Author: David S. Becker (
I've written a very simple unit, and devised some simple methods, to help prevent the usage of stale pointers. My biggest recommendation is to add an 'initialization' section to ALL UNITS WHICH CONTAIN POINTER OR OBJECT VARIABLES and set all the pointers (object variables are really pointers too) to nil. This will ensure that the pointers are all nilified before they are ever used. Then, simply reset pointers to nil after freeing them. My unit contains a Nilify() function for setting pointers to nil, as well as special versions of Free, Dispose, and FreeMem (called NilXXX) which test for nil before freeing memory, and resets the pointer to nil once it has been freed. I've also included a special version of Assigned(), called IsNil(), which takes a const parameter instead of a var parameter, which means you can use it on properties, etc.This unit, of course, does nothing to the VCL, so you can still get stale pointers back from the VCL... But strict adherence to the functions in this unit should help ensure YOU don't make a mistake. The only condition on its use/distribution is that you forward any changes or suggestions you might have to me. Use it and program in good health!
unit Pointers; { Author: David S. Becker ( Date: 1/27/97 Copyright: None Distribution Rights: Free, unlimited use, provided you forward any and all changes or suggestions you have to me. This unit was created to aid in the managment of pointers and objects. Since the compiler does not initialize pointers or objects to nil, and does not set them to nil when freed, it is possible to accidentally reference stale pointers. For this reason, I recommend you add an 'initialization' section to all units and call Nilify() on all pointers/objects in that unit. This will ensure that all pointers/objects start off as nil. Furthermore, you should use the NilFree (for objects), NilDispose (for pointers created with New), and NilFreeMem (for pointers created with GetMem) instead of their standard counterparts. These procedures are safe to call on nil pointer/ objects, as they check for nil before performing any action. After freeing the memory allocated to the pointer/object, they reset the pointer to nil. If you are strict in your use of these procedures, your risk of accessing stale pointer is greatly reduced. (Of course, you can still get stale pointers from the VCL as it obviously doesn't use these functions.) } {==============================================================================} interface {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Checks a pointer against nil } { NOTE: This function differs from Assigned() in that Assigned() requires a } { variable, whereas IsNil() does not. } function IsNil(const p: Pointer): Boolean; { Sets a pointer to nil } procedure Nilify(var p); { Frees a non-nil object, then sets it to nil } procedure NilFree(var o); { Frees a non-nil pointer created by New, then sets it to nil } procedure NilDispose(var p: Pointer); { Frees a non-nil pointer, then sets it to nil } procedure NilFreeMem(var p: Pointer; size: Word); {==============================================================================} implementation uses SysUtils; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function IsNil(const p: Pointer): Boolean; begin Result := (p = nil); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure Nilify(var p); begin Pointer(p) := nil; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure NilFree(var o); begin if not IsNil(Pointer(o)) then begin TObject(o).Free; Nilify(o); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure NilDispose(var p: Pointer); begin if not IsNil(p) then begin Dispose(p); Nilify(p); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure NilFreeMem(var p: Pointer; size: Word); begin if not IsNil(p) then begin FreeMem(p,size); Nilify(p); end; end; end.
Eddie Shipman <>
For anyone needing to do multi-language apps and don't want to write a lot of code checking what language the program is running, see below. I compiled a stringtable resource into my exe and this is how I used it for multi-language dialogs.Instead of using the Runtime directives to check what language, I used a runtime variable to set the index for the messages into the stringtable and then load the messages from there depending upon the language. You could also create different stringtables for each language and then compiling them in by using the compile directives.
Here is some example code, give it a try:
unit French1; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, IniFiles; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; StringIndex : Integer; implementation {$R *.DFM} {$R MULTLANG.RES} { Here is the way the resource file for this project looks: 1, "Attention" 2, "No Condition definition selected!" 3, "Always" 4, "Cannot delete the 'always' condition." 5, "Confirmation" 6, "Delete the condition?" 7, "Yes" 8, "No" 9, "Attention" 10, "Pas de condition SelectionnΘe" 11, "Toulours" 12, "Ne peux effacer la condition 'Toujours'" 13, "Confirmation" 14, "Effacer cette condition?" 15, "&Oui" 16, "&Non" } procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); var {inifile : TIniFile; Optional} ProgramLanguage : String; begin { Here, I just set it to French } ProgramLanguage := 'fra'; { You can optionally get the language from Win.INI:} {inifile := TInifile.Create('WIN.INI'); ProgramLanguage := inifile.ReadString('intl', 'sLanguage', 'enu'); inifile.Free;} { Forgive me if I leave out any languages, Tthese are th only ones in my setup.inf for my copy of Windows. dan = Danish nld = Dutch enu = English (American) eng = English (International) fin = Finnish fra = French frc = French Canadian deu = German isl = Icelandic ita = Italian nor = Norwegian ptg = Portuguese esp = Spanish esn = Spanish (Modern) sve = Swedish } if ProgramLanguage = 'enu' then begin StringIndex := 0; end else if ProgramLanguage = 'fra' then begin StringIndex := 8; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i,j,k : integer; DialogForm : tform; begin Application.NormalizeTopMosts; {no Condition Selected!} DialogForm := CreateMessageDialog(LoadStr(StringIndex+2),mtWarning,[mbOK]); {Attention} DialogForm.caption := LoadStr(StringIndex + 1); DialogForm.showmodal; Application.RestoreTopMosts; {Cannot Delete the 'always' condition} DialogForm := CreateMessageDialog(LoadStr(StringIndex+4),mtWarning,[mbOK]); {Always} DialogForm.caption := LoadStr(StringIndex + 3); DialogForm.showmodal; Application.RestoreTopMosts; {Delete the condition?} DialogForm := CreateMessageDialog(LoadStr(StringIndex+6),mtInformation, [mbYes, mbNo]); {confirmation} DialogForm.caption := LoadStr(StringIndex + 5); for j := 0 to DialogForm.controlCount-1 do begin if DialogForm.controls[j] is tButton then with tButton(DialogForm.controls[j]) do begin if caption = '&Yes' then caption := LoadStr(StringIndex+7); if caption = '&No' then caption := LoadStr(StringIndex+8); end; end; DialogForm.showmodal; end; end.
Michael Ax <ax@HREF.COM>
unit UcShell; { Author: Michael Ax Copyright (c) 1995..1997 Michael Ax. All Rights Reserved. This source code is part of TPack from HREF Tools Corp. Obtain purchasing and additional information by sending an email to (any subject, any message)... or visit us on the web at } interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Windows, ShellApi, Forms; {---------------------------------------------------------------} function WinExecutableName(const AssociatedFile:string):String; procedure WinShellOpen(const AssociatedFile:string); procedure WinShellPrint(const AssociatedFile:string); procedure WinShellExecute(const Operation,AssociatedFile:string); {---------------------------------------------------------------} implementation Const cStrBufSize= 80; {---------------------------------------------------------------} function WinExecutableName(const AssociatedFile:string):String; //HINSTANCE FindExecutable( // LPCTSTR lpFile, // pointer to string for filename // LPCTSTR lpDirectory, // pointer to string for default directory // LPTSTR lpResult // pointer to buffer for string for executable file on return // ); begin SetLength(result,cStrBufSize); //ucshell FindExecutable(pchar(AssociatedFile),'',pchar(result)); SetLength(result,strlen(pchar(result))); end; // procedure WinShellExecute(const Operation,AssociatedFile:string); var a1:string; begin a1:=Operation; if a1='' then a1:='open'; ShellExecute( application.handle //hWnd: HWND ,pchar(a1) //Operation: PChar ,pchar(AssociatedFile) //FileName: PChar ,'' //Parameters: PChar ,'' //Directory: PChar ,SW_SHOWNORMAL //ShowCmd: Integer ); // GetLastErrorString(0); //ucdialog end; procedure WinShellPrint(const AssociatedFile:string); begin WinShellExecute('print',AssociatedFile); end; procedure WinShellOpen(const AssociatedFile:string); begin WinShellExecute('open',AssociatedFile); end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------} end.
Keith Anderson <keith@PURESCIENCE.COM>
Use the following to login:MapiLogon(application.handle,nil,nil,mapi_use_default,0,@mapihandle)
MapiSendMail(mapihandle, 0,MapiMessage,0, 0);
Also make sure Exchange is running using the GetWindowHandle API function, and if it's not, use ShellExecute (or whatever) to launch it first.
From: (Coyote)
In the past few days there have been more than a few questions on this group indicating a lack of understanding about object instantiation. I'm guessing that these have been beginners, but in one case the questioner was taking a class on Delphi. I'd hope that an instructor would at least *try* to explain the subject.Anyway, for all of you having pointer errors, exceptions, and GPFs, take a quick look at this.
When you declare a variable of some classtype such as...
var MyVar: TMyClass;
Delphi handles all the messiness of memory allocation and disposal for you, but you do have to do a little bit of work. When you use one of Delphi's classes, or derive one of your own, you must instantiate the object. What that means is this: you must allocate the memory for it and set the pointer to that block of memory. In some languages that would be ugly; in Delphi it's as easy as...
MyVar := TMyClass.Create;
In the end, all you really need to remember is this...
procedure Example; var MyObj: TMyClass; // a class that you've created MyList: TList; // a native class begin MyObj := TMyClass.Create; // now MyObj is instantiated--it means something MyList := TList.Create; // same for MyList .... do some stuff here .... MyList.Free; // MyList's resources are cleared from the heap MyObj.Free; // same for MyObj end;
From: (Hallvard Vassbotn)
program VarPar; { A simple program to demonstrate use of type-safe variable number of parameters in Delphi. Written Mars 1995 by Hallvard Vassbotn } uses WinCrt, SysUtils; { These are predefined in System: const vtInteger = 0; vtBoolean = 1; vtChar = 2; vtExtended = 3; vtString = 4; vtPointer = 5; vtPChar = 6; vtObject = 7; vtClass = 8; type TVarRec = record case Integer of vtInteger: (VInteger: Longint; VType: Byte); vtBoolean: (VBoolean: Boolean); vtChar: (VChar: Char); vtExtended: (VExtended: PExtended); vtString: (VString: PString); vtPointer: (VPointer: Pointer); vtPChar: (VPChar: PChar); vtObject: (VObject: TObject); vtClass: (VClass: TClass); end; } const TypeNames : array [vtInteger..vtClass] of PChar = ('Integer', 'Boolean', 'Char', 'Extended', 'String', 'Pointer', 'PChar', 'Object', 'Class'); { According to the on-line docs (search for TVarRec), array of const parameters are treated like array of TVarRec by the compiler. This example will work just as well if you change the declaration of TestMultiPar to: procedure TestMultiPar(const Args: array of TVarRec); This would make the implementation of the routine cleaner (no absolute variable declaration), but the interface would be less understandable to the user of the routine. The compiler looks at the parameters and builds the array directly on the stack. For each item in the array it also sets the VType field to one of the pre-defined constants vtXXXX. The actual value is always sent as four bytes of information. For the Boolean and Char types, only the first byte contains useful information. So, go ahead, now you can write all those neat routines with variable number of parameters - and still keep the type safety! } function PtrToHex(P: pointer): string; begin Result := IntToHex(Seg(P^), 4) + ':' + IntToHex(Ofs(P^), 4); end; procedure TestMultiPar(const Args: array of const); var ArgsTyped : array [0..$fff0 div sizeof(TVarRec)] of TVarRec absolute Args; i : integer; begin for i := Low(Args) to High(Args) do with ArgsTyped[i] do begin Write('Args[', i, '] : ', TypeNames[VType], ' = '); case VType of vtInteger: writeln(VInteger); vtBoolean: writeln(VBoolean); vtChar: writeln(VChar); vtExtended: writeln(VExtended^:0:4); vtString: writeln(VString^); vtPointer: writeln(PtrToHex(VPointer)); vtPChar: writeln(VPChar); vtObject: writeln(PtrToHex(Pointer(VObject))); vtClass: writeln(PtrToHex(Pointer(VClass))); end; end; end; var MyObj : TObject; begin Writeln('Test of type-safe variable number of parameters in Delphi:'); MyObj := TObject.Create; TestMultiPar([123, 45.67, PChar('ASCIIZ'), 'Hello, world!', true, 'X', @ShortDayNames, TObject, MyObj]); MyObj.Free; { To verify that the type-safety is used in the supplied formatting routines, try this: } writeln(Format('%d', ['hi'])); { The supplied parameter is not of the type expected. The '%d' format string signals that the parameter should be an integer value, but instead we send a string. At run-time this will generate a exception, and if you have enabled IDE-trapping of exceptions, Delphi will show you the offending line. Using c-type sprintf funtions like this will result in undefined behaviour (read: system crash, GP or whatever) } end.
From: (Luis de la Rosa)
I have finally created a custom component, TWrapGrid that allows you to use a TStringGrid, but also wrap the text in a cell. This is the beta version, so I encourage you to experiment with it, try it out, and send me comments on what you think of it. When you use it, remember to se the RowHeights (or DefaultRowHeight) large enough so that when it wraps, it shows up in the cell.To install, copy the following text and paste it into a Unit. Save it under the name 'Wrapgrid.PAS'. Then follow the directions I put in the header of the component.
I'm also looking for feedback on this component, so please try it and tell me what you think. Here is the code!
{ This is a custom component for Delphi. It is wraps text in a TStringGrid, thus the name TWrapGrid. It was created by Luis J. de la Rosa. E-mail: Everyone is free to use it, distribute it, and enhance it. To use: Go to the 'Options' - 'Install Components' menu selection in Delphi. Select 'Add'. Browse for this file, which will be named 'Wrapgrid.PAS'. Select 'OK'. You have now added this to the Samples part of your component palette. After that, you can use it just like a TStringGrid. Please send any questions or comments to Enjoy! A few additional programming notes: I have overridden the Create and DrawCell methods. Everything else should behave just like a TStringGrid. The Create sets the DefaultDrawing to False, so you don't need to. Also, I am using the pure block emulation style of programming, making my code easier to read. } unit Wrapgrid; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids; type TWrapGrid = class(TStringGrid) private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } { This DrawCell procedure wraps text in the grid cell } procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow : Longint; ARect : TRect; AState : TGridDrawState); override; public { Public declarations } { The Create procedure is overriden to use the DrawCell procedure by default } constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; published { Published declarations } end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TWrapGrid.Create(AOwner : TComponent); begin { Create a TStringGrid } inherited Create(AOwner); { Make the drawing use our DrawCell procedure by default } DefaultDrawing := FALSE; end; { This DrawCell procedure wraps text in the grid cell } procedure TWrapGrid.DrawCell(ACol, ARow : Longint; ARect : TRect; AState : TGridDrawState); var Sentence, { What is left in the cell to output } CurWord : String; { The word we are currently outputting } SpacePos, { The position of the first space } CurX, { The x position of the 'cursor' } CurY : Integer; { The y position of the 'cursor' } EndOfSentence : Boolean; { Whether or not we are done outputting the cell } begin { Initialize the font to be the control's font } Canvas.Font := Font; with Canvas do begin { If this is a fixed cell, then use the fixed color } if gdFixed in AState then begin Pen.Color := FixedColor; Brush.Color := FixedColor; end { else, use the normal color } else begin Pen.Color := Color; Brush.Color := Color; end; { Prepaint cell in cell color } Rectangle(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom); end; { Start the drawing in the upper left corner of the cell } CurX := ARect.Left; CurY := ARect.Top; { Here we get the contents of the cell } Sentence := Cells[ACol, ARow]; { for each word in the cell } EndOfSentence := FALSE; while (not EndOfSentence) do begin { to get the next word, we search for a space } SpacePos := Pos(' ', Sentence); if SpacePos > 0 then begin { get the current word plus the space } CurWord := Copy(Sentence, 0, SpacePos); { get the rest of the sentence } Sentence := Copy(Sentence, SpacePos + 1, Length(Sentence) - SpacePos); end else begin { this is the last word in the sentence } EndOfSentence := TRUE; CurWord := Sentence; end; with Canvas do begin { if the text goes outside the boundary of the cell } if (TextWidth(CurWord) + CurX) > ARect.Right then begin { wrap to the next line } CurY := CurY + TextHeight(CurWord); CurX := ARect.Left; end; { write out the word } TextOut(CurX, CurY, CurWord); { increment the x position of the cursor } CurX := CurX + TextWidth(CurWord); end; end; end; procedure Register; begin { You can change Samples to whichever part of the Component Palette you want to install this component to } RegisterComponents('Samples', [TWrapGrid]); end; end.
From: (Dion Kurczek)
Here's the source code for a resizable panel. Give the panel an align property of alClient, throw some controls on it, and watch them resize at run time when you resize the form. There is some code that prohibits resizing during design time, but this can be taken out. This may not be perfect, because I threw it together in a few minutes, but it's worked for me so far.
unit Elastic; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls; type TElasticPanel = class( TPanel ) private FHorz, FVert: boolean; nOldWidth, nOldHeight: integer; bResized: boolean; protected procedure WMSize( var message: TWMSize ); message WM_SIZE; public nCount: integer; constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); override; published property ElasticHorizontal: boolean read FHorz write FHorz default TRUE; property ElasticVertical: boolean read FVert write FVert default TRUE; end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TElasticPanel.Create( AOwner: TComponent ); begin inherited Create( AOwner ); FHorz := TRUE; FVert := TRUE; nOldWidth := Width; nOldHeight := Height; bResized := FALSE; end; procedure TElasticPanel.WMSize( var message: TWMSize ); var bResize: boolean; xRatio: real; i: integer; ctl: TWinControl; begin Inc( nCount ); if Align = alNone then bResize := TRUE else bResize := bResized; if not ( csDesigning in ComponentState ) and bResize then begin if FHorz then begin xRatio := Width / nOldWidth; for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin ctl := TWinControl( Controls[i] ); ctl.Left := Round( ctl.Left * xRatio ); ctl.Width := Round( ctl.Width * xRatio ); end; end; if FVert then begin xRatio := Height / nOldHeight; for i := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do begin ctl := TWinControl( Controls[i] ); ctl.Top := Round( ctl.Top * xRatio ); ctl.Height := Round( ctl.Height * xRatio ); end; end; end else begin nOldWidth := Width; nOldHeight := Height; end; bResized := TRUE; nOldWidth := Width; nOldHeight := Height; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Additional', [TElasticPanel]); end; end.
I'm writing a program in Delphi that is supposed to scan the size of a file in the background every hour. This is also supposed to happen when the application is inactive, it's should work as a watchdog in the background of win 95 and NT. How do you program this...??Here is some source code that should do what you want. I just created it now, and it is completely untested, but very similar to something I've already done, so it should work. It does make one assumption that you should be aware of. It assumes that it is started at the same time as Windows is (perhaps in the startup group), so it uses GetTickCount, which returns msec since Windows was started), to perform a task once each hour that Windows is running. This may or may not be what you had in mind. Also, the value returned by GetTickCount is really a DWORD, but is stored in a LongInt in Delphi which means that some of the larger values will wind up being negative (after about 25 days). The effect this will have on my hour checking algorythm is undetermined (I haven't really considered it). Similarly, the value will recycle once every 49.7 days which could cause the check to occur twice in less than an hour once every 49.7 days. This may or may not be a problem for you. At any rate, this should get you started. Enjoy!
program Project1; uses Messages, Windows; {$R *.RES} function KeepRunning: Boolean; var Msg: TMsg; begin Result := True; while PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) do begin if (Msg.Message = WM_QUIT) then Result := False; DispatchMessage(Msg); end; end; function OnTheHour: Boolean; begin { This actually checks for one second (or less) } { into the hour to allow for the possibility we } { may not get a timeslice exactly on the hour } Result := (GetTickCount mod (1{hr} * 60{min} * 60{sec} * 1000{msec}) < 1000); end; const filetocheck = 'c:\somedir\somefile.ext'; magicsize = 1000000; var f: file; size: longint; begin { keep ourself alive, and wait to be shut down } while keeprunning do begin { see if we're on the hour } if onthehour then begin { open file with a record size of 1 byte } { and check its size } assignfile(f,filetocheck); reset(f,1); size := filesize(f); closefile(f); { now we check our file condition } if (size >= MAGICSIZE) then begin { Do something special here } end; { Now wait until we're past our 'grace' } { period so we don't accidentally fire } { off multiple times in a row } while (KeepRunning and OnTheHour) do {nothing}; end; end; end.
A while ago I saw some emails about round/different splashscreens. I saved this somewhere and now I can't find it.Also Neil Rubenking author of Delphi for Dummies and other good books posted this one one compuserve. It is donut shaped with a curved title bar and you can see and click on other programs through the hole! Create a new project and save the main unit so its name is RGNU.PAS. Paste in the following:
unit rgnu; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Buttons, Menus; type TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } rTitleBar : THandle; Center : TPoint; CapY : Integer; Circum : Double; SB1 : TSpeedButton; RL, RR : Double; procedure TitleBar(Act : Boolean); procedure WMNCHITTEST(var Msg: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST; procedure WMNCACTIVATE(var Msg: TWMNCACTIVATE); message WM_NCACTIVATE; procedure WMSetText(var Msg: TWMSetText); message WM_SETTEXT; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} CONST TitlColors : ARRAY[Boolean] OF TColor = (clInactiveCaption, clActiveCaption); TxtColors : ARRAY[Boolean] OF TColor = (clInactiveCaptionText, clCaptionText); procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); VAR rTemp, rTemp2 : THandle; Vertices : ARRAY[0..2] OF TPoint; X, Y : INteger; begin Caption := 'OOOH! Doughnuts!'; BorderStyle := bsNone; {required} IF Width > Height THEN Width := Height ELSE Height := Width; {harder to calc if width <> height} Center := Point(Width DIV 2, Height DIV 2); CapY := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)+8; rTemp := CreateEllipticRgn(0, 0, Width, Height); rTemp2 := CreateEllipticRgn((Width DIV 4), (Height DIV 4), 3*(Width DIV 4), 3*(Height DIV 4)); CombineRgn(rTemp, rTemp, rTemp2, RGN_DIFF); SetWindowRgn(Handle, rTemp, True); DeleteObject(rTemp2); rTitleBar := CreateEllipticRgn(4, 4, Width-4, Height-4); rTemp := CreateEllipticRgn(CapY, CapY, Width-CapY, Height-CapY); CombineRgn(rTitleBar, rTitleBar, rTemp, RGN_DIFF); Vertices[0] := Point(0,0); Vertices[1] := Point(Width, 0); Vertices[2] := Point(Width DIV 2, Height DIV 2); rTemp := CreatePolygonRgn(Vertices, 3, ALTERNATE); CombineRgn(rTitleBar, rTitleBar, rTemp, RGN_AND); DeleteObject(rTemp); RL := ArcTan(Width / Height); RR := -RL + (22 / Center.X); X := Center.X-Round((Center.X-1-(CapY DIV 2))*Sin(RR)); Y := Center.Y-Round((Center.Y-1-(CapY DIV 2))*Cos(RR)); SB1 := TSpeedButton.Create(Self); WITH SB1 DO BEGIN Parent := Self; Left := X; Top := Y; Width := 14; Height := 14; OnClick := Button1Click; Caption := 'X'; Font.Style := [fsBold]; END; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; End; procedure TForm1.WMNCHITTEST(var Msg: TWMNCHitTest); begin Inherited; WITH Msg DO WITH ScreenToClient(Point(XPos,YPos)) DO IF PtInRegion(rTitleBar, X, Y) AND (NOT PtInRect(SB1.BoundsRect, Point(X,Y))) THEN Result := htCaption; end; procedure TForm1.WMNCActivate(var Msg: TWMncActivate); begin Inherited; TitleBar(Msg.Active); end; procedure TForm1.WMSetText(var Msg: TWMSetText); begin Inherited; TitleBar(Active); end; procedure TForm1.TitleBar(Act: Boolean); VAR TF : TLogFont; R : Double; N, X, Y : Integer; begin IF Center.X = 0 THEN Exit; WITH Canvas DO begin Brush.Style := bsSolid; Brush.Color := TitlColors[Act]; PaintRgn(Handle, rTitleBar); R := RL; Brush.Color := TitlColors[Act]; Font.Name := 'Arial'; Font.Size := 12; Font.Color := TxtColors[Act]; Font.Style := [fsBold]; GetObject(Font.Handle, SizeOf(TLogFont), @TF); FOR N := 1 TO Length(Caption) DO BEGIN X := Center.X-Round((Center.X-6)*Sin(R)); Y := Center.Y-Round((Center.Y-6)*Cos(R)); TF.lfEscapement := Round(R * 1800 / pi); Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(TF); TextOut(X, Y, Caption[N]); R := R - (((TextWidth(Caption[N]))+2) / Center.X); IF R < RR THEN Break; END; Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif'; Font.Size := 8; Font.Color := clWindowText; Font.Style := []; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin WITH Canvas DO BEGIN Pen.Color := clBlack; Brush.Style := bsClear; Pen.Width := 1; Pen.Color := clWhite; Arc(1, 1, Width-1, Height-1, Width, 0, 0, Height); Arc((Width DIV 4)-1, (Height DIV 4)-1, 3*(Width DIV 4)+1, 3*(Height DIV 4)+1, 0, Height, Width, 0); Pen.Color := clBlack; Arc(1, 1, Width-1, Height-1, 0, Height, Width, 0); Arc((Width DIV 4)-1, (Height DIV 4)-1, 3*(Width DIV 4)+1, 3*(Height DIV 4)+1, Width, 0, 0, Height); TitleBar(Active); END; end; end.
For ScreenSaver documentation, see Lucian Wischik's Page at... or
For sample sources, download Meik Weber's Saver from... Hope this helps. Shuji