About wfc.html
About wfc.html
The wfc.html package provides access to the Dynamic HTML object model from Java classes. This includes both client and server applications.
- Class DhAlignEnum
- Defines alignment constants.
- Class DhAppletFactory
- Creates an Applet object and adds it to the document.
- Class DhBaseContainer
- Represents the base class for all container elements.
- Class DhBorderEnum
- Defines constant definitions for border styles.
- Class DhBorderInfo
- Provides structured information about an element's border styles.
- Class DhBreak
- Represents an HTML line break (<BR>) element.
- Class DhBrowser
- Enables access to Internet Explorer browser functionality.
- Class DhBulletedList
- Represents the ordered and unordered list items in HTML.
- Class DhButton
- Implements a push button class.
- Class DhButtonBase
- Represents the base class for all buttons.
- Class DhCantAddElementException
- Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
- Class DhCantModifyElementException
- Signals that an attempt has been made to modify a read-only element, such as one that has been sent from a server to a client.
- Class DhCell
- Creates a table cell.
- Class DhCheckBox
- Represents an HTML-intrinsic check box with a text label.
- Class DhComboBox
- Represents a drop-down combo box control.
- Class DhCursorEnum
- Defines constants for controlling an element's cursor style.
- Class DhDataSource
- Represents a generic wrapper class for data sources.
- Class DhDialogInfo
- Represents an information class for dialog boxes.
- Class DhDocument
- Represents an HTML document.
- Class DhDragDrop
- Topic under construction.
- Class DhEdit
- Represents all edit box functions in an HTML document.
- Class DhElement
- Represents the super class for all user interface (UI) elements in this package.
- Class DhElementExistsInDocumentException
- Signals that a given element has already been added to the document.
- Class DhElementNotFoundException
- Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
- Class DhEnumeration
- Represents a collection of elements in the HTML document.
- Class DhEvent
- Carries event information from source to sink.
- Class DhEventHandler
- Represents an event callback object.
- Class DhFilter
- Derives photographic filters and transition effects from this superclass.
- Class DhHorizontalRule
- Represents an HTML horizontal rule (<HR>) element, which creates a horizontal divider bar on the page.
- Class DhHotSpot
- Represents a hotspot in an image map.
- Class DhHTMLGenerator
- Represents a base class for HTML generation.
- Class DhHyperlink
- Creates a jump in the document to another place in the current document or to a different document.
- Class DhImage
- Displays a bitmap file in the document.
- Class DhImageMap
- Represents an image map.
- Class DhInlineFrame
- Represents an inline frame (<IFRAME>) element.
- Class DhInsertEnum
- Provides constants for inserting DhElement items into container items.
- Class DhInvalidEnumValueException
- Signals that an attempt has been made to access a value within an enumeration that doesn't have a constant for that value.
- Class DhJumpPoint
- Represents an jump point within a document (that is, a <A NAME=...> reference).
- Class DhListBox
- Represents a list box control.
- Class DhListTypeEnum
- Provides constants and support for list types in a DhList control.
- Class DhMarginEnum
- Provides constant definitions for margin style manipulation.
- Class DhMarginWidthInfo
- Provides information about an element's current margin settings.
- Class DhModule
- Represents the class from which you should derive to use the wfc.html package.
- Class DhNotSupportedException
- Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
- Class DhObjectDataSource
- Provides encapsulation of data source objects in <OBJECT> tags.
- Class DhObjectFactory
- Creates an object and adds it to the document.
- Class DhODBCTable
- Represents an HTML table that can be populated with data from any ODBC data source.
- Class DhPaddingEnum
- Provides constant definitions for padding style manipulation.
- Class DhPaddingWidthInfo
- Provides information about an element's padding width settings.
- Class DhPanel
- Represents a container for elements that uses tradition graphical user interface two-dimensional positioning for layout.
- Class DhPropertyBag
- Retrieves values in the <PARAM> attributes of the module's HTML tags.
- Class DhRadioButton
- Represents the radio button HTML-intrinsic control with a text label.
- Class DhRawHTML
- Allows output of arbitrary raw HTML to the document.
- Class DhRemoteDataSource
- Encapsulates the Microsoft Remote Data Service (formerly ADC) control, which allows access to database information across an HTTP connection.
- Class DhResetButton
- Represents a reset button for an HTML form.
- Class DhRow
- Creates a table row.
- Class DhSection
- Represents an element container that uses traditional HTML one-dimensional flow layout.
- Class DhStyle
- Topic under construction.
- Class DhStyleBase
- Provides the superclass for classes that support styles, such as DhStyle objects and DhElement.
- Class DhSubmitButton
- Represents a submit button for an HTML form.
- Class DhTable
- Creates a table element that can be populated with rows and columns.
- Class DhTabularDataSource
- Encapsulates the Microsoft Tabular Data Control (TDC).
- Class DhText
- Represents static text in an HTML document.
- Class DhTriState
- Topic under construction.
- Class DhTriStateImage
- Topic under construction.
- Class DhTriStateLink
- Topic under construction.
- Class DhUnexpectedStateException
- Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
- Class DhUnitEnum
- Provides constants for various unit types in DHTML.
- Class DhUnknownHTMLException
- Signals that a request for a named element failed, because an element with that name does not exist.
- Class DhWindow
- Represents an HTML window object.
- Class DhWindowInfo
- Sets the features for a new browser window.
- Class LinkTargetEnum
- Provides constants for setting the document's target window.
- Interface DhColors
- Defines the HTML color constants.
- Interface DhIFilterableObject
- Represents an interface for objects with filters.
- Interface IUploadNotify
- Retrieves an element for the output stream.