Adding Text to a Table
Now lets add some accompanying text.
- right click your mouse on the canvas and select Insert Text.
- Import the file ..beam\tutor\objects\broom_and_pan.txt (as outlined in theText lesson)
- now format the text so as it is white and in font Arial
(you only need to select the font once, you can perform multiple formatting on one selection)
- now link the words "feedback page" so that they link to the feedback page.
- use the width window below the text to specify a text box width of 400 (pixels) and enter a height of 70 (pixels)
- press OK
- drag and drop the text into the top right hand cell.
(allow the cell to resize if it is necessary)
- now insert and format the text ..beam\tutor\objects\hand_wash.txt the same way.
- drag and drop this text into the bottom right hand cell.
(allow the cell to resize if it is necessary)