From: (Brad Choate)
>Can someone please tell me the neatest way to make sure my app uses >fonts that I can provide, rather than the nearest font the user has >installed on their system? I have tried copying a #.ttf file into the >users windows\system directory but the app still can't pick it up.
The following is some Delphi 1 code that I have used for successfully installing dynamic fonts that are only loaded while the application is running. You can place the font file(s) within the application directory. It will be installed when the form loads and unloaded once the form is destroyed. You may need to modify the code to work with Delphi 2 since it calls various Windows API calls that may or may not have changed. Where you see "..." in the code, that is just to identify that other code can be placed there.
Of course, substitute "MYFONT" for the name of your font file.
type TForm1=class( TForm ) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); ... private { Private declarations } bLoadedFont: boolean; public { Public declarations } end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var sAppDir: string; sFontRes: string; begin sAppDir := Application.ExeName; sAppDir := copy( sAppDir, 1, rpos( '\', sAppDir ) ); sFontRes := sAppDir + 'MYFONT.FOT'; if not FileExists( sFontRes ) then begin sFontRes := sFontRes + #0; sFont := sAppDir + 'MYFONT.TTF' + #0; CreateScalableFontResource( 0, @sFontRes[ 1 ], @sFont[ 1 ], nil ); end; sFontRes := sAppDir + 'MYFONT.FOT'; if FileExists( sFontRes ) then begin sFontRes := sFontRes + #0; if AddFontResource( @sFontRes[ 1 ] ) = 0 then bLoadedFont := false else begin bLoadedFont := true; SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0 ); end; end; ... end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var sFontRes: string; begin if bLoadedFont then begin sFontRes := sAppDir + 'MYFONT.FOT' + #0; RemoveFontResource( @sFontRes[ 1 ] ); SendMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0 ); end; end;
From: Christian Piene Gundersen <>
ClaWenkel wrote: > > Is there any API command in Delphi2 to eject AND CLOSE the CD-ROM Drive > physically e.g. by clicking on a button? I don't want to use the > TMediaPlayer component (which can only eject...) > thanks in advance, ClaWenkel
To open the CD-ROM:
mciSendString('Set cdaudio door open wait', nil, 0, handle);
To close the CD-ROM:
mciSendString('Set cdaudio door closed wait', nil, 0, handle);
Remember to include the MMSystem unit in your uses clause.
The Graphical Gnome <>
If you have finally taken the big stap and want to go from VB to Delphi 2 there are a few things different.Borland has a page describing the differences between Delphi and VB. It can be found at
From: (Barry)
A kind soul sent me the following unit a while ago. I have found it quite useful, but there may be a problem with the %s tag since its use has generated errors on occasion.
unit Scanf; interface uses SysUtils; type EFormatError = class(ExCeption); function Sscanf(const s: string; const fmt : string; const Pointers : array of Pointer) : Integer; implementation { Sscanf parses an input string. The parameters ... s - input string to parse fmt - 'C' scanf-like format string to control parsing %d - convert a Long Integer %f - convert an Extended Float %s - convert a string (delimited by spaces) other char - increment s pointer past "other char" space - does nothing Pointers - array of pointers to have values assigned result - number of variables actually assigned for example with ... Sscanf('Name. Bill Time. 7:32.77 Age. 8', '. %s . %d:%f . %d', [@Name, @hrs, @min, @age]); You get ... Name = Bill hrs = 7 min = 32.77 age = 8 } function Sscanf(const s: string; const fmt : string; const Pointers : array of Pointer) : Integer; var i,j,n,m : integer; s1 : string; L : LongInt; X : Extended; function GetInt : Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (s[n] = ' ') and (Length(s) > n) do inc(n); while (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-']) and (Length(s) >= n) do begin s1 := s1+s[n]; inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function GetFloat : Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (s[n] = ' ') and (Length(s) > n) do inc(n); while (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-', '.', 'e', 'E']) and (Length(s) >= n) do begin s1 := s1+s[n]; inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function GetString : Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (s[n] = ' ') and (Length(s) > n) do inc(n); while (s[n] <> ' ') and (Length(s) >= n) do begin s1 := s1+s[n]; inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function ScanStr(c : Char) : Boolean; begin while (s[n] <> c) and (Length(s) > n) do inc(n); inc(n); If (n <= Length(s)) then Result := True else Result := False; end; function GetFmt : Integer; begin Result := -1; while (TRUE) do begin while (fmt[m] = ' ') and (Length(fmt) > m) do inc(m); if (m >= Length(fmt)) then break; if (fmt[m] = '%') then begin inc(m); case fmt[m] of 'd': Result := vtInteger; 'f': Result := vtExtended; 's': Result := vtString; end; inc(m); break; end; if (ScanStr(fmt[m]) = False) then break; inc(m); end; end; begin n := 1; m := 1; Result := 0; for i := 0 to High(Pointers) do begin j := GetFmt; case j of vtInteger : begin if GetInt > 0 then begin L := StrToInt(s1); Move(L, Pointers[i]^, SizeOf(LongInt)); inc(Result); end else break; end; vtExtended : begin if GetFloat > 0 then begin X := StrToFloat(s1); Move(X, Pointers[i]^, SizeOf(Extended)); inc(Result); end else break; end; vtString : begin if GetString > 0 then begin Move(s1, Pointers[i]^, Length(s1)+1); inc(Result); end else break; end; else break; end; end; end; end.
From: "Jarle Stabell" <>
Using HELP_FINDER works if the "current tab" is not the 'Index' or 'Find' tab. HELP_FINDER opens the Help Topics window, but doesn't change tab to the Contents tab if current tab is 'Index' or 'Find'.Try this code:
Function L1InvokeHelpMacro(const i_strMacro: String; const i_bForceFile: Boolean): Boolean; Begin if i_bForceFile then Application.HelpCommand(HELP_FORCEFILE, 0); Result:=Application.HelpCommand(HELP_COMMAND, Longint(PChar(i_strMacro))); //The PChar cast not strictly necessary. End;Forces the associated help file to (be) open, and shows the 'Index' tab:
L1InvokeHelpMacro('Search()', True);Forces the associated help file to (be) open, and shows the 'Contents' tab:
L1InvokeHelpMacro('Contents()', True);Forces the associated help file to (be) open, and shows the 'Find' tab (WinHelp 4 only):
L1InvokeHelpMacro('Find()', True);
From: "Shejchenko Andrij" <>
I use following procedures. Call them when clicking correspondent menu items. This will work with all editable controls. But you should specially handle EDIT messages for trees.
procedure TMainForm.EditUndo(Sender: TObject); var Mes:TWMUndo; begin Mes.Msg:=WM_UNDO; Screen.ActiveControl.Dispatch(Mes); end; procedure TMainForm.EditCut(Sender: TObject); var Mes:TWMCut; begin Mes.Msg:=WM_CUT; Screen.ActiveControl.Dispatch(Mes); end; procedure TMainForm.EditCopy(Sender: TObject); var Mes:TWMCopy; begin Mes.Msg:=WM_COPY; Screen.ActiveControl.Dispatch(Mes); end; procedure TMainForm.EditPaste(Sender: TObject); var Mes:TWMPaste; begin Mes.Msg:=WM_PASTE; Screen.ActiveControl.Dispatch(Mes); end;
Does anyone know how to get Delphi to place mutliple icons into one executable? ie so that when you set up a file type and browse your Delphi compiled application you get a number of icons, not just the single one you'd get by specifying an icon under Project|Options|Application|IconJust create a resource file (.res) for example with Image Editor, and store your icons there. Then link in the resource with the $R compiler directive, and your app has multiple icons.
unit Creditc; {***************************************************************************** Credit Card Number Validator Unit for Delphi Version: 1.1 Date: December 20, 1996 This unit is based on the public domain program ccard by Peter Miller. It is released to the public for free of charge use, but the author reserves all rights. copyright 1996 by Shawn Wilson Harvell ( ) usage: Add this unit to the uses clause of any unit that needs access to the validation function. IsValidCreditCardNumber( CardNumber, ReturnMessage ) returns Boolean for example, use it in an if statement that Messages user if invalid. CardNumber is a string containing the number that you want to validate ReturnMessage is a string where the function can place any messages it may return ( meaning that it will overwrite whatever is in it ) returns true if valid, false otherwise. dashes and space in the input value are taken care of by the function, if other characters are possible, you may wish to remove them as well. The function RemoveChar will take care of this quite easily, simply pass the input string and the char you wish to delete. Users are free to modify this unit for their own use, but in distributing you should advise all users of the changes made. Use this unit at your own risk, it does not come with any warranties either express or implied. Damages resulting from the use of this unit are the sole responsibility of the user. This should work as is for Delphi versions 1 and 2, some slight modifications may be necessary for Turbo Pascal ( mainly due to use to conversion functions from the SysUtils unit ). If you do find this useful, have any comments or suggestions, please drop the author an email at Revision History version 1.1 -- December 20, 1996 blooper with Discover cards, added their length mask to the "database" version 1.0 -- October 26, 1996 initial release *****************************************************************************} interface uses SysUtils; function IsValidCreditCardNumber( CardNumber: String; var MessageText: String ): Boolean; implementation const CardPrefixes: array[ 1..19 ] of string = ( '2014', '2149', '300', '301', '302', '303', '304', '305', '34', '36', '37', '38', '4', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '6011' ); CardTypes: array[ 1..19 ] of String = ( 'enRoute', 'enRoute', 'Diner Club/Carte Blanche', 'Diner Club/Carte Blanche', 'Diner Club/Carte Blanche', 'Diner Club/Carte Blanche', 'Diner Club/Carte Blanche', 'Diner Club/Carte Blanche', 'American Express', 'Diner Club/Carte Blanche', 'American Express', 'Diner Club/Carte Blanche', 'Visa', 'MasterCard', 'MasterCard', 'MasterCard', 'MasterCard', 'MasterCard', 'Discover' ); function RemoveChar(const Input: String; DeletedChar: Char): String; var Index: Word; { counter variable } begin { all this function does is iterate through string looking for char, if found } { it deletes it } Result := Input; for Index := Length( Result ) downto 1 do if Result[ Index ] = DeletedChar then Delete( Result, Index, 1 ); end; function ShiftMask( Input: Integer ): Integer; begin { simply a wrapper for this left bit shift operation } result := ( 1 shl ( Input - 12 ) ); end; function ConfirmChecksum( CardNumber: String ): Boolean; var CheckSum: Integer; { Holds the value of the operation } Flag: Boolean; { used to indicate when ready } Counter: Integer; { index counter } PartNumber: String; { used to extract each digit of number } Number: Integer; { used to convert each digit to integer } begin {************************************************************************** This is probably the most confusing part of the code you will see, I know that it is some of the most confusing I have ever seen. Basically, this function is extracting each digit of the number and subjecting it to the checksum formula established by the credit card companies. It works from the end to the front. **************************************************************************} { get the starting value for our counter } Counter := Length( CardNumber ); CheckSum := 0; PartNumber := ''; Number := 0; Flag := false; while ( Counter >= 1 ) do begin { get the current digit } PartNumber := Copy( CardNumber, Counter, 1 ); Number := StrToInt( PartNumber ); { convert to integer } if ( Flag ) then { only do every other digit } begin Number := Number * 2; if ( Number >= 10 ) then Number := Number - 9; end; CheckSum := CheckSum + Number; Flag := not( Flag ); Counter := Counter - 1; end; result := ( ( CheckSum mod 10 ) = 0 ); end; function GetMask( CardName: String ): Integer; begin { the default case } result := 0; if ( CardName = 'MasterCard' ) then result := ShiftMask( 16 ); if ( CardName = 'Visa' ) then result := ( ShiftMask( 13 ) or ShiftMask( 16 ) ); if ( CardName = 'American Express' ) then result := ShiftMask( 15 ); if ( CardName = 'Diner Club/Carte Blanche' ) then result := ShiftMask( 14 ); if ( CardName = 'Discover' ) then result := ShiftMask( 16 ); end; function IsValidCreditCardNumber( CardNumber: String; var MessageText: String ): Boolean; var StrippedNumber: String; { used to hold the number bereft of extra chars } Index: Integer; { general purpose counter for loops, etc } TheMask: Integer; { number we will use for the mask } FoundIt: Boolean; { used to indicate when something is found } CardName: String; { stores the name of the type of card } PerformChecksum: Boolean; { the enRoute type of card doesn't get it } begin { first, get rid of spaces, dashes } StrippedNumber := RemoveChar( CardNumber, ' ' ); StrippedNumber := RemoveChar( StrippedNumber, '-' ); { if the string was zero length, then OK too } if ( StrippedNumber = '' ) then begin result := true; exit; end; { initialize return variables } MessageText := ''; result := true; { set our flag variable } FoundIt := false; { check for invalid characters right off the bat } for Index := 1 to Length( StrippedNumber ) do begin case StrippedNumber[ Index ] of '0'..'9': FoundIt := FoundIt; { non op in other words } else MessageText := 'Invalid Characters in Input'; result := false; exit; end; end; { now let's determine what type of card it is } for Index := 1 to 19 do begin if ( Pos( CardPrefixes[ Index ], StrippedNumber ) = 1 ) then begin { we've found the right one } FoundIt := true; CardName := CardTypes[ Index ]; TheMask := GetMask( CardName ); end; end; { if we didn't find it, indicates things are already ary } if ( not FoundIt ) then begin CardName := 'Unknown Card Type'; TheMask := 0; MessageText := 'Unknown Card Type '; result := false; exit; end; { check the length } if ( ( Length( StrippedNumber ) > 28 ) and result ) then begin MessageText := 'Number is too long '; result := false; exit; end; { check the length } if ( ( Length( StrippedNumber ) < 12 ) or ( ( shiftmask( length( strippednumber ) ) and themask ) = 0 ) ) then begin messagetext := 'number length incorrect'; result := false; exit; end; { check the checksum computation } if ( cardname = 'enroute' ) then performchecksum := false else performchecksum := true; if ( performchecksum and ( not confirmchecksum( strippednumber ) ) ) then begin messagetext := 'bad checksum'; result := false; exit; end; { if result is still true, then everything is ok } if ( result ) then messagetext := 'number ok: card type: ' + cardname; { if the string was zero length, then ok too } if ( strippednumber = '' ) then result := true; end; end.
Anyone knows which is the best way (speed) to look for a string in a textFile.
unit BMSearch; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Boyer-Moore string searching. This is one of the fastest string search algorithms. See a description in: R. Boyer and S. Moore. A fast string searching algorithm. Communications of the ACM 20, 1977, Pags 762-772 ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) interface type {$ifdef WINDOWS} size_t = Word; {$else} size_t = LongInt; {$endif} type TTranslationTable = array[char] of char; { translation table } TSearchBM = class(TObject) private FTranslate : TTranslationTable; { translation table } FJumpTable : array[char] of Byte; { Jumping table } FShift_1 : integer; FPattern : pchar; FPatternLen : size_t; public procedure Prepare( Pattern: pchar; PatternLen: size_t; IgnoreCase: Boolean ); procedure PrepareStr( const Pattern: string; IgnoreCase: Boolean ); function Search( Text: pchar; TextLen: size_t ): pchar; function Pos( const S: string ): integer; end; implementation uses SysUtils; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignore Case Table Translation ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) procedure CreateTranslationTable( var T: TTranslationTable; IgnoreCase: Boolean ); var c: char; begin for c := #0 to #255 do T[c] := c; if not IgnoreCase then exit; for c := 'a' to 'z' do T[c] := UpCase(c); { Mapping all acented characters to their uppercase equivalent } T['┴'] := 'A'; T['└'] := 'A'; T['─'] := 'A'; T['┬'] := 'A'; T['ß'] := 'A'; T['α'] := 'A'; T['Σ'] := 'A'; T['Γ'] := 'A'; T['╔'] := 'E'; T['╚'] := 'E'; T['╦'] := 'E'; T['╩'] := 'E'; T['Θ'] := 'E'; T['Φ'] := 'E'; T['δ'] := 'E'; T['Ω'] := 'E'; T['═'] := 'I'; T['╠'] := 'I'; T['╧'] := 'I'; T['╬'] := 'I'; T['φ'] := 'I'; T['∞'] := 'I'; T['∩'] := 'I'; T['ε'] := 'I'; T['╙'] := 'O'; T['╥'] := 'O'; T['╓'] := 'O'; T['╘'] := 'O'; T['≤'] := 'O'; T['≥'] := 'O'; T['÷'] := 'O'; T['⌠'] := 'O'; T['┌'] := 'U'; T['┘'] := 'U'; T['▄'] := 'U'; T['█'] := 'U'; T['·'] := 'U'; T['∙'] := 'U'; T['ⁿ'] := 'U'; T['√'] := 'U'; T['±'] := '╤'; end; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparation of the jumping table ------------------------------------------------------------------- *) procedure TSearchBM.Prepare( Pattern: pchar; PatternLen: size_t; IgnoreCase: Boolean ); var i: integer; c, lastc: char; begin FPattern := Pattern; FPatternLen := PatternLen; if FPatternLen < 1 then FPatternLen := strlen(FPattern); { This algorythm is based in a character set of 256 } if FPatternLen > 256 then exit; { 1. Preparing translating table } CreateTranslationTable( FTranslate, IgnoreCase); { 2. Preparing jumping table } for c := #0 to #255 do FJumpTable[c] := FPatternLen; for i := FPatternLen - 1 downto 0 do begin c := FTranslate[FPattern[i]]; if FJumpTable[c] >= FPatternLen - 1 then FJumpTable[c] := FPatternLen - 1 - i; end; FShift_1 := FPatternLen - 1; lastc := FTranslate[Pattern[FPatternLen - 1]]; for i := FPatternLen - 2 downto 0 do if FTranslate[FPattern[i]] = lastc then begin FShift_1 := FPatternLen - 1 - i; break; end; if FShift_1 = 0 then FShift_1 := 1; end; procedure TSearchBM.PrepareStr( const Pattern: string; IgnoreCase: Boolean ); var str: pchar; begin if Pattern <> '' then begin {$ifdef Windows} str := @Pattern[1]; {$else} str := pchar(Pattern); {$endif} Prepare( str, Length(Pattern), IgnoreCase); end; end; { Searching Last char & scanning right to left } function TSearchBM.Search( Text: pchar; TextLen: size_t ): pchar; var shift, m1, j: integer; jumps: size_t; begin result := nil; if FPatternLen > 256 then exit; if TextLen < 1 then TextLen := strlen(Text); m1 := FPatternLen - 1; shift := 0; jumps := 0; { Searching the last character } while jumps <= TextLen do begin Inc( Text, shift); shift := FJumpTable[FTranslate[Text^]]; while shift <> 0 do begin Inc( jumps, shift); if jumps > TextLen then exit; Inc( Text, shift); shift := FJumpTable[FTranslate[Text^]]; end; { Compare right to left FPatternLen - 1 characters } if jumps >= m1 then begin j := 0; while FTranslate[FPattern[m1 - j]] = FTranslate[(Text - j)^] do begin Inc(j); if j = FPatternLen then begin result := Text - m1; exit; end; end; end; shift := FShift_1; Inc( jumps, shift); end; end; function TSearchBM.Pos( const S: string ): integer; var str, p: pchar; begin result := 0; if S <> '' then begin {$ifdef Windows} str := @S[1]; {$else} str := pchar(S); {$endif} p := Search( str, Length(S)); if p <> nil then result := 1 + p - str; end; end; end.
I just figured out how to have the status bars on multiple forms display hints correctly with minimal coding. There have been a couple of solutions out there, but you had to code for each form (as far as I have seen anyway).
Step 1:
Place a TStatusBar on every form you want hints on. Set the SimplePanel property to True, and give them all the same name (I use SBStatus). See the comment I put in Step 4 regarding the name.
Step 2:
Assign all the hints as you want them. Don't forget the '|' if you want long hints.
Step 3:
In your startup form put this line in the FormCreate
Application.OnHint := DisplayHint;
Create this procedure. Please take note of the comments.
procedure TFrmMain.DisplayHint(Sender: TObject); var Counter, NumComps: integer; begin with Screen.ActiveForm do begin NumComps := ControlCount - 1; for Counter := 0 to NumComps do {SBStatus is what I call all of my status bars. Change this as needed.} if (TControl(Controls[Counter]).Name = 'SBStatus') then begin if (Application.Hint = '') then {ConWorkingName is a constant that use. You can replace it with anything.} TStatusBar(Controls[Counter]).SimpleText := ConWorkingName else TStatusBar(Controls[Counter]).SimpleText := Application.Hint; break; end; end; end; {DisplayHint}
That's all you have to do. If you want any other forms to have hints, simply whack a TStatusBar on them and set the hints. I hope everyone likes this.