About wfc.html

About wfc.html

The wfc.html package provides access to the Dynamic HTML object model from Java classes. This includes both client and server applications.


Class DhAlignEnum
Defines alignment constants.
Class DhAppletFactory
Creates an Applet object and adds it to the document.
Class DhBaseContainer
Represents the base class for all container elements.
Class DhBorderEnum
Defines constant definitions for border styles.
Class DhBorderInfo
Provides structured information about an element's border styles.
Class DhBreak
Represents an HTML line break (<BR>) element.
Class DhBrowser
Enables access to Internet Explorer browser functionality.
Class DhBulletedList
Represents the ordered and unordered list items in HTML.
Class DhButton
Implements a push button class.
Class DhButtonBase
Represents the base class for all buttons.
Class DhCantAddElementException
Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
Class DhCantModifyElementException
Signals that an attempt has been made to modify a read-only element, such as one that has been sent from a server to a client.
Class DhCell
Creates a table cell.
Class DhCheckBox
Represents an HTML-intrinsic check box with a text label.
Class DhComboBox
Represents a drop-down combo box control.
Class DhCursorEnum
Defines constants for controlling an element's cursor style.
Class DhDataSource
Represents a generic wrapper class for data sources.
Class DhDialogInfo
Represents an information class for dialog boxes.
Class DhDocument
Represents an HTML document.
Class DhDragDrop
Topic under construction.
Class DhEdit
Represents all edit box functions in an HTML document.
Class DhElement
Represents the super class for all user interface (UI) elements in this package.
Class DhElementExistsInDocumentException
Signals that a given element has already been added to the document.
Class DhElementNotFoundException
Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
Class DhEnumeration
Represents a collection of elements in the HTML document.
Class DhEvent
Carries event information from source to sink.
Class DhEventHandler
Represents an event callback object.
Class DhFilter
Derives photographic filters and transition effects from this superclass.
Class DhHorizontalRule
Represents an HTML horizontal rule (<HR>) element, which creates a horizontal divider bar on the page.
Class DhHotSpot
Represents a hotspot in an image map.
Class DhHTMLGenerator
Represents a base class for HTML generation.
Class DhHyperlink
Creates a jump in the document to another place in the current document or to a different document.
Class DhImage
Displays a bitmap file in the document.
Class DhImageMap
Represents an image map.
Class DhInlineFrame
Represents an inline frame (<IFRAME>) element.
Class DhInsertEnum
Provides constants for inserting DhElement items into container items.
Class DhInvalidEnumValueException
Signals that an attempt has been made to access a value within an enumeration that doesn't have a constant for that value.
Class DhJumpPoint
Represents an jump point within a document (that is, a <A NAME=...> reference).
Class DhListBox
Represents a list box control.
Class DhListTypeEnum
Provides constants and support for list types in a DhList control.
Class DhMarginEnum
Provides constant definitions for margin style manipulation.
Class DhMarginWidthInfo
Provides information about an element's current margin settings.
Class DhModule
Represents the class from which you should derive to use the wfc.html package.
Class DhNotSupportedException
Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
Class DhObjectDataSource
Provides encapsulation of data source objects in <OBJECT> tags.
Class DhObjectFactory
Creates an object and adds it to the document.
Class DhODBCTable
Represents an HTML table that can be populated with data from any ODBC data source.
Class DhPaddingEnum
Provides constant definitions for padding style manipulation.
Class DhPaddingWidthInfo
Provides information about an element's padding width settings.
Class DhPanel
Represents a container for elements that uses tradition graphical user interface two-dimensional positioning for layout.
Class DhPropertyBag
Retrieves values in the <PARAM> attributes of the module's HTML tags.
Class DhRadioButton
Represents the radio button HTML-intrinsic control with a text label.
Class DhRawHTML
Allows output of arbitrary raw HTML to the document.
Class DhRemoteDataSource
Encapsulates the Microsoft Remote Data Service (formerly ADC) control, which allows access to database information across an HTTP connection.
Class DhResetButton
Represents a reset button for an HTML form.
Class DhRow
Creates a table row.
Class DhSection
Represents an element container that uses traditional HTML one-dimensional flow layout.
Class DhStyle
Topic under construction.
Class DhStyleBase
Provides the superclass for classes that support styles, such as DhStyle objects and DhElement.
Class DhSubmitButton
Represents a submit button for an HTML form.
Class DhTable
Creates a table element that can be populated with rows and columns.
Class DhTabularDataSource
Encapsulates the Microsoft Tabular Data Control (TDC).
Class DhText
Represents static text in an HTML document.
Class DhTriState
Topic under construction.
Class DhTriStateImage
Topic under construction.
Class DhTriStateLink
Topic under construction.
Class DhUnexpectedStateException
Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
Class DhUnitEnum
Provides constants for various unit types in DHTML.
Class DhUnknownHTMLException
Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
Class DhWindow
Represents an HTML window object.
Class DhWindowInfo
Sets the features for a new browser window.
Class LinkTargetEnum
Provides constants for setting the document's target window.


Interface DhColors
Defines the HTML color constants.
Interface DhIFilterableObject
Represents an interface for objects with filters.
Interface IUploadNotify
Retrieves an element for the output stream.