FTP4W32.DLL & Delphi 2.0

From: bstowers@pobox.com (Brad Stowers)

Here's a unit that works for me. Also, I'm working on a component that wraps up the DLL. If anyone is interested in testing it, let me know by email (bstowers@pobox.com) and I'll send it to you.

unit FTP4W;
{ Updated Feb. 1997 by Brad Stowers (bstowers@pobox.com) for use with  }
{ FTP4W v2.6.  Modified to add new functions, fix some errors, make it }
{ "cleaner", and work with Delphi 2.  I do not use Delphi 1 at all, so }
{ it is extremely likely that this won't work with Delphi 1, i.e.      }
{ 'stdcall' won't compile.  If you need to use with Delphi 1, use the  }
{ Pascal 'UseFTP4W.pas' sample file, or try deleting all the 'stdcall' }
{ directives.  This code based on previous work as credited below:     }

{by Barbara Tikart  Polarwolf Hard & Software, D-63906 Erlenbach am Main}
{and AStA Uni Konstanz (AStA = Allgemeiner Studierenden Ausschuss)}
{eMail to Andreas.Tikart@uni-konstanz.de or AStA@uni-konstanz.de}
{Declarations for FTP module to use with 'FTP4W' Version 2.2g or higher}
{Released into Public Domain}
{Get the newest version via


uses Windows, WinSock, SysUtils;

  FTP4W_Loaded: boolean = FALSE;        { Check to see if the DLL was
loaded.           }
  FTP4W_RightVersion: boolean = FALSE;  { Check to see if we have right
version of DLL. }

{ Transfer modes. }
  TYPE_A       = 'A'; { ASCII }
  TYPE_I       = 'I'; { Image (Bin) }
  TYPE_L8      = 'L'; { Local 8 }
  TYPE_DEFAULT = #0;  { Whatever server thinks it is. }

{ Actions requested by user.... What are these? }

{ Firewall Types, for when Philippe gets firewall done. }
  FTP4W_FWSITE          = 100;
  FTP4W_FWPROXY         = 103;

{ Return codes of FTP functions }
  FTPERR_OK            = 0; { succesful function }
  FTPERR_ENTERPASSWORD = 1; { userid need a password }
  FTPERR_ENTERACCOUNT  = 2; { user/pass OK but account required }
  FTPERR_ACCOUNTNEEDED = 2; { user/pass OK but account required }
  FTPERR_RESTARTOK     = 3; { Restart command successful        }
  FTPERR_ENDOFDATA     = 4; { server has closed the data-conn   }
  FTPERR_CANCELBYUSER = -1; {Transfer aborted by user FtpAbort}

{ User's or programmer's errors }
  FTPERR_INVALIDPARAMETER    = 1000; { Error in parameters }
  FTPERR_SESSIONUSED         = 1001; { User has already a FTP session }
  FTPERR_NOTINITIALIZED      = 1002; { FtpInit has not been call }
  FTPERR_NOTCONNECTED        = 1003; { User is not connected to a server }
  FTPERR_CANTOPENFILE        = 1004; { can not open specified file }
  FTPERR_CANTWRITE           = 1005; { can't write into file (disk full?) }
  FTPERR_NOACTIVESESSION     = 1006; { FtpRelease without FtpInit }
  FTPERR_STILLCONNECTED      = 1007; { FtpRelease without any Close }
  FTPERR_SERVERCANTEXECUTE   = 1008; { file action not taken }
  FTPERR_LOGINREFUSED        = 1009; { Server rejects usrid/passwd }
  FTPERR_NOREMOTEFILE        = 1010; { server can not open file }
  FTPERR_TRANSFERREFUSED     = 1011; { Host refused the transfer }
  FTPERR_WINSOCKNOTUSABLE    = 1012; { A winsock.DLL ver 1.1 is required }
  FTPERR_CANTCLOSE           = 1013; { close failed (cmd is in progress) }
  FTPERR_FILELOCKED          = 1014; { temporary error during FtpDelete }
  FTPERR_FWLOGINREFUSED      = 1015; { Firewallrejects usrid/passwd }
  FTPERR_ASYNCMODE           = 1016; { FtpMGet only in synchronous mode }

{ TCP errors }
  FTPERR_UNKNOWNHOST         = 2001; { can not resolve host adress }
  FTPERR_NOREPLY             = 2002; { host does not send an answer }
  FTPERR_CANTCONNECT         = 2003; { Error during connection }
  FTPERR_CONNECTREJECTED     = 2004; { host has no FTP server }
  FTPERR_SENDREFUSED         = 2005; { can't send data (network down) }
  FTPERR_DATACONNECTION      = 2006; { connection on data-port failed }
  FTPERR_TIMEOUT             = 2007; { timeout occurred }
  FTPERR_FWCANTCONNECT       = 2008; { Error during connection with FW }
  FTPERR_FWCONNECTREJECTED   = 2009; { Firewall has no FTP server }

{ FTP errors }
  FTPERR_UNEXPECTEDANSWER    = 3001; {answer was not expected}
  FTPERR_CANNOTCHANGETYPE    = 3002; { host rejects the TYPE command }
  FTPERR_CMDNOTIMPLEMENTED   = 3003; { host recognize but can't exec cmd }
  FTPERR_PWDBADFMT           = 3004; { PWD cmd OK, but answer has no " }
  FTPERR_PASVCMDNOTIMPL      = 3005; { Server don't support passive mode }

{ Resource errors }
  FTPERR_CANTCREATEWINDOW    = 5002; { Insufficent free resources }
  FTPERR_INSMEMORY           = 5003; { Insufficient Heap memory }
  FTPERR_CANTCREATESOCKET    = 5004; { no more socket }
  FTPERR_CANTBINDSOCKET      = 5005; { bind is not succesful }
  FTPERR_SYSTUNKNOWN         = 5006; { host system not in the list }

{ FTP4W internal data structures  You'll probably never need these. }
  FTP_DATABUFFER = 4096; {a good value for X25/Ethernet/Token Ring}

  PFtp_FtpData = ^TFtp_FtpData;
  TFtp_FtpData = packed record
    ctrl_socket: TSocket;             { control stream       init
    data_socket: TSocket;             { data stream          init
    cType: Char;                      { type (ASCII/binary)  init TYPE_A
    bVerbose: Bool;                   { verbose mode         init FALSE
    bPassif: Bool;                    { VRAI -> mode passif
    nPort: u_short;                   { connexion Port       init
    nTimeOut: u_int;                  { TimeOut in seconds   init
    hLogFile: HFile;                  { Log file
    szInBuf: Array [0..2047] of Char; { incoming Buffer
    saSockAddr: TSockAddrIn;          { not used anymore
    saAcceptAddr: TSockAddrIn;        { not used anymore
  end; { TFtp_FtpData }

  PFtp_FileTrf = ^TFtp_FileTrf;
  TFtp_FileTrf = packed record
    hf: HFile;          { handle of the file which is being transfered }
    nCount: uint;       { number of writes/reads made on a file        }
    nAsyncAlone: uint;  { pause each N frame in Async mode  (Def 40)   }
    nAsyncMulti: uint;  { Idem but more than one FTP sssion (Def 10)   }
    nDelay: uint;       { time of the pause in milliseconds            }
    bAborted: Bool;     { data transfer has been canceled              }
    szBuf : Array [0..FTP_DataBuffer-1] Of Char; { Data buffer         }
    bNotify: Bool;      { application receives a msg each data packet  }
    bAsyncMode: Bool;   { synchronous or asynchronous Mode             }
    lPos: LongInt;      { Bytes transfered                             }
    lTotal: LongInt;    { bytes to be transfered                       }
  end; { TFtp_FileTrf }

  PFtp_Msg = ^TFtp_Msg;
  TFtp_MSG = packed record
    hParentWnd: hWnd;        { window which the msg is to be passed  }
    nCompletedMessage: uint; { msg to be sent at end of the function }
  end; { TFtp_Msg }

  PFtp_Verbose = ^TFtp_Verbose;
  TFtp_Verbose = packed record
    hVerboseWnd: hWnd;  { window which the message is to be passed    }
    nVerboseMsg: uint;  { msg to be sent each time a line is received }
  end; { TFtp_Verbose }

  PFtp_ProcData = ^TFtp_ProcData;
  TFtp_ProcData = packed record
    { Task data }
    hTask: HTask;              { Task Id                              }
    hFtpWindow: hWnd;          { Handle of the internal window        }
    hParentWnd: hWnd;          { Handle given to the FtpInit function }
    hInstance: HInst;          { Task Instance                        }
    bRelease:  Bool;           { FtpRelease has been called           }
    { Mesasge information }
    MSG: TFtp_Msg;
    VMSG: TFtp_Verbose;
    { File information }
    FileTrf: TFtp_FileTrf;
    {Ftp information}
    Ftp: TFtp_FtpData;
    {Linked list}
    Prev: PFtp_ProcData;
  end; { TFtp_ProcData }

{ FtpMGet callback function type. }
  TFtpMGetCallback = Function (szRemFile, szLocalFile: PChar; Rc: integer):
bool; stdcall;

{ FTP4W Functions }

{ Utilities functions}
  FtpDataPtr:     function: PFtp_ProcData; stdcall;
  FtpBufferPtr:   function: PChar; stdcall;
  FtpErrorString: function(Rc: integer): PChar; stdcall;
  Ftp4wVer:       function(szVerStr: PChar; nStrSize: integer): Integer;

{ Change default parameters}
  FtpSetVerboseMode:       function(bVerboseMode: bool; hWindow: hWnd;
                                    wMsg: UINT): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpBytesTransferred:     function: LongInt; stdcall;
  FtpBytesToBeTransferred: function: LongInt; stdcall;
  FtpSetDefaultTimeOut:    procedure(nTo_in_sec: Integer); stdcall;
  FtpSetDefaultPort:       procedure(nDefPort: Integer); stdcall;
  FtpSetAsynchronousMode:  procedure; stdcall;
  FtpSetSynchronousMode:   procedure; stdcall;
  FtpIsAsynchronousMode:   function: Bool; stdcall;
  FtpSetNewDelay:          procedure(X: Integer); stdcall;
  FtpSetNewSlices:         procedure(X, Y: Integer); stdcall;
  FtpSetPassiveMode:       procedure(bPassive: Bool); stdcall;
  FtpLogTo:                procedure(hLogFile: HFile); stdcall;

{ Init functions}
  FtpRelease: function: Integer; stdcall;
  FtpInit:    function(hWindow: hWnd): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpFlush:   function: Integer; stdcall;

{ Connection }
  FtpLogin:           function(Host, User, Password: PChar;
                               hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer;
  FtpOpenConnection:  function(Host: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpCloseConnection: function: Integer; stdcall;
  FtpLocalClose:      function: Integer; stdcall;

{ Authentification}
  FtpSendUserName: function(UserName: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpSendPasswd:   function(Passwd: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpSendAccount:  function(Acct: PChar): integer; stdcall;

{ Commands }
  FtpHelp:       function(Arg, Buf: PChar; BufSize: UINT): Integer;
  FtpDeleteFile: function(szRemoteFile: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpRenameFile: function(szFrom, szTo: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpQuote:      function(Cmd, ReplyBuf: PChar; BufSize: UINT): Integer;
  FtpSyst:       function(var szSystemStr: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpSetType:    function(cType: char): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpCWD:        function(Path: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpCDUP:       function: Integer; stdcall;
  FtpPWD:        function(szBuf: PChar; uBufSize: UINT): Integer; stdcall;
  FtpMKD:        function(szPath, szFullDir: PChar; uBufSize: UINT):
Integer; stdcall;
  FtpRMD:        function(szPath: PChar): Integer; stdcall;

{ file transfer }
  FtpAbort:              function: Integer; stdcall;
  FtpSendFile:           function(Local, Remote: PChar; cType: char;
Notify: Bool;
                                  hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer;
  FtpAppendToRemoteFile: function(Local, Remote: PChar; cType: char;
Notify: Bool;
                                  hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer;
  FtpRecvFile:           function(Remote, Lcl: PChar; cType: char; Notify:
                                  hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer;
  FtpAppendToLocalFile:  function(Remote, Lcl: PChar; cType: char; Notify:
                                  hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer;
  FtpGetFileSize:        function: DWORD; stdcall;
  FtpMGet:               function(szFilter: PChar; cType: char; bNotify:
                                  Callback: TFtpMGetCallback): integer;
  FtpRestart:            function(ByteCount: longint): integer; stdcall;
  FtpRestartSendFile:    function(hLocal: HFile; szRemote: PChar; cType:
                                  bNotify: bool; ByteCount: Longint;
                                  hWindow: hWnd; wMsg: UINT): integer;
  FtpRestartRecvFile:    function(szRemote: PChar; hLocal: HFile; cType:
                                  bNotify: bool; ByteCount: Longint;
                                  hWindow: hWnd; wMsg: UINT): integer;

{ Directory }
  FtpDir: function (Def, LocalFile: PChar; LongDir: Bool;
                    hWindow: hWnd; wMSG: UINT): Integer; stdcall;

{ Advanced }
  FtpOpenDataConnection:        function(szRemote: pchar; nAction: integer;
                                         cType: char): integer; stdcall;
  FtpRecvThroughDataConnection: function(szBuf: Pchar;
                                         var BufSize: UINT): integer;
  FtpSendThroughDataConnection: function(szBuf: PChar; BufSize: UINT):
integer; stdcall;
  FtpCloseDataConnection:       function: integer; stdcall;

{ Firewall }
  FtpFirewallLogin: function (szFWHost, szFWUser, szFWPass, szRemHost,
                              szRemPass: PChar; nFirewallType: integer;
                              hParentWnd: hWnd; wMsg: UINT): integer;

{ Misc }
  InitFtpGetAnswerCode: function: integer; stdcall;


  ftp4wdll = 'FTP4W32.dll'; { DLL file name }

  hFtp4W: THandle; { DLL handle }

{ Load the DLL and get all the procedure addresses. }
function LoadFtp4WDLL: boolean;
  OldMode: UINT;
  if hFtp4W <> 0 then
    FreeLibrary (hFtp4W);
  OldMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); { No system messages if
can't load. }
  hFtp4W := LoadLibrary (ftp4wdll);
  Result := hFtp4W <> 0;
  if not Result then exit;

  { Get all the function addresses }
  @FtpDataPtr :=                   GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpDataPtr');
  @FtpBufferPtr :=                 GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpBufferPtr');
  @FtpErrorString :=               GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpErrorString');
  @Ftp4wVer :=                     GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'Ftp4wVer');
  @FtpSetVerboseMode :=            GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetVerboseMode');
  @FtpBytesTransferred :=          GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpBytesTransferred');
  @FtpBytesToBeTransferred :=      GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpBytesToBeTransferred');
  @FtpSetDefaultTimeOut :=         GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetDefaultTimeOut');
  @FtpSetDefaultPort :=            GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetDefaultPort');
  @FtpSetAsynchronousMode :=       GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetAsynchronousMode');
  @FtpSetSynchronousMode :=        GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,'FtpSetSynchronousMode');
  @FtpIsAsynchronousMode :=        GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpSetNewDelay :=               GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpSetNewSlices :=              GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpSetPassiveMode :=            GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpLogTo :=                     GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpLogTo');
  @FtpRelease :=                   GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRelease');
  @FtpInit :=                      GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpInit');
  @FtpFlush :=                     GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpFlush');
  @FtpLogin :=                     GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpLogin');
  @FtpOpenConnection :=            GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpCloseConnection :=           GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpLocalClose :=                GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpLocalClose');
  @FtpSendUserName :=              GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpSendPasswd :=                GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSendPasswd');
  @FtpSendAccount :=               GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpHelp :=                      GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpHelp');
  @FtpDeleteFile :=                GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpDeleteFile');
  @FtpRenameFile :=                GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRenameFile');
  @FtpQuote :=                     GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpQuote');
  @FtpSyst :=                      GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSyst');
  @FtpSetType :=                   GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSetType');
  @FtpCWD :=                       GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpCWD');
  @FtpCDUP :=                      GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpCDUP');
  @FtpPWD :=                       GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpPWD');
  @FtpMKD :=                       GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpMKD');
  @FtpRMD :=                       GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRMD');
  @FtpAbort :=                     GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpAbort');
  @FtpSendFile :=                  GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpSendFile');
  @FtpAppendToRemoteFile :=        GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpRecvFile :=                  GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRecvFile');
  @FtpAppendToLocalFile :=         GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpGetFileSize :=               GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpMGet :=                      GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpMGet');
  @FtpRestart :=                   GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpRestart');
  @FtpRestartSendFile :=           GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpRestartRecvFile :=           GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpDir :=                       GetProcAddress(hFtp4W, 'FtpDir');
  @FtpOpenDataConnection :=        GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpRecvThroughDataConnection := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpSendThroughDataConnection := GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpCloseDataConnection :=       GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @FtpFirewallLogin :=             GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,
  @InitFtpGetAnswerCode :=         GetProcAddress(hFtp4W,

{ Procedure called when unit is finished, i.e. app exiting. }
procedure MyExitProc; far;
  if hFtp4W <> 0 then begin
    { Make sure we shut everything down so we don't cause FTP4W to leak. }
    { Unload the DLL. }

  VerInfo: array[0..100] of char;
  FVer: integer;
  hFtp4W := 0;
  FTP4W_Loaded := LoadFtp4WDLL;
  if FTP4W_Loaded then begin
    { Check to make sure we have a version we can use. }
    if @Ftp4wVer = NIL then
      FVer := 0
      FVer := Ftp4wVer(VerInfo, sizeof(VerInfo));
    FTP4W_RightVersion := not ((HiByte(FVer) < 2) or ((HiByte(FVer) = 2)
and (LoByte(FVer) < 96)));

About Thunking D2 to 16bit DLL

From: Mike Heacock <cerebus@islandnet.com>

Please include this URL...as it has an article and sample code within its pages.


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