From: (Greg Carter)
Actually you don't even need to use any component. I pass in nil all the time:
FSession := TSession.Create(nil); FDatabase := TDatabase.Create(nil); FSession.SessionName := 'DBSession' FDatabase.Connected := False; FDatabase.AliasName := Database; FDatabase.DatabaseName := USER_DATABASE; FDatabase.SessionName := FSession.SessionName; FUserTBL := TTable.Create(nil); FUserTBL.DatabaseName := FDatabase.DatabaseName; FUserTBL.SessionName := FSession.SessionName; FUserTBL.TableName := USERTBL; FUserTBL.IndexName := USERSpIndex; FUserSource := TDataSource.Create(nil); FUserSource.DataSet := FUserTBL;
From: William Fisher <>
This is some code I had laying around: It worked when I last used it in a larger app. I don't see anything special I set up in that little app that I neeeded to do differently. o try something like this. I did this some time ago, I think I decended to add events, but I don't recall...
unit Unit2; interface uses db, DBTables, dialogs; type fake = class(Ttable) procedure fakeFilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet; var Accept: Boolean); end; var MyTable : fake; implementation procedure fake.fakeFilterRecord(DataSet: TDataSet; var Accept: Boolean); begin showmessage('hi Bill'); end; Initialization MyTable := fake.create(nil); With Mytable do begin DataBaseName := 'dbdemos'; TableName := 'biolife'; OnFilterRecord := MyTable.fakeFilterRecord; Filtered := true; active := true; end; {just prove I got some data...} showmessage(MyTable.fields[1].asstring); Finalization {important! MyTable has no parent - this will leak memory if you don't free it...}; end.
From: (Bill Root)
Thanks for the ideas, posted here and via email. I think I found a better solution.
Apparently the BDE keeps a structure version number, at least for Paradox files. (I don't know about dBase or others.) Whenever you change the structure (in Database Desktop, for instance) the BDE increments the version number. The following unit provides a function that returns the structure database version:
(***************************************************************************** * DbUtils.pas * * Database Utilities * * 09/20/96 WTR - created *****************************************************************************) unit Dbutils; (****************************************************************************) (****************************************************************************) interface (****************************************************************************) (****************************************************************************) uses DbTables; function DbGetVersion(table: TTable): LongInt; (****************************************************************************) (****************************************************************************) implementation (****************************************************************************) (****************************************************************************) uses Db, DbiProcs, DbiTypes, {DbiErrs,} SysUtils; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------} (* * Purpose: determine the version number of the specified table * Parameters: table (I) - table of interest * Returns: version number * Exceptions: EDatabaseError *) function DbGetVersion(table: TTable): LongInt; var hCursor : hDBICur; tableDesc: TBLFullDesc; cName : array[0..255] of Char; begin { make c-string copy table name } StrPCopy(cName, table.TableName); { ask BDE to create info record for specified table } Check(DbiOpenTableList(table.DBHandle, True, False, cName, hCursor)); { get info record into structure } Check(DbiGetNextRecord(hCursor, dbiNOLOCK, @tableDesc, nil)); { get version field from extended portion } Result := tableDesc.tblExt.iRestrVersion; Check(DbiCloseCursor(hCursor)); end; end.
From: Alain Toutant <
Dirk Couck wrote: > How can I lookup a value in a table or query while the user is typing in . The cursor (and display) should be closer to the exact value as the user puts in more characters. >
I did something like this in delphi 1. It might not be the best solution but it works.
I Keep a TTable open for the value to be searched for. The index must, of course, be on the field that's used in the edit box. In the editbox's change event I use the editbox's value in a FindNearest call on the TTable. Whatever I get as a result is placed back in the editbox's text.
This is only the general way of it. In fact I enable a 1/3 second timer in the change event and do the search (and disable the timer) in the timer's timer event. This allows the user to type rapidely without having to do the search for every character typed.
You may also want to do some special processing for the backspace key or force the selection to the added part of the string.
From: "Paul Motyer" <>
Instead of returning the results to the edit box (which would overwrite the end-user's entry) display the results in something else - eg a listbox. You could display several near matches this way eg:
procedure Edit1OnChange( ...); var i:integer; begin if not updating then exit; {set updating elsewhere - eg a timer} updating:= false; Table1.FindNearest([Edit1.text]); ListBox1.clear; i:= 0; while (i < 5) and (not (table1.eof)) do begin listbox.items.add(Table1.fields[0].asString); inc(i);; end; listbox1.itemindex:= 0; end;
From: "David S. Becker" <>
Here is an example of a routine that I use for copying and deleting tables. It uses DB, DBTables, DbiProcs,DbiErrs, and DbiTypes. You simply provide the directory to copy from, the source table name, the directory to copy to, and the destination table name, and the BDE will copy the entire table, indexes and all to the new file. The delete function takes the path to delete from and the name of the table to delete, the BDE takes care of deleting all associated files (indexes, etc.). These procedures have been pulled off a form of mine, and I've edited them to remove some dependencies that existed with that form. They should now be completely stand-alone. (If they compile, that is! :) Use in good health, and enjoy!
procedure TConvertForm.CopyTable(FromDir, SrcTblName, ToDir, DestTblName: String); var DBHandle: HDBIDB; ResultCode: DBIResult; Src, Dest, Err: Array[0..255] of Char; SrcTbl, DestTbl: TTable; begin SrcTbl := TTable.Create(Application); DestTbl := TTable.Create(Application); try SrcTbl.DatabaseName := FromDir; SrcTbl.TableName := SrcTblName; SrcTbl.Open; DBHandle := SrcTbl.DBHandle; SrcTbl.Close; ResultCode := DbiCopyTable(DBHandle,false, StrPCopy(Src,FromDir + '\' + SrcTblName),nil, StrPCopy(Dest,ToDir + '\' + DestTblName)); if (ResultCode <> DBIERR_NONE) then begin DbiGetErrorString(ResultCode,Err); raise EDatabaseError.Create('While copying ' + FromDir + '\' + SrcTblName + ' to ' + ToDir + '\' + DestTblName + ', the ' + ' database engine generated the error ''' + StrPas(Err) + ''''); end; finally SrcTbl.Free; DestTbl.Free; end; end; procedure TConvertForm.DeleteTable(Dir, TblName: String); var DBHandle: HDBIDB; ResultCode: DBIResult; tbl, Err: Array[0..255] of Char; SrcTbl, DestTbl: TTable; SrcTbl := TTable.Create(Application); try SrcTbl.DatabaseName := Dir; SrcTbl.TableName := TblName; SrcTbl.Open; DBHandle := SrcTbl.DBHandle; SrcTbl.Close; ResultCode := DbiDeleteTable(DBHandle, StrPCopy(Tbl,Dir + '\' + TblName),nil); if (ResultCode <> DBIERR_NONE) then begin DbiGetErrorString(ResultCode,Err); raise EDatabaseError.Create('While deleting ' + Dir + '\' + TblName + ', the database ' + 'engine generated the error ''' + StrPas(Err) + ''''); end; finally SrcTbl.Free; end; end;
From: (Jay Schwisow)
In article <a67cc$>, From (Sigurdur Reynisson), the following was written: > I just installed Delphi 2.0 and it went just fine, no comment's or remarks came from the installation process. > > I'm going through the "getting started" guide for Delphi 2.0. On page 42, "Adding a display grid" for the DBGrid, having set the DataSource to GDSDataModule.CustomerSource, I get no data in the DBGrid. At the bottom of page 42 it simply states "Immediately, the data is displayed in the DBGrid." but that never happens. > Also when I run the application I get no data on any form/datasource in it. > > In the "Database Explorer" from the Delphi menu, I get all the tables and their data with no problem.
The table needs to be open. Change the Active property of the Ttable to True.
From: (Matthew)
I have had a play with PeekMessage(). The function works, but the catch is as follows.
I am scrolling a linked table. The "seek" in the link slows the scolling down. So I only want to "seek" and locate the record pointer in the other table when the user has STOPPED scrolling. While the user is scolling, I don't want seeks. So I thought, if there are Messages pending, with PeekMessage(), then don't seek, else do. Sounds simple, but the trick is this.
I set the seek filter to WM_MOUSEFIRST/LAST. The user presses the mouse down continuously on the scroll bar of a DBGrid. This results in PeekMessage() returning false, which is not what we want. Only continous and very fast Mouse up/mouse down/mouse up/mouse down action would return true.
If I use 0 and 0 in the filter to catch ANY message, the result always returns true. The reason, I think, is that any mouse click in my display has some consequence, i.e. a PAINT message, so the PeekMessage returns true at all times, so does not help.
What would be great would be if there was a OnMouseUp() handler which works when the user releases the mouse on the DBGrid scroll bar. Sadly, OnMouseUp() works only inside the DBGrid, not on its scrolls bars. OnMouseUp() with TForm's KeyPreview:=true does not respond at all, I have found.
One more thing I tested was polling with GetKeyState() for the Mouse buttons. I thought while the mouse is DOWN do not update the "seek", otherwise do. Unfortunately, by the time the mouse is UP, the scrolling has finished. This is the way the Windows scroll bars seem to work. So the seek never happens and the table record pointer is not updated.
These issues all concern the scroll bars, everything else can be handled with OnKeyUp() and OnMouseUp() elsewhere.
From: "Andrew Michael Gibson" <>
The Oncalc event is called VERY often, and can be unnecessary and time consuming
lets say you have a calculated field, and that need calclating according to some field that the user edits (i.e)
MyCalcField.AsInteger := Table1Field1.AsInteger + 10;
Now, should you decide to go and sequentially go through every record in the table, that is a lot of on calc events occuring! They are also possibly unnecessary if you are not doing processing involving the MyCalcField.
I would suggest turning this event off before processing, and the turning it back on after processing i.e. :
Procedure TForm1.BigProcessingFunction; begin Table1.OnCalcFields := nil; <Do massive processing here!> Table1.OnCalcFields := Table1OnCalcFields; end;
of course the fields are not calculated during the processing time, which can be a bummer, but if you need the result of a specific field, you can calculate that during the massive processing!
This method of avoiding unnecessary code can be used all over the place and make a significant difference to the speed of an App.
From: "Jim O'Flaherty" <>
This 'problem' may come from the fact that the BDE must query the DB to get table information before working with the table the first time. Once it has the information, it is able to cache it and will work quickly throughout the remainder of the session (while TDatabase.Connection remains True). To use the cached information between runs, goto the BDE config program to the particular alias you are using to connect through and set BDE CACHE = TRUE and BDE CACHE DIR = 'C:\temp' or wherever you want the files to be stored.NOTE: Be aware that if you change your table definition, you will need to delete the file in this Cache dir that represents it. You can find the filename in the SCache.INI file located in the same directory by viewing it in your favorite text editor.
uses DB, DBTables, StdCtrls; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var tSource, TDest: TTable; begin TSource := TTable.create(self); with TSource do begin DatabaseName := 'dbdemos'; TableName := 'customer.db'; open; end; TDest := TTable.create(self); with TDest do begin DatabaseName := 'dbdemos'; TableName := 'MyNewTbl.db'; FieldDefs.Assign(TSource.FieldDefs); IndexDefs.Assign(TSource.IndexDefs); CreateTable; end; TSource.close; end;
Here's a quickie DB search utility. It does its work by finding a string inside the field (it converts everything to an uppercase string, even floats). This may be the slowest way to search, but it seems to work faster than the other solutions I've found on the Net. And it'll hit just about anything. For ex. say you have float field that has the number 4.509375354, and you search for 7, you'll hit it. Also, It'll search on more than one field at a time - handy if you have two address fields. I'm posting this little unit because when I first started in Delphi, one of my biggest troubles was finding a search utility and I didn't know enough to write my own (fear struck deep into my bones). So I hope this will help those of you who need it like I did. It's fairly easy to understand, but if you need to know exactly how to use it, just e-mail me personally and I'll be glad to help. Look at the case statement to find out which field types are supported (easy to add more). If anyone finds a bug or adds some functionality to this code, please send it to me, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
unit Finder; interface uses DB, DBTables, SysUtils; function GrabMemoFieldAsPChar(TheField : TMemoField): PChar; function DoFindIn(TheField : TField; SFor : String): Boolean; function FindIt(TheTable : TDataSet; TheFields : array of integer; SearchBackward : Boolean; FromBeginning : Boolean; SFor : String): Boolean; {ex. of FindIt - if FindIt(NotesSearchT, [NotesSearchT.FieldByName('Leadman').Index], False, True, SearchText.Text) then DoSomething; } implementation function GrabMemoFieldAsPChar(TheField : TMemoField): PChar; begin with TBlobStream.Create(TheField, bmRead) do begin GetMem(Result, Size + 1); FillChar(Result^, Size + 1, #0); Read(Result^, Size); Free; end; end; function DoFindIn(TheField : TField; SFor : String): Boolean; var PChForMemo : PChar; begin Result := False; case TheField.DataType of ftString : begin if (Pos(SFor, UpperCase(TheField.AsString)) > 0) then Result := True; end; ftInteger : begin if (Pos(SFor, TheField.AsString) > 0) then Result := True; end; ftBoolean : begin if SFor = UpperCase(TheField.AsString) then Result := True; end; ftFloat : begin if (Pos(SFor, TheField.AsString) > 0) then Result := True; end; ftCurrency : begin if (Pos(SFor, TheField.AsString) > 0) then Result := True; end; ftDate .. ftDateTime : begin if (Pos(SFor, TheField.AsString) > 0) then Result := True; end; ftMemo : begin SFor[Ord(SFor[0]) + 1] := #0; PChForMemo := GrabMemoFieldAsPChar(TMemoField(TheField)); StrUpper(PChForMemo); if not (StrPos( PChForMemo, @SFor[1] ) = nil) then Result := True; FreeMem(PChForMemo, StrLen(PChForMemo + 1)); end; end; end; function FindIt(TheTable : TDataSet; TheFields : array of integer; SearchBackward : Boolean; FromBeginning : Boolean; SFor : String): Boolean; var i, HighTheFields, LowTheFields : integer; BM : TBookmark; begin TheTable.DisableControls; BM := TheTable.GetBookmark; try LowTheFields := Low(TheFields); HighTheFields := High(TheFields); SFor := UpperCase(SFor); Result := False; if FromBeginning then TheTable.First; if SearchBackward then begin TheTable.Prior; while not TheTable.BOF do begin for i := LowTheFields to HighTheFields do begin if DoFindIn(TheTable.Fields[TheFields[i]], SFor) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; if Result then Break else TheTable.Prior; end; end else begin TheTable.Next; while not TheTable.EOF do begin for i := LowTheFields to HighTheFields do begin if DoFindIn(TheTable.Fields[TheFields[i]], SFor) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; if Result then Break else TheTable.Next; end; end; finally TheTable.EnableControls; if not Result then TheTable.GotoBookmark(BM); TheTable.FreeBookmark(BM); end; end; end.
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