make sure we have a version we can use. } if @Ftp4wVer = NIL then FVer := 0 else FVer := Ftp4wVer(VerInfo, sizeof(VerInfo)); FTP4W_RightVersion := not ((HiByte(FVer) < 2) or ((HiByte(FVer) = 2) and (LoByte(FVer) < 96))); end; end.
From: Mike Heacock <>
Please include this it has an article and sample code within its pages.