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1.0 Getting Started
2.0 Backgrounds
3.0 Objects
4.0 How does it look?
5.0 Creating Links
6.0 Copying and Pasting
7.0 Using Tables
7.1 Creating a Table
7.2 Adding Objects to a Table
7.3 Adding Text to a Table
7.4 Editing Table Preferences
8.0 Using Forms
9.0 Plugins
10.0 Publish It!
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Creating a Table

  • navigate your way to the New Products page
    (Use the arrow keys in the top right hand corner of the screen or by pressing g and selecting it from the list.)
  • right click your mouse on the canvas and select insert table from the Edit shortcut menu.
    (Your mouse cursor will now resemble a two pointed arrow (the drag icon). Create a small rectangle with the arrow by dragging the mouse across the canvas with the left mouse button held down. It doesn't matter how big it is at this stage.)