Image of logo.gif

1.0 Getting Started
2.0 Backgrounds
3.0 Objects
3.1 Images
3.2 Text
3.3 Stamps
4.0 How does it look?
5.0 Creating Links
6.0 Copying and Pasting
7.0 Using Tables
8.0 Using Forms
9.0 Plugins
10.0 Publish It!
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You add text to your web page as you would any other object. Select the text button from the floating toolbar or simply right click your mouse on the canvas and use the shortcut menu. Text can be manipulated to look just about any way you want it: bigger or smaller, or differing in font (like Arial, or Courier). You can even import text from other text documents.

We're going to add text to the example site. Luckily it has already been written for you! All you have to do is import it, format it and place it on the canvas.

  • select text from the floating toolbar
    (now your presented with the text window, you can type anything you like into this window and use the buttons down the left hand side to format the text to your preference.)
    Import Text

    You can import text into Splash! by using the import text function. Only ASCII text files can be imported however. This doesn't mean you can't use files written in other word processors it simply means you need to use the word processor's 'save as' function and save your document as an ASCII document with a .TXT extension.

    • select the import text button from within the text window.
      (hint: if you're having trouble finding buttons you simply need to place your mouse over the button for a few seconds and its name will appear.)
    • use the navigation window to open the ..beam\tutor\objects\bakers_front_page.txt
      (a window will be displayed revealing the contents of the .txt file. If it's the correct file press OK, if not press Cancel and try again. It's the correct file so press OK)
    • select all of the text by holding down the shift button and moving the mouse cursor from the start to the finish of the text.
    • right click on the selected text - a formatting shortcut window appears.
    • select color from the list and choose the white color located in the bottom right of the color palette.
    • right click on the selected text again and this time choose a about Arial if it's available or maybe Sans Serif.
      (Hint: the text styles available are dependent on your system not on Splash! Arial and Sans Serif are standard and should be available.)
    • click OK
    • place the text box directly below the images and align it to the left of the screen
    • now re-size the text box so that it is as wide as the right most letter in the menu bar image you placed earlier.
      (To do this select the text object. Notice the square box in the corner of the selection. By holding the mouse down whilst above this box you'll be able to resize almost any object, even images.)
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